God I hope it is true.

I walked closer to the ocean facing it as I slowly took off my bra and threw it farther from the water.

I got in the water then took my underwear off throwing it where my bra was.

I went deeper into the ocean. It was deep enough to cover everything but I still could keep my balance and stand.

The water was making my tits float up. (😈)

I then heard a splash and felt someone behind me.

He slowly snaked his arms around my waist pulling me close to him.

I could feel his dick against my ass but I was quickly distracted as he started kissing my neck then started giving me hickeys.

I bit my lip trying to hold in my moans as I felt his fingers travel from my stomach to my clit.

He was rubbing my shit in circular motions, this man is making me want to have another kid (JKK).

He was still behind me so I snaked my arm around his neck then turned around so I can face him.

My lips were instantly on his. Not gonna lie he is a extremely good kisser (not better than Tom tho)

His tongue was desperately searching for mines so I let him find it.

He then picked me up as he had one of his hand on my ass, I wrapped my legs around his stomach still making out with him until he shoved his dick into me.

Aurora: Fuck!

I moaned loud surprised my his action.

He immediately started going fast. I tilt my head back non stop moaning I couldn't even talk. He started kissing and sucking on my boobs.

We were both about to finish until I heard a voice yell.

Tom: Aurora what the fuck!

Tristan let me down and went in front of me to hide my body.

I then took a better look to find bill, kayana, georg, gustav, tom, and the kids outside looking at us in complete horror.

Aurora: God just kill me now.
I whispered to myself.

Tom came stomping over to us taking off his extra large baggy shirt and giving it to me so I can put it on which I quickly did.

I then grabbed Tristan's clothes and gave it to him.

Tom: Come on Aurora we are leaving right now!

Aurora: Tom just all of you guys go back inside I'm not ready to go back inside yet.

Tom: Yes you definitely are.

He said grabbing my wrist trying to pull me to the house but I stood my ground.

Aurora: No I'm not Tom.

I tried getting out of his grasp.

Then a fully clothed Tristan came to us standing by my side.

Tristan: She said she is not ready to leave dude.

Tom: You stay out of this!

He angrily shouted pointing at Tristan.

Aurora: Stop it tom your making a scene!

Tristan: Let go of her before I make you.

Aurora: Both of you guys stop fighting now!

Tom scoffed then spoke.

Tom: I would like to see you try.

Tristan then got all in his face they were almost the same height but tom was a little bit taller.

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