Chapter 1

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Let's see what y'all got yourselves into with this one, shall we?

Main Ships: Jegulus, Wolfstar, Rosekiller
set in 1890s, Victorian Era (explanations to historical references at the end of each chapter
French Regulus & Sirius
Fluff, romance, humour, jealousy, flirting
arranged marriage.

Enjoy <3<3<3<3


"This will be our oath and our act of possession" Teleny, 110

Sirius rarely visits his parents. He stays out of their manor as much as possible. It is a big house on vast planes of land, with enough space to keep out of his parents' way. Yet, he prefers to put as much space as possible between them. He'd put a whole ocean between them if the new country weren't filled with heaps of uncivilised people. So, he settles for England most of the time, although the English are only slightly more civilised than the Americans.

He only lowers himself to visit his parents at the behest of his sister. She has always been his priority. He would do anything for her, even sit through hours of his mother's biting remarks while getting drunk on expensive reds.

So, Sirius took the journey from Paris to Aquitaine at her request. Sirius likes Paris. He has a charming home near the vacation abode of the Potter family, English nobility whose son he calls his best friend and brother in mind. It just so happens that said friend, James Potter, was visiting his mother in Paris and subsequently visited Sirius.

But his sister gets what his sister wants, so Sirius arrives at the Black Manor.

The greeting between Sirius and his parents remains formal and brief.

The dinner, however, seems twice as long as required.

His mother is complaining about the servants, the state of France, the economic stagnation, Prussia and Bismarck. Then she tears down any fashion, music and literature trend she can think of and requests her third glass of wine.

"You're getting old," she says to the servant, "if your hands are too jittery and you spill wine on my dress, I'll have you beheaded. Oh, what am I saying? You are too irrelevant to get beheaded."

So are you. Sirius thinks and empties his own wine.

His mother then calls her husband old and fat, but not as fat as Sirius' sister. It seems a miracle that she found herself able to squeeze into her dress this evening. It makes her look like an unsuccessful courtesan. Not at all, actually, she looks too cheap for that. No, instead, she looks like a common harlot.

Sirius looks at his sister, who barely reacts to their mother's comments. She looks too thin, Sirius thinks, too thin and too sad and yet, too indifferent. He must hug her later.

After critiquing her daughter from her feet to her loosely curled hair, Madame Black finally turns to her son. He is a miserable excuse for a son, of course. He ruins the remains of the good reputation his family name has across the continent and his grandfather's home country, England. The rumours are atrocious, and the truths even worse.

In contrast to everything she said before, she is dead on with her assessment of Sirius.

While she gestures for another glass of wine, Sirius' father straightens up and clears his throat.

"Since you are here, Sirius, there is something we need to discuss with you."

With those words, his sister flinches and looks at him.

"You see, your dear sister is not getting any younger, and my health is declining. So, we have decided she has evaded her duty for long enough. It is time to find her a good husband."

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