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Jail was not what Alex thought it would be like. It was boring, and they kept trying to stop the team members from talking. And then it was torture.


Ross promised he would help her figure out what was up with her hearing while she paid her time. Alex hadn't realized that meant she would be his punching bag.

She tried to tell him no after they had figured out how to turn her super-hearing on and off. He wouldn't stop, no matter how many times Alex would have to bandage herself up at night in her cell.

What Ross was doing was all too much like HYDRA, which wasn't comforting in the least. It certainly didn't help the nightmares that had started to spawn back into Alex's head.

Alex's go-to for her nightmares had always been Wanda. They slept in the same bed, and Wanda had nightmares of her own, so they would comfort each other. But Wanda wasn't there, and Alex didn't know how to stop them.

"Wanda! Wanda!" Alex immediately started shouting, watching as Wanda was dragged to the room. Her head was down and Alex knew she was just passing through. They wouldn't keep her there.

Wanda looked up at the sound of her name being shouted. She struggled against the restraints a little bit, trying to make her way to Alex. Their fight didn't matter at that moment; they both looked like they had been tortured and hadn't slept, and all they needed to be better was one another.

A strangled sob left Wanda's lips as she was dragged out of the room through another set of doors. She didn't know what had caused the sudden emotion to come out of her. All she wanted to do was apologize and scream and cry as Alex did all the same.

Alex sighed, sitting back down as the doors slammed shut. The rest of the team watched her, with sympathy that she didn't want to fill their eyes. In their eyes, she was a kid who had been wrongfully hurt and thrown in jail, even if she was going on the brink of thirty.

Sam watched Alex carefully as she laid her head against the wall of her cell. They hadn't even given her a bed. "You really love her, don't you?"

"I bought a ring," Alex whispered, barely loud enough for the rest of the team to hear. "We haven't been dating long, but Sam, she's the one. She's the best thing I have right now."

"I think I can give you something better." A voice sounded through the room, causing all of the Avengers to perk their heads up. "Hey, guys."

Alex slowly rose from her seat, leaning in to see where the voice was coming from. A grin took over her face as she saw Steve step out of the darkness, bright light shining on the stubble of the beard he was growing. "Oh, shit."


Nothing in life ever went as planned. Alex told herself she would go to prison because that's what she deserved. She told herself she would stay there. She told herself a break from Wanda was better for their relationship.

But, as said before, nothing ever goes to plan.

"Cause' baby, I could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me." Wanda sang, walking back from the kitchen with a singular glass of champagne. She took a sip, humming to the tune of the song.

"And every day is like a battle. But every night with us is like a dream." Alex took a sip of her water, propping her feet up against the dining room table. "True that."

Wanda giggled, and the two of them sang the lyrics together. Tonight was a good night, even if Wanda had neglected Alex from having any alcohol. She said it wasn't good for her growing body.

A knocking at the door interrupted the two of them. Alex got up to answer it. "Vis!"

The robot smiled, giving his friend a careful hug. Alex had proposed to Wanda just over a month ago, and they were rushing to have a wedding. They didn't want to wait any longer to finally be married, and seeing as they were still criminals, it would just be the three of them and a priest.

"Lovely to see the both of you." Vision greeted, shutting the door. He placed a large gift bag on the floor of their apartment, smiling. "For the baby."

"We've still got time until the baby is here, Vis." Wanda reached down to move the bag to the side, letting Vision further into the room. The three of them sat down at the kitchen table. "We don't even know the gender."

"How long does pregnancy usually take?" Wanda had called Vision a week ago to tell him the good news since he was on his way to Edinburgh anyway, not giving him much time to realize how much the baby still had to grow.

Alex giggled, resting her head in her hands. Everything had been funny to her lately. "Nine months, Vis. I'm just breaking three months."

"Hmm." Vision hummed looking over Alex quietly. He had noticed a slight bump and could hear a second heartbeat if he focused hard enough. "Pregnancy seems both exciting and extremely uncomfortable."

Alex patted Vision on the back, standing up to grab her jacket. "You guys coming? I thought we'd get out into the town for a little bit."

The group of friends stood there together, just taking in the moment. This was all so exciting for them. A wedding in a few days, a baby boy or girl in six or so months... it was all so perfect.

This was Karma.


The first book in the Eras Series is finally complete. I'm so excited to write Infinity War and Endgame, I am seriously bouncing up and down in my seat.

As of the time this chapter is posted, the second book in this series should be up on my profile. I won't be wasting anymore of your time, so please go ahead and check out Mastermind - W. Maximoff.

Karma - W. MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now