Chapter Twenty

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"Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings." Tony flew toward Wanda and Clint in his Iron Man suit. Alex followed on the ground, her hands drawn out defensively even though she knew her powers weren't gonna give in.

Wanda scoffed. "You locked me in my room."

"Okay, first, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you." Wanda tilted her head at Tony, smirking as she came up with all the ways she could fight him. Even though she didn't blame Tony for the death of her parents anymore, she still held a bit of a grudge.

"Hey, Clint." Alex greeted.

"Hey, Al." Clint had his bow in his hand, an arrow at ready. "Do you really want to fight me?"

Alex shrugged and sighed. "Never said I did. Clearly, retirement doesn't suit you. Did you get tired of shooting golf?"

"Well, I play 18, shot 18. Just can't seem to miss."

Clint shot an arrow at Tony, which got destroyed almost instantly. Alex tilted her head. Something wasn't right.

Tony was confused at how Clint had missed his shot, but let his ego get the best of him. Maybe Tony was just too good to get shot by an arrow. "First time for everything?"

"Made you look."

Alex looked at Wanda, who met her eye. "Shit."

A familiar red glow was summoned around Wanda's hands, wrapping around objects in the airport in front of them. Cars flew toward Tony and Alex at a high speed, and Tony rushed to catch them.

Alex had to do something. She focused all of her concentration on the air. It was a reasonably cool day, but there was still heat in the air.

Alex felt a breeze whiz past her, and seconds later she could feel herself holding something in the air. Six cars, all being held up by a ring of fire.

Alex felt herself laughing as she lowered the cars down to the ground. She rushed toward Tony, who had been crushed under the weight of numerous cars he couldn't stop.

"Kid, what the hell was that?" Alex rolled her eyes at the name kid. She was going to be thirty in a couple of years, she certainly wasn't a kid anymore.

"Wanda was using her powers, she-"

Tony shook his head, standing up. "No, not Wanda. You have your powers back now?"

Alex shrugged. "No clue, but we should really get going."

Alex helped Tony to his feet, the two sprinting/flying to where Nat was fighting. Natasha got knocked to her feet by what looked like a fire truck, even though it instead created fire. Tony helped her to her feet.

"Is this part of the plan?"

"Our plan was to go easy on them. Do you think we should switch it up?" Alex asked, standing next to Tony. Natasha nodded and they took off running again, this time headed toward Steve and his team.

Steve's team had all met up with each other after what took like forever. They had found their ride in a plane in one of the hangers and were running for it. Vision was quick to put a stop to their plans as he drew a fine line in the ground.

"Captain Rogers, I know you believe what you're doing is right." Tony's side of the team all made it to the other side of the line. There was nothing that separated them now. "But for the collective good, you must surrender now."

Alex tilted her head, watching as Steve's team walked closer to them. "This is gonna end well."

Peter looked back at Tony, confused as Steve's team started to sprint toward them. "They're not stopping."

Alex sucked in a deep breath. She knew what this meant. One of the sides wasn't going to get a happy ending, and by the looks of it, it would be theirs. "Neither are we."

All at once, they clashed. Alex and Wanda were lined up with each other against all odds. Even if Alex had just gotten control of her powers back it was still evenly matched since they knew each other's weaknesses.

"What would Matthew think if he saw you here, fighting me?" Alex's breath hitched. What the hell, Wanda?

"That's a low blow." Alex skimmed the edge of Wanda's face with her fire. She didn't want to hurt her too much if possible. "If I said that to you I would be sleeping on the streets."

Alex went for a kick to Alex's face, but Wanda held her foot in midair. "You're pulling your punches."

Alex shrugged. "What can I say? I love you too much to hurt you."

Wanda didn't find Alex funny and used her magic to throw her to the side. Alex landed with a groan, looking for Wanda but unable to find her yet again. "Damn it."

"Okay, tiny dude is big now. He's big now." Alex looked up to see the Ant-Man holding Rhodey in one hand. She supposed that was meant to act as a diversion so the others could escape.

"Okay, anybody on our side hiding any fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose? I'm open to suggestions." Tony commented. No one in the group responded to him, too busy trying to take down Ant-Man.

"James and Steve are headed to the jet! Somebody needs to stop them." Alex yelled to them, catching Peter before he hit the ground, his web failing to attach to a building.

Peter looked up at Alex, his cheeks burning red. "Hi."

Alex raised an eyebrow, laughing slightly. "Get going Spider-Man, I'm not going to hold you all day."

Peter reluctantly got out of her arms, swinging up into the air. Vision made his way towards the hanger, his beam slicing through a connecting tower in hopes of stopping the two super soldiers.

Wanda caught the tower just before it hit the ground, holding it up a second longer. Rhodey shot a beam at her, distracting Wanda enough to let the tower drop. But, Steve and Bucky still managed to get through in the Nick of time.

"You're not gonna stop." Alex could hear Natasha talking through the coms. She knew what stopping the two of them meant to Natasha. "I'm gonna regret this. Go."

Alex could hear Steve and Bucky fighting. It was too late, they had gotten away. Alex couldn't tell if she was happy for them or not. She knew it was better if they stopped the other super soldiers, but she knew what it meant for her.

"Rhodey!" Alex could see Rhodey falling to the ground. He wasn't responding to her or Tony. "Fuck, this is bad!"

Alex sprinted toward where Rhodey was. He hit the ground before Tony could stop him, Sam landing beside him to make sure he was okay.

Rhodey was hurt. Steve and Bucky had gotten away. Natasha was a criminal. Alex was going to get locked up for not preventing it all.

They had lost.

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