Chapter Eleven

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"Wanda?" Alex stood on the lawn of the new Avengers compound. She watched as Vision touched down with Wanda, holding her bridal style.

"Alex." Wanda greeted her, a small smile on her face. She sent a nod to Vision, thanking him for bringing her there, and walked toward the white-haired girl.

"Did you find where you wanted to bury Pietro?" Wanda walked next to Alex as they made their way into the compound.

"I was thinking here. He had always wanted to visit America."

Alex nodded and smiled. "We moved my brother's grave to a secluded garden. It's very peaceful. We could put the two of them together."

The two girls stopped in front of a window that looked out at the garden Alex was talking about. It was peaceful, just like she had said.

"I thought about your offer," Wanda said with a small smile. "Being an Avenger might not be so bad."

"I wasn't fond of it at first. Fury knew how much I hated being on a team and he put me on the case anyways." Alex shrugged. "It's not so bad."

Wanda's smile dropped slightly and she turned to look into Alex's eyes. "Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did." Upon seeing the serious look on Wanda's face Alex's eyebrows furrowed. "What is it?"

"Does losing someone get any easier?"

Alex sighed. She didn't know how to answer a question like that. "No. You always think about them and miss them, no matter how much you say you won't. And eventually... You learn to forget.

"I buried his death deep in my mind. I was happy and I didn't think about it." Alex looked at Wanda and couldn't help but feel a little bit of rage boil over. "But you brought the pain back."

"I'm sorry, Alex. I was lost and I was blind enough to follow Ultron."

Alex put her head in her hands. "No, don't apologize. I'm sorry, I just... I thought I was okay and I kind of needed that kick back to reality."

The two of them stood in a somewhat-awkward silence. People passed them without a second glance, no one knowing of the Avenger and the witch that stood before them.

"Matthew would have wanted you to be here."

Alex looked at her, surprised she had decided to speak. "Do you really think so?"

"You're a hero, you save lives. You might not have been able to save him, but you're making up for it."

Alex couldn't help a red hue from filling her face and she looked at the ground. "Do you- do you maybe want to get a coffee sometime?"

Wanda's breath halted and Alex waited. She didn't know what she had expected from such a stupid question or why she thought it was a good idea in the first place to ask.



Alex stood quietly in the garden, alone. No one had remembered. No one had checked up on her.

And that was just the way she liked it.

Alex liked to be social. She liked to be around people and dance and party, but sometimes she just needed a break from everything.

"I brought you daises." Alex sat down next to her mom's grave, being mindful not to rip up the grass. "It's not much, and I couldn't find your favorites, but I hope this is enough."

Alex looked at her feet and placed a hand on her mom's tombstone. "I got a girlfriend, by the way. I know you were against that whole kind of thing, girls liking girls or whatever, but she's different."

Alex laughed to herself, suddenly feeling silly for talking to a body in the ground. "What am I even saying? You're dead and I can make fire form from almost nothing."

"Nothing in this world makes sense," Alex yelled to no one in particular, just needing to get it out into the air. "And I don't know what to do."

Alex sat, her head in her hands as she sobbed. Steve watched from his spot inside, a cup of coffee in his hands.

This wasn't the first time he had seen her like this since Ultron. What Wanda had shown her about her brother had brought up an emotion she had buried deep down- a side of Alex that none of the Avengers had seen before.

When they first met, she was sarcastic and witty. Alex was still all of those things, but now he could clearly see the weight on her shoulders.

Steve remembered what today was. He knew it was the thirteenth anniversary of her family's death, but he didn't know how to bring it up to her.

Maybe it was best to leave her to grieve alone. But before Steve could make up his mind a hand was placed on his shoulder.


"Captain Rogers," the robot greeted, smiling. "I think I can handle this if you have more important manners to be attending to."

"Thank you." Steve was surprised by the kind gesture. He watched Vision go over to Alex and kneel on the ground, talking to her. She smiled and Steve watched them talk for a few minutes.

Maybe all she needed to be better was a little bit of change in her life.

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