chapter nineteen

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  2.07 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

'you want to talk about something?'
'it can wait. at least until your dick is out of my sight. no offence but i can't take you seriously with it just dangling about in my face'


Lottie was on a three way call with Allison who was still at her house, and Scott and Stiles who were both still at the station. She had made a quick detour for her car before heading to the station.

"If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing then he probably doesn't know someone's controlling him." Allison explained to the boys.

"Or doesn't remember." Scott suggested.

"What if it's the same kind of thing that happened to Lydia when she took off from the hospital?" Stiles offered too.

"A fugue state. He'll have no memory, no idea, no nothing." Lottie sighed into the speaker.

"But he had help with one thing. The video. Someone else helped him forget that..." Stiles thought aloud.

"Whoever's controlling him." Scott concluded.

"Are you sure Jackson has no clue about any of this?" Allison asked, not entirely convinced as Lottie pulled into the station car park.

"He thinks he's still becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed the whole thing." Scott explained.

"So do we try and convince him that's not the case?"

"If it'll work? At this point we haven't got many options." Lottie exited her car and walked into the station, smiling at the Deputy behind the desk who just waved her past. "Fuck knows, if he'll listen though."

"You think he'll talk to us after what we did?" Allison asked, having not heard what Lottie had just said.

"Yeah." Scott answered hesitantly as he saw Lottie approach, grimacing at her expression. "Totally." He replied. They all hung up and Lottie sat outside the interrogation room as Stiles and Scott were questioned about kidnapping Jackson. Clearly Jackson hadn't mentioned Lottie's name or else she'd be in there too. They were out quickly and the boys walked out with Stilinski walking out behind them.

"Little Lotts." He nodded, knowing full well she was involved but not in the mood to berate her too. "Do I need to remind you how lucky we are that they're not pressing charges?" He said to Stiles.

"It was a joke. I didn't know it would be taken this seriously. Humour's very subjective, Dad. We're talking about multiple levels of interpretation."

"And how exactly should I interpret the stolen Prison Transport Van?" Stilinski asked, a raised brow.

"We filled the tank." Stiles offered lamely as he shrugged, Lottie hid a smirk behind her hand, not wanting to be in the firing line. Stilinski sighed before turning back to the interrogation room, leaving them to watch Scott get torn a new one by Melissa.

"It's not just this. Although, a restraining order is a low I didn't think you'd reach quite this soon. It's everything on top of it. The completely bizarre behaviour, the late nights coming home, having to beg Mr. Harris to let you make up the Chemistry test you missed." Melissa ranted.

"I missed a Chemistry test?" Scott asked as Lottie cringed, she gestured for him to cut it out behind Melissa but he'd already put himself in it at this point.

"Really, Scott? Really? I have to ground you. I'm grounding you. You're grounded."

"What about work?" Scott asked, confused.

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