chapter eighteen

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  2.06 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

'optimism? in the world of supernatural beacon hills? how cute'


The sleep Lottie and Stiles had didn't last long as Scott rang the duo and told them to meet him at a nightclub. He'd been chasing the Kanima with Derek and wanted backup. Quickly pulling on her skirt and heels, Lottie kept Stiles' hoodie on and they sped off to the nightclub where they met a frazzled Scott.

"You see where he went?" Stiles asked Scott as he got out of the Jeep, going round to Lottie's side to open the door for her and help her down.

"Lost him."

"You couldn't catch a scent?" Lottie asked.

"I don't think he has one. Although speaking of scents, yours is different Lottie. Salty almost. Like the sort of smell you get at the beach." Scott sniffed the air as he sussed her out. Lottie squeezed Stiles' hand, silently telling him now wasn't the time.

"Any clue where he's going?" Stiles asked, distracting Scott.

"To kill someone." Scott deadpanned.

"Right, that's what the claws and fangs are for. Now it all makes sense." Stiles sarcastically remarked. But when he saw the unimpressed look Scott was sending him he retracted his statement. "Sorry. I'm a hundred and forty seven pounds of pale skin and fragile bone. Sarcasm's my only defence."

"Well you have that bat I got you for your birthday?" Lottie offered with a smile.

"Can you two just help me find it?" Scott interrupted exasperated.

"Scotty, it's not an it. It's Jackass, an important distinction." Lottie told the boy. Not wanting to harm the Kanima despite it being a murderer. She didn't want to hurt Jackson, despite how much of an asshole he could be.

"I know, I know." Scott sighed.

"But does he know? And did anyone else see him back at your house?" Stiles asked.

"I don't think so. And he already passed Derek's test anyway." Scott reminded the group.

"Yeah, but that's the thing. How did he pass the test?" Stiles continued his slew of questions.

"I. Don't. Know." Scott enunciated.

"Maybe it's an either/or thing. Derek said a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right? So when's the Kanima not the Kanima?" Lottie suggested, it made the most sense.

"When it's Jackson." Scott and Stiles answered at the same time. Scott looked at the duo before Stiles nodded up to the roof, pointing with his finger. And lo and behold there was the Kanima, sliding his way along the roof of the club. Then it slid into one of the air vents and into the club.

"What's it doing going in there?" Stiles asked.

"I think I know who he's after." Scott told the duo, looking at the queue. Lottie squinted as she saw a sight that made her heart drop.

"What? How? Did you smell something?"

"Armani." Scott answered.

"Danny." Lottie sighed sadly, knowing their night just got worse. The three of them made their way round the back of the club, finding a back door.

"Maybe there's a window we could climb through–" Stiles suggested after he tried to open the locked door, cutting himself off when Scott ripped the door handle off, thus unlocking it. "Or a handle we could rip off with superhuman strength. How did I not think of that?"

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