Chapter Two.

Depuis le début

I love you was the last thing i said to momo, I'm glad she knew before she passed. Crying i balled myself up under my covers until i fell asleep. Still having the same nightmare for a month now.

Present Day

Knocking on the deans door i slowly entered. He was on the phone, putting a finger up signaling me to hold on a second. I sat down winching a little from the burning sensation on my rib cage. I recently got a tattoo, "I love you forever Minari - Love Maur Maur, I LOVE YOOUUU <3 <3" in momos handwritting. It was the last thing she said to me before passing. I loved it, since i got it i couldn't stop staring at it and crying.

"Myoui Mina" the dean snapped me out my trance.

"Yes" i cleared my throat

"I have to ask you for a favor"

"okay" i said dryly

"i have a student that needs to be tutored-"

"no" i said gathering my things getting ready to leave

"MINA" he yelled "sit down now and do not be disrespectful towards your elder it's korean etiquette for god sakes, how dare you"

"i'm Japanese" i smiled sarcastically staring to walk out.

"THATS A ORDER" he yelled

i turned around rolling my eyes i sat down.

"Now i WAS going to ask you if you would tutor her but now i'm telling you, you are going to tutor her" he huffed fixing his blazer. "you will be paid" he added

"i don't need money, my parents are rich"

"Myoui Mina you are doing this wether you like it or not" he said handing me a file

"Her name is Son Cheayoung, she is a year younger then you and struggling with calculus"

i stared at him blankly. There was a knock on the door "COME IN"

A short girl with black hair walked in, she bowed to the dean and turned to me bowing. Our eyes met, damn she's pretty i thought while still making eye contact. Looking at her closer she was effortlessly beautiful, she had a wolf cut, her dimples showed when she smiled, the little beauty mark under her lip. She smelled like strawberries, her lips plump and pink. She wore loose black jeans with rips, big chunky boots, she had a black graphic tee with white writing and a pair of black sunglasses on her head. Her hands were long and slender, veins popping out with a ring on every other finger, tattoos all over her arm and hand. sexy i thought.

"excuse me" she said clearing her throat staring at me.

"what" i said confused

"you said sexy" she said smirking

a shocked look came over my face as it turned a bright rose red. I bowed and didn't say anything the rest of the time.

We exchanged numbers agreeing to meet tomorrow morning to start since it was the weekend there was no classes.

I quietly walked out heading to my car.

"Damn nice car" a voice behind me said

"thanks" i said opening the door throwing my backpack in the back seat.

"no wonder you go to SNU (Seoul National University), you're smart,pretty AND rich" she laughed.

I gave her a straight face and entered my car, pushing the button to start it.

"WAIT" she yelled before i drove off "you think i can get a rid" she blushed in embarrassment "i missed the bus"

A/N: Hola 👋🏽 okay first i want to address some thing's about the chapter so you understand better:)

1.) Mina has CAD which can be deadly if not treated properly, CAD is a real heart disease, i wanted to make mina similar to me and have similar struggles, while i don't have CAD i do have Pericarditis which is fluid around the heart caused from a illness, while i am doing amazing now i still have a weak heart making it hard to do daily activities, sometimes i have a irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath which is really scary, so i want mina to go through a similar situation

2.) Momos suicide note, i wrote her note through my eyes, if i was in her situation that's what i would write to my sister, towards the end i kind of wanted it to sound freeing or happy, because at the time of momo writing the note she felt free, free from her depression and mind, she finally felt happy and at peace so i wanted to get that emotion in writing, i hope it worked out good 👍🏽

Thank you for reading, i appreciate you:)

Darkest Days. -(Michaeng) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant