Giyuu Tomioka: Normal Relationship

Start from the beginning


I ran... Ran away from that house. My heart was beating out of my chest as my legs trembled from the adrenaline, none of that mattered... None of the pain I was feeling mattered... All I needed to do was to... Yoriichi... I need to find him maybe he can help me!

Shit... I forgot where he lived...

I stopped in my tracks, I was left with going left, right, or straight ahead. I didn't dare to take any turns, left and right seemed unfamiliar... all I was left with now was to go straight ahead, I soon arrived near a park... Where... Where do I go now...? Should I head inside the park...?

I decided not to head inside the park and headed towards where there were houses, maybe I could find a familiar house that would lead me to Yoriichi's house is... The more I walked around the neighborhood, the more anxious I felt. It only hit me now that... That... There is... Not a person in sight. What... What the fuck is happening...?? Fuck... What if Yoriichi's gone too...?!?! Should... I should... Look for Bla-

My thoughts were cut off by a voice, "Y/n...?" the tone of his voice sounded like he was in disbelief, I knew whose voice that was... It was... Giyuu's. I looked to see his shocked facial expression, I didn't know whether to feel relieved or... or... scared... What... What if he's just like them?! What if he... He-

He slowly walked towards me, his facial expression showing relief, and... it seemed like he was... glad...? "Oh thank god... I just... I just woke up and... and I was confused to see not a person in sight." he added, the tone of his voice seemed... genuine...? Should... Should I trust him...? Wait... Not a person in sight...?

"W-What do you mean not a person in sight?" I asked, he looked confused. "Well... Haven't you... Noticed? There aren't any people around us..." he replied. Now that he says it... I realized that ever since I escaped Tanjirou's house... I didn't see a single person or a stray cat or dog... What... What the...

My breathing started to fasten at the realization... D-Does this mean that... B-Blake is gone too... What about Yoriichi...? Daki...?? Am I the only one left and... Why... Why is... Giyuu the only one left too....?? Oh god... Is he going to disappear...?! Then... That means I'll be all alone here... Until I die... Until I fucking rot... Until I-

"Y/n, calm down." He told me, I noticed that his hands were on my shoulders. "Breathe..." he told me, I nodded as I inhaled and exhaled to try to calm myself down. Why is this happening...?! Why... Why can't I just succeed in my escape... With Blake... With Yoriichi... With... With Daki... With... That stupid Bitchass Dog and Demon Killer Nine Thousand... Why... Why...

My lip quivered as I tried to stop my tears, Giyuu could see this and slowly pulled me into a hug. I couldn't stop the tears anymore as I cried in his arms... This... This... Why does it have to be this way...?

He kept quiet as I sobbed in his chest, I... Appreciated it... Maybe... Since it's just the two of us now... And... He... He seems genuine and he hasn't done anything bad to me before... Maybe...

I... I can trust him.

-Time Skip-

-2nd Person POV-

The two of you settled in his house, it was just you and him... alone in this world, what could possibly go wrong? It felt a little awkward... Well... Giyuu is feeling a little nervous yet excited... Deleting everyone but you was worth it... Although, he did feel a little guilty for killing Blake and Daki...

You sat down on a couch in his living room, Giyuu noticed that you didn't utter a single word. "She must still be trying to process everything... Should I have done it slowly...?" he mumbled, he was far away from you just so you couldn't hear it. He walked towards the fridge and grabbed your favorite soda, he then sat next to you on the couch and handed it to you. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at him, "Oh! Um... Thank you..." you meekly thanked him. You then looked at the soda as you opened it, and you glanced at him.

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