"Sorry, I should have put it differently." he said.
"Well, you could theoretically get struck by lightning outside, but that doesn't happen that easily. The odds are so small that you don't have to worry about it." he said calmly, but I just looked at him uncertainly.
"And in here you are quite save, nothing will happen to you."
"Really?" I asked and he nodded.

But suddenly there was another flash in the sky and there was a loud bang. In fear I grabbed the first thing I could get to hide. Unfortunately, it was Sodo I pulled closer, hiding my face in his chest.
"I'm scared!" I whimpered, feeling how tense he was from the sudden touch, but after a while he put his arms around me comfortingly and pulled me closer.

"It's okay, I'm here." he said calmly and stroked my back. I was still shaking, but it helped that he was there.
"Hey, if you like I can distract you." he offered and I looked up at him in surprise.
"How so?" I asked and he grinned.
"Come here, I'll show you." Sodo slid back into my bed and lay down on one of my two pillows. He patted the bed next to him to indicate that I should come over to him. I hesitantly crawled into bed with him just as he opened his arm so I could lie down next to him. Still shaking, I snuggled up to the ghoul and hid my face in his chest again. I heard his strong heartbeat, which calmed me down a bit.

"Just imagine that the flashes are coming from a big camera photographing you." said Sodo and I looked at him confused.
"Like a camera?" I asked confused and he nodded.
"Yes, like a camera. They make everything bright when you have the flash on." he explained and I nodded.
"Then just imagine that." he smiled and I nodded. The fact that he was there and that I now knew what to imagine calmed me down a bit.

"How long will the storm last?" I asked and Sodo thought about it.
"I don't know, but I can show you how you know how far away the storm is." he said, which is why I looked at him with interest.
"Can you show me that?" I asked and he nodded.
"How?" I asked and he smiled.
"When you see the next flash, you have to count the seconds." he said and then the next lightning flashed in the sky.

"One... Two... Three..." he started counting.
"Four... five..." Then came the thunder.
"And how far away is the thunderstorm now?" I asked.
"The number of seconds I counted is the number of kilometers away from the storm, so in this case 5 kilometers." he explained, so I nodded to let him know I understood.
"Try it." he asked me and I nodded. When the next flash came, I started counting.

"One... Two... Three..." I tried to count calmly so I wasn't going too fast.
"five... six..." the thunder came.
"You see, it's already six kilometers. It's getting less." he said and I smiled slightly.
"Yes it will get better." he looked at me encouragingly. I repeated it on the next few flashes, but it only gradually diminished.

"You know, I have another idea." he said and I looked at him.
"An idea for what?" I asked which made him smile.
"An idea to pass the time until we get power again." he smirked, but I immediately shook my head. I knew exactly what he was up to because I knew his reputation.
"No! Forget it, Sodo!" I said and he gave me a confused look.

"You don't even know what I want from you." he says irritated.
"Oh yes, I know that very well, you have the name Sodomizer for a reason!" suddenly he started laughing out loud.
"What's so funny about that?" I was confused. What was that supposed to mean?
"Do you... do you honestly think I would take advantage of this situation just so I could sleep with you?" he asked laughing, which only confused me more.

"Don't worry Riv, I didn't intend to do that with you, but if you prefer that, I'll do that too." he winked at me and I kind of liked it, but I shook my head.
"No thanks, Sodo." I looked a little embarrassed at my bed, but he just kept smiling.
"It's okay, but still, I have an idea." he smiled and I looked at him expectantly.
"What exactly?" I asked, whereupon he pointed to the wall by the window, where I saw the flickering light of the candles and our shadows.
"shadow games." he smiled and i looked at him.

"Don't look at me like that, guess what that's supposed to be." he pointed to the wall again, so I leaned against him again and looked at the wall.
With his hands he formed something that looked familiar to me. Two of his fingers formed ears and the rest of his hand formed a snout.
"is that a dog?" I asked and he nodded.
"Very good." he praised me and opened his hands.

"What is that?" he asked, forming something with his hands again. Actually, he just connected his thumbs and opened his hands.
"A bird!" I said enthusiastically, because I was having fun.
"Right again," he smiled, again forming something I didn't recognize. It had a long snout again, but on its head it had what looked like a treetop. I had never seen anything like that in a book in hell.
"What is that?" I asked confused and looked at him.
"A stag." he explained, but I didn't know what it was.
"Where do they live? Are they dangerous?" I asked and I heard him sigh thoughtfully.
"Well... they live in a forest, but I don't know if they're dangerous." he confessed.
"Have you seen one yet?" I asked and he nodded.
"Indeed it is, but that's very rare and you shouldn't get too close." I smiled enthusiastically.

"Do you think I can see something like that one day?" I asked and he shrugged.
"I'm sure you'll see one." with that he again formed an animal that I recognized immediately.
"A goat!" I called and he smiled.
"Correct." he was about to form something new while I looked at the wall.

"How do you actually make these figures?" I asked curiously, because I was interested.
"Well... with my hands." he replied, causing me to roll my eyes.
"I'm aware of that, fishbrain." I mumbled and Sodo had to laugh.
"Did you just call me Fish Brain?" he asked and I nodded.
"Yes I have. Because you were just being a little stupid." I said honestly, but it only made him laugh more.
"What? You asked and I answered." he grinned cheekily and I sighed.
"No, seriously, how do you make the characters?"

"Well... I looked it up on the internet and practiced it until it worked." he explained calmly.
When I looked at him he had one hand behind his head and a relaxed grin on his face.
"Can you show me?" I asked and he smiled.
"Clear." he put his hand behind his head and took both of my hands in his. They were very rough, which was probably because he was a guitarist and therefore had calluses on his fingers, but that didn't make it uncomfortable.

For a while he explained and showed me the various figures until I had learned the dog and the goat. I was even on the right track to learning the turtle, but that didn't work out too well either. It was so much fun that I completely forgot about the storm and only remembered it when the lights came back on. I looked at my lamp in amazement, because at first I was confused as to why it was on at all, until I remembered that we had a power outage.

"Hey, we've got power again!" Sodo said enthusiastically and I sat up.
"Does that mean the thunderstorm is gone?" I asked and he nodded.
"Yeah just about." he smiled and sat up too.
"Well then... will I go, or do you want me to stay?" he asked and I smiled a little.
"You know... your company isn't that bad after all." I confessed and he giggled
"That pleases me." he blew out the candle because we didn't need it anymore.

"One thing you should learn on Earth is that in summer you should always open your windows after it's raining or the storm has passed, because that's when it gets nice and cool outside." he explained and got up to do just that. I looked at him with interest, because I was curious about everything that had to be considered here.
"Can you... maybe show me what else needs to be considered here?" I asked and he nodded with a grin.
"I can't refuse help to a lady in need." he winked at me.

That wink made him so likeable and it made my heart beat a little faster.
"T-Thanks. That's really nice of you." I said, feeling myself blush a little.
"Gladly." We spent a nice evening together and I felt really comfortable in his presence. The thunderstorm was completely forgotten and I was so grateful to him for helping me.

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