Chapter 18: Rest In Peace Madre and Padre Part 2

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The sun was setting, casting its long shadows over the cemetery, turning everything around it into a bronze stained world. It was as if all the colors of the day had been drained away by the oppressive heat and humidity, leaving only an eerie dullness in their wake. Four days had passed since Don Arturo and his beloved Lucrezia were laid to rest, surrounded by family and friends who'd come from all over Italy to pay their last respects. Among them were Don Salvatore, with his lady Indira Anderson at his side, underbosses Enzo, Dante and Rolando, and Lucrezia's nephew. Don Arturo's other two sons by his ex-wife Sofia were also present: Armando and Marcello. Don Arturo's two siblings were included in the group, Capo Federico and Capo Jacopo Marchetti. He had passed on his reign of Tuscan, Italy, to them when he moved his family to New York.

Don Salvatore and his brothers Enzo and Dante swore an oath to make the journey back to Italy with their parents, a place where their bond was formed and love blossomed. With heavy hearts, they took flight, never looking back as they left behind a place that held so many precious memories — a place of love, laughter, and new beginnings that would soon become the resting place for two very special souls. Gathered around their graves, the mourners had been speaking in hushed tones, recounting stories, embracing and shedding tears. The heat was oppressive, the heavy air still and quiet, except for the occasional rushing of the wind.

But now, as the sun set, the relatives from Italy dispersed. They stepped away from the graves, embracing each other with warm salutations and quiet words of sorrow. Some paid one last silent respect to Don Arturo and Lucrezia, their heads bowed and hands clasped in prayer. Others merely turned away, the finality of the moment too much to bear. Don Salvatore stayed behind, watching as the last of his family prepared to leave. He had lived his entire life in Italy, but that didn't make this any easier. As he stood beneath the trees, the shadows long and menacing, he allowed himself to feel the grip of loss. Tears brimmed in his eyes.

He glanced at the headstones, their names and dates inscribed with such finality. Don Arturo and Lucrezia. Beloved husband and wife. He thought of all the moments they had spent together: their laughter and tears, their joys and sorrows. He thought of how they had loved each other all the way until the very end. The sun had set; the cemetery falling into darkness. Don Salvatore lingered for a few more minutes, allowing himself to feel all the grief and sorrow, before finally turning away. He walked slowly, head down, until he reached the car park, where his family was waiting. He took one last look at the cemetery, the shadows of the trees stretching far beyond the graves.

"You will surely be missed, father and mother. Now, continue your love in peace there in heaven. We may not see your love for each other anymore, but we can still definitely feel it. Goodbye for now, my beloved parents." Salvatore thought to himself as he looked one final glance at his parents' headstones.

As they drove away, a feeling of sadness lingered in the air. Don Salvatore looked out the window, his eyes drawn to the growing darkness, and knew in his heart that this was not goodbye. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he was being watched as they drove away from the cemetery. Don Salvatore turned his head and peered into the shadows behind them, trying to see if someone was following them. He suspected that someone had been watching them while they paid their respects at the graves of his parents.

Don Salvatore's eyes widened in horror as a car came roaring up behind them, headlights blazing like a thousand suns. The driver desperately tried to swerve away just in time, but the car kept coming. Indira screamed and Don Salvatore shouted, "Put your seatbelt on!" he felt his heart stop beating as he saw the car disappear into the night, a grim realization slowly dawning upon him: someone had been following them all along.

Cries of His Heart (Italian Billionaire's Heart BWWM)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin