Chapter 3: The arranged marriage

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 Arturo stood at the altar, a trembling figure in a sea of faces. He had been driven to this place by a sense of duty to his father, a duty that overrode his own desires and expectations. He felt as if he had been swept up in a powerful, rushing current as he strolled down the aisle, and he could not turn back. Now, he waited on the threshold of a loveless marriage, feeling a deep sense of sadness and regret.

"What am I doing with my life? This is supposed to be my wedding with Lucrezia and not some other woman whom I don't truly love." Arturo thought.

He watched as the guests filtered in, the women in their brightly colored frocks and the men in their dark suits. He had little interest in them, feeling a profound loneliness as the weight of his obligations crushed down on him. He longed to be with the woman he truly loved, to tell her of his plight, to feel her warm embrace and to whisper in her ear all the love he felt for her, but his father had forbidden it. The church filled with a muted hum of conversation, laced with a palpable excitement as all waited for the bride to enter.

Arturo felt a faint stirring in his chest as he watched the guests, a hint of anticipation at the thought of his soon-to-be wife. He steeled himself, knowing it would be her who would bear his children, her who would keep his home, her who would come to bear his name.

A hush descended upon the congregation as the wedding march played. Arturo looked up expectantly, searching the faces of the crowd. He glimpsed Sofia walking down the aisle; her face hidden behind a white veil. She looked beautiful; her figure was tiny and delicate, her hands trembling as she clung to her father's arm. Arturo felt his heart swell with a sudden, aching lust as he looked upon her. He knew now that no matter what happened, she would always have a special place in his heart. As she walked slowly towards him, he could almost feel the love radiating from her, and for a moment he wished that things could have been different, that he could have given her the love she deserved.

But as the music faded away, and the officiant spoke, Arturo knew that this was his reality, his duty, his obligation, and he steeled himself for a loveless marriage. Sofia knew as she drew closer to her groom that her own heart was breaking. She had longed to find true love, to find that person who would light up her life and make her feel cherished. But as she looked into Arturo's eyes, she saw nothing but indifference.

"I wish I could escape from this reality. I wish that this man in front of me loves me wholeheartedly, but I know he isn't in love with me as I am to him." She thought to herself as she kept on walking closer towards the altar.

She was determined, however, that she would not allow him to destroy this special moment. This was her dream wedding, after all. She could feel the tears stinging her eyes, but she would let nothing spoil this day. Instead, she drew her father's arm even tighter and smiled as she turned to face her groom. As the pastor recited the wedding vows, Sofia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew what she had to do. She had to give this marriage a chance, to make it work, even if it meant hiding her own feelings and desires.

Arturo was feeling a sense of relief as he watched Sofia smile at him. He had always known that the marriage was not built on love, but on a mutual agreement between their families. He had never been attracted to her romantically, but he hoped she felt the same way. He was not in love with her in the same way he was with Lucrezia. But as he looked at her in her beautiful wedding gown, he had to admit that she didn't look half bad. She was an exquisite young woman, with big blue eyes and impeccable skin. Her golden hair fell down her back perfectly and he could smell the ever-present scent of it from where he stood.

That night, in their large, lavish bedroom, Arturo escorted Sofia over to the bed, pulling back the covers that were currently hiding the large white mattress. Sofia turned around, smiling at him. Without a word, she began taking off her elaborate wedding gown, a slight tremble in her hands as she did so. Arturo smiled at her, trying to hide the discomfort in his chest. This wasn't what he wanted, to be here, with her, like this. But he had made a promise, and he would keep it. As she revealed the white, silky lingerie beneath the dress, Arturo couldn't help the way his eyes roamed over her body, marveling at the curves and lines that made up her form. His gaze lingered on her full breasts, the lace of the garment barely covering them. He swallowed, reminding himself of his duty.

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