Chapter 10: Salvatore's Broken Heart

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Salvatore sunk into the chair in his home office, feeling a new pain like he'd never experienced before. His stomach was tight, and his throat constricted. Tears streamed down his face as his breath came out ragged. A hollow emptiness consumed him as he thought of what had happened with Emma and Armando - his own brother betraying him like this. The old Italian saying ran through his mind: La famiglia è la famiglia (family is family). He spit the words out like acid, fiercely damning his father and his partner. They may share the same blood, but they are no family of Salvatore's. Rage boils over as he thinks of how she lied and cheated on him, laughing behind his back when he gave her everything he had. Unforgiven and unforgotten, never again will she be part of his life.

He wiped away the tears and reached for the phone on his desk, dialing Enzo's number with shaky hands. As the phone rang, he tried to steady his breathing and composed himself. He couldn't let Enzo hear him like this, weak and broken. As soon as Enzo picked up, he spoke in a low, even tone.

"Keep it together. You must not sound weak. You can never be weak facing your family who's counting on you." He thought to himself as he took a deep breath.

Salvatore's call came through Enzo's burner phone, the device he kept hidden from everyone else. His boss's voice was low and strained, almost desperate. "Enzo, we've got to talk."

"What's going on, boss?" Enzo asked.

"It's about our brother and some other shit." Salvatore responded, his words coming out in a barely audible whisper. "I found out something that could jeopardize everything we've built."

Enzo knew not to press for details over the phone. "What did you find out?" he asked in a normal, curious tone. "Not over the phone. What time are you coming home?" Salvatore asked, his tone urgent. "I can be there in an hour." Enzo replied before ending the call. "Yes, I'll be in my office." Salvatore stated curtly. "Come by when you're home."

"Got it, Brother. See you soon." Enzo replied before hanging up the phone. He had a feeling that something major was about to transpire, but he couldn't identify what it might be.

Once Salvatore hung up with Enzo, he was speechless. He could hardly move from the shock of having been betrayed by two of the people he cared for dearly. His brother had broken his trust in a way that Salvatore had never thought possible. If he was capable of this, what else lurked beneath the surface?

"The thought of it still makes me feel sick." he thought to himself. "I'm so devastated that I can't think clearly. I feel like I'm in a vacuum, unable to breathe right now." he continued thinking as he took a sip of coffee from an expensive mug that was given to him from Emma. "Shit. What am I doing?" he said as he looked at the mug that's in his hand. "I really thought you really cared, Emma." he said as he looked at the glass mug as if it was Emma he's talking to. "I loved you! I gave my everything to you and I would give more in our future! I even stopped myself from touching this intoxicating woman at work because I was thinking of you!" Salvatore screamed as he threw the mug with rage across his office.

"Fuck you, Armando! You bastard, I thought you're my brother!" he slammed his hand on his desk with great impact that the sound echoed through the room. "You're no longer my brother. You're no longer my family." he softly said as his breathing got heavier. He sat and leaned back to catch his breath from the anger he was feeling.

"I can't believe my heart is aching because of you, Emma. I loved you so much and this is what you're doing to me. I never felt so alone. I never felt so betrayed by you. I never expected this would happen especially from you, the love of my life." he thought.

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