Chapter Thirty-One: Experiments and Bargains

Start from the beginning

She turned back to Tamlin, "Well then, I need to find my sister. And you're going to help me,"

"If your sister is in the Night Court I can't... I can't go there,"

"Figure it out, High Lord. You owe us that much,"


The morning dawned bright and dewy, the sun making its first proper appearance in what had been months of nothing but grey. The covers were tucked tightly around Isolde as she awoke and as soon as she opened her eyes the memories of the night before came flooding back to her. The heated words with Azriel, the confessions and that kiss. Oh that kiss. She didn't know she could want someone so much until his lips had touched hers. Until she had fallen asleep wrapped in his arms.

She rolled over reaching for him but he was not there. Instead on his pillow was a single rose and a note that read:

Rhys needed me for some business with the Illyrian generals this morning, I won't be long. Don't get out of bed.

- A

Isolde smiled and held the note to her chest. He was so different, so different from the terrifying male she had met in the dungeon all those months ago. The way his eyes softened when they fell on her, the way he had kissed her last night. And the way she felt whenever he was near. Surely this had to be stronger than a mating bond that brought her nothing but misery. Surely fate meant her and Azriel to meet, meant for them to find each other. She held onto that, held onto the idea that fate wanted her to choose for herself, that fate wanted her to be loved.

The door opened and all of the breath left her body as Azriel stepped into the room. How had she not figured it out before? The very sight of him sent her into a spin and all she wanted was him pressed against her, kissing her, whispering to her-

He chuckled, "You'll have to keep that under control around the others,"

She stretched out her arms for him, "What?"

"Your very obvious lust for me," he sat on the edge of the bed and touched her cheek. "I could smell it as soon as I walked in the door,"

"Oh don't be foul," she leaned her face into the palm of his hand. "Why did you want me to stay in bed?"

"Because you feel so lovely and warm when you've just woken up," Azriel bundled her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers.

She responded immediately, winding her arms around his neck and all but climbing onto this lap. He moved his mouth from hers and began to kiss her neck, but she wanted more of his lips and tried to kiss him again. Holding back a smirk he moved his mouth away from hers, tangling a hand in her hair so she couldn't move her head.

"Az..." she whined.

"What is it, beautiful?" he purred, nipping at her ear.

"Kiss me,"

"Where are your manners, Isolde?" he nuzzled her cheek.

"Kiss me immediately, you brute,"

In a moment he had flipped her onto her back and pinned her hands to the bed, "Say please and I will,"

She struggled but he held onto her, delight all over his face, his eyes boring into hers. She managed to get a hand free but found she had no idea what to do. Never in her life had she wanted to touch a man and be touched by him. But Azriel, he made her feel feral and desperate. Like if she wasn't connected with him she would go mad. She reached up and ran a finger down his wing. Azriel's pupils immediately dilated and he stared down at her, a great shudder going through his body.

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