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Christian's pov

Today is our drama. You know the drama of Romeo and Juliet. The day finally came. I hope that I won't forget the lines. If so, I am doomed. Coach will cut me into pieces.

I make up like Romeo and began pacing back and forth. This Constume is so heavy. I can assure you that this will be a disaster. I will mess up everything.

"Water", I said to Phil.

"This is the third bottle." He gave me next bottle.

"Philip, I am nervous ", I said.

"I can see that ", he answered.

All the best, Christian.

It was a message from Natasha.

"Christian, are you ready?" The coach came to the room. Me and other characters are getting ready for the program.
"Yes, sir ", I answered after taking a deep breath. I am trying hard to cover my fear.
" Stella. Juliet sweetheart. Are you ready? ", he asked her.
"Yes, sir ", she answered nervously.

I wanted to run away and hide somewhere so no one could find me, but it was too late. Our drama's name was announced like thunder. It was time.

We made our way to the stage. The hall was filled with audience waiting for our performance. It was my first time standing in front of such a large crowd. All their attention is directed towards us.

The bell rang, and the drama started. With a deep breath, I transformed into the character. Claps and cheers became high. I didn't look at the audience. I was focused on my role.

Time went.

The dialogue ended, and the curtain fell. Did I do that?

" Wooww. Amazing kids", coach ran towards us. Yes, I did it.
"Romeo and Juliet shined like stars ", he said with a proud face. He was not disappointed in me. He is happy. I felt satisfied.

I walked through the people. Many have congratulated me. The people who judged me as a bad boy and a headache of the college are now proud of me. They took selfies with me. Praised my acting.

I went to the dressing room to change from Romeo to Christian.

I walked to my destination.
" Natasha. How did I do? ", I asked. I wanted her answer. Her opinion.
"Great. You have an amazing talent ", she said, patting my shoulder with an impressed face.

"Then is there any reward for me? ", I asked in a low voice for only her to hear.
"Hmm, what do you want? ", she said, putting a finger on her chin.
"Can I ask for anything? ", I waited for her reply.
"No. How about a lunch? ", I know she won't easily give in.

"I can eat", I won't easily give up, sweetheart.
"What? ", she says, knowing I don't think straight with her.
"I can eat the meal", I corrected.
"Hmm, I know you", she said with a knowing look.

"Heyy, Natasha miss," the coach said to her.
" Hi. So everything went well", she said to him.
" Well. It was perfect. The kids have done an amazing job." He placed a hand on my shoulder.

" Ohh. So we are going for lunch together. Everyone, come on. It is my treat. Natasha miss, come with us", he said. Oh, sh*t. My plan failed. It is supposed to be me and her only. I was going to reject him, but

"Oh, sure", she answered.

Without wasting any time we reached the restaurant in mine and coach's car. Natasha didn't take her car today, which was bliss for me. She came with me.

Everyone ordered their food.

"Today's star was Romeo, " the coach said, to which everyone clapped for me.
"But I want to be honest. I was not quite confident with Christian. This Natasha Miss said he can do it, and now yes. That was true. Thank you, Miss,", he said, giving a salute to Nat.

"Well, I am glad. All the characters were amazing. You all did good", she smiled at others.

"So you wanted me to act as Romeo?", I asked her.
"I wanted to see you as Romeo on the stage ", she said.
"If you give me permission, I can be your Romeo in real life too," , I said secretly. She didn't answer it.

We had the meal happily. I was not just happy. I was over the moon. I tried to flirt with her, but as usual, she knows how to handle me. How to shut me up.

We reached at her house. The day was bright, so my face But it didn't last much. We reached her house. A car was already there.

I looked up to see the same creature waiting at her house to steal Natasha from me. I won't let it happen. Nat opened the car door and shut it.

"Nat", he called Natasha. She looked at me through the window.
"Okay, Christian. Bye", she said. I don't want to leave her alone with him.

"Nat, should I stay", I asked.
" No. Bye,", she said, walking to her house. This Fredrick followed her inside. This guy is making me insane.

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