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Christian's pov

I walked to the library. The project group was waiting for me there. Our project is almost done.

"Hi Christian ", Lia was the first person to notice my presence.
"Hey man ", Phil said.
"Where is Blake?" I asked. He was not here.
"He isn't in college yet", Philip answered.
"Have you done it ", she asked to me. They gave the papers to me.
"Yeah", I said, giving them back to her.
"Wow, bro. You are just amazing ", Philip complimented me.
"This is not a big deal ", but it was. I have to write all these within a few hours.

"We need to bind these papers", Lia said.
"Oh yes. Especially spiral binding ", Philip joined.
"How about we go tomorrow? ", Lia looked at me.
" No." Tomorrow is Saturday. I have a special class.
"Yeah, tomorrow we have tuition,", Philip answered.


"Where? ", Lia seemed very curious about it.
"Our Natasha Miss is taking a special class for us", Philip disclosed. What an honest man!

"Philip ", I warned.
"Oops, sorry. Lia, don't tell this to anyone ", he said. It is not like she wants us to keep it secret, but I feel like it.

"Okay, I promise, but can you ask Miss to let me join ", Lia held my hand.

Lia is an intelligent student. Then why does she need these extra classes? Well, her hold on my hand became so tight that I finally agreed.

"Okay. Tomorrow, you too will come with us. Let's hope she will take you ", Philip prayed.

"So what about this binding? ", I asked.
"I will do it", said Blake. He finally came. He heroically took the papers from Lia's hand and went outside.

We also jogged to our class. Lia sat on the first bench.
"Sit here, Christian ", she said, pulling my hand.
" No. Thank you ", I answered. First bench. Me? No way.
We two went to the back side.
After a while, Mr. John came to the class. Wow, him.

"Chris, look", Philip pointed at Lia. She was looking at me, and when I looked at her, she turned her head.

"What? ", I asked him.
"She has been looking at you, handsome,", he said.
"Why is she looking at me? ", I asked, confused.

"Maybe she falls in love with you, Mr. Lovius," Philip said.
"What the hell are you talking about? ", I hit his arm playfully.
"Just hear me, Christian. Haven't you heard about the class nerd falling in love with a bad boy? It is a common plot ", he explained.

"How can you be sure that she falls in love", I asked. I have never loved a person. Love is just an illusion. In reality, one can only love themselves.

"Just think of the way she behaved toward you. She keeps asking you questions, trying hard to keep a conversation with you. Sending good mornings and good evenings to you,", Philip was talking nonstop.

" Enough. I don't know anything about love, and I don't want to" This conversation will not go anywhere. I opened my book.

"Love is not something you can learn from books. It will touch you one day. If you have courage, then you will succeed in it, and I know my friend is very brave" , he pointed at me. Can someone love me? Adjust all my terrible behavior. No way.

"You two ", John pointed at us.
"What is it, sir? ", I asked with a lot of artificial politeness.
"What are you talking about? "Why are you not listening? ", he yelled at me. All the eyes fall on me and Philip.

"Well, I don't understand what you are talking about,", Philip answered carelessly.
" What? I didn't hear you? ", he came forward.
"Because your class is boring ", I answered on behalf of Philip. I don't want to admit it, but Natasha can take class way better than him.

"How dare you? ", his face turned red with all anger. Looks interesting.
"I was just being honest", I said boredly. What can he do to me?

"I am your teacher. You should at least show some respect", he said. Wow, that's a nice one.

"You want me to respect you because you are a teacher. Teaching is a job. Like everyone else, you are doing it for money. So there is no specialty in being a teacher", I answered. He is a bad person. I have seen him harassing students.

"Sit down, both of you," he ordered.
"As you ordered, sir," we both sat down.

He continued to take his class. The bell rang.
" Okay. Let's see in the next class," he said as he walked away, giving me a sidelong glance.

"You seriously talk back to him?" Lia said as she stepped to the side.
"This is not the first time ", Philip said. Yes, this is not the first time we have disagreed, and this will not be the last time.

"Do you want to have lunch with me? ", she asked, looking down. Is she asking me or the floor?
"No. ", I feel like this is the only word I am using with her.
"So the class nerd has a voice, "said Jenny. She placed her hand on Lia's shoulder.
"I want to have lunch with you. Can you please invite me ", Jenny turned face-to-face with her.
"Or is it only for him?" Jenny pointed at me. Lia ran outside. Jenny glared at me and walked to her seat.

Wow, nice drama. I enjoyed it.

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