chapter seven.

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After the boys grabbed what they needed for Will's "special spot" they walked where Will led.

"So where is this place exactly?" Mike began to question. He was kind of nervous. He hadn't known Will long, what if this was his last day? What if Will brutally murdered him right her in the middle of a forest?

"You'll see!" Will giggled. Mike smiled giddily. Will's giggle ran through his ears like a melody. Mike decided he had had enough admiring of the boy. He wanted to flirt. He hoped this wouldn't affect his job.

Mike gently brushed his pinky against Will's hand. Will looked up at Mike with confusion. Mike had this goofy smile. Will laughed and grabbed Mike's hand. Mike practically melted right there.

Will finally led him to the spot. It was a beautiful, wooded, grassy area with fairy lights on trees and a hammock. Will glanced at Mike. Mike was awestruck.

"This is amazing Will! You really want to bring me here?" Mike joked. "Yes actually, I found this place last year. When I first met you I wanted to bring you here immediately. You seemed like the kind of guy to enjoy this place." Will blushed.  Mike looked Will in the eyes. "I really do enjoy this, thank you so much Will."

Mike put the basket on the ground and began unfolding the blanket while Will turned on all the fairy lights. The two boys unloaded all their snacks and sat down. Mike ate a chocolate covered strawberry and squealed. Will burst out laughing.

"What?" Will choked, barely able to form a sentence. "I've never had this. It's amazing!" Mike giggled like a little girl. Will smiled at Mike. He'd never met such a funny guy.

After eating all their snacks, Mike and Will laid down on their blanket. Mike grabbed the two pillows and a blanket. They watched the moon together.

"You know, I'm glad you're here. Even if it is just a summer job." Will blushed. "And I'm glad you're here too. I don't know how I'd deal with Troy and James without you." Mike said dramatically, throwing his hand over his head to add to the act. Will burst out laughing. Will couldn't stop thinking about Mike and he didn't know why. Mike was his only thought.

"EEEEEE!!" Mike screeched. Will looked over in confusion. Mike had found the last chocolate covered strawberry. Will chuckled at Mike.

Mike finished the strawberry. He had a little chocolate on the corner of his lips. Will loved Mike's lips. He loved the beautiful pink color. He loved how chapped Mike's lips always were. How Mike always used strawberry chapstick...

Will snapped himself out of his daydream. "Dude, you've got a little..." Will said as he wiped the chocolate of off Mike's lip. Both turned bright pink. Will retracted his hand instantly.

"Sorry!" He blurted. "It's ok." Mike smiled. Mike looked up and the sky, and rubbed his pinky against Will's. Will blushed as they held hands under the covers.

"You're off tomorrow right?" Will asked Mike. "Yup! I assume you too?" Mike smiled. Will nodded and smiled. Wanna go into town tomorrow?" Will asked again. "Sure!" Mike cheered.

After just laying there in comfortable silence for a while, Will noticed the full moon. "Beautiful isn't it?" Will smiled while looking at the moon. Mike was looking directly at Will. "Yeah... just like you." Mike said flirtatiously. Will blushed. "I-I.."

"Can I kiss you?" Mike cut Will off. Will blushed. "Yeah-..." Mike leaned in and pulled Will closer. They shared a romantic, gentle kiss. Mike held Will tight and nuzzled him.

"I've wanted to do that for so long." Mike chuckled. Will gently grabbed Mike's face and kissed him again, a bit more passionate this time.

A couple kisses and Mike's hand up Will's shirt later, they decided to go to bed. Mike and Will were cuddling.

"Goodnight my love." Mike whispered in Will's ear. Will practically folded. "Goodnight. I love you." Will smiled. "I love you too."

notez from me!!: I FORGOT I HAD STORIES I HAD TO UPDATE. anyways enjoy this fluff bc it's been 6 chapters w no romance😽

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