chapter five.

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8:23 am?!

Mike had 22 minutes to get to work on time so he could open before 9:30 am. He ran to the bathroom as fast as he could. He looked in the mirror and cringed. His hair was so greasy it quite literally could start a fire.

Mike took the fasted shower known to man and threw on his spare uniform. He brushed his teeth and his hair in less than a minute. He threw on his crusty black converse, locked the door, and ran to his job as quickly as he could.

Mike went to the large glass doors of the restaurant and rested against it. He began to wheeze and catch his breath. He checked his watch and saw he still had 7 minutes to spare. The dark-haired boy sensed someone approaching and looked to his left.

Will Byers. He looked flushed. Mike didn't know why.

"You ok man?" Mike asked Will. Will got even more flustered. "O-oh yeah I'm fine. Let's just start opening up." Will muttered as he unlocked the door.

Weird.... Mike thought.


Oh. My. God.

Seeing Mike Wheeler with wet hair, leaned up against a building, and out of breath was not how Will wanted to start his morning. He just looked so perfect. Will instantly blushed.

He hated the way he felt about Mike and how quickly he developed this feeling. Will wished he could make the stupid feelings go away, but he couldn't. He had spent all night trying. This guy could be a serial killer for all he knows.

"You ok man?" Mike asked Will. Will blushed even harder.

Shit shit say something!

"O-oh yeah I'm fine. Let's just start opening up." He muttered.

Great, now you look stupid.

Both boys entered the building and got to work. They had funny conversations as they cleaned and got ready. Will realized how bad Mike was at cleaning.

"Have you ever cleaned in you life?" Will joked. Mike scratched his head. "You sound like my mom..." He chuckled. Will laughed. "Here, let me help you." He said as he walked towards the dark-haired boy. Will stood behind Mike, taking in how he was only an inch or two shorter than Mike.

Will wrapped his hands around Mike's hands on the broomstick and began sweeping. "See?" Will asked gently. "Y-yeah." Mike gasped. Will helped for a while until he realized what he was doing.

"S-sorry man I got lost in thought. Cleanings such an outlet for me I just zoned out." He apologized. Mike looked just as flustered as Will felt. "It's ok dude nothing to worry about. Honestly I think that was the best cleaning I've ever done." Mike joked, trying to lift the atmosphere up a little. Will chuckled at his comment and went back to cleaning.

The girls walked in flirting and joking. "So when are you two going to open for once?" Will asked sassily. "When you give us the chance Mr. Clean." Max sassed back with the same energy.

"I'm much better than that bald guy!" Will exclaimed. Max threw her hands up. "Woah! Sorry, didn't mean to bruise your cleaning ego." Max shrugged. Mike giggled. Will shot his head in Mike's direction. "Something funny Wheeler?" Will deadpanned.

Will watched Mike look around nervously. "No sir!" Mike retorted as he saluted and began cleaning again.

"Hmm...." Max pondered. "Will Wheeler or Mike Byers?" she asked her girlfriend. "I don't know, Mike Byers sounds better but I do kind of think it would make more sense if Will took Mike's last name...." El said.

"What're you guys talking about?" Will asked. He looked at the girls with a confused look and wondered what the hell they were thinking. "Planning you and Mike's wedding!" Max said. Mike started choking on air.

"HUH?" both boy said in unison. Jane and Max laughed. "Just planning for the future!" El added.

"It-it's not like that you guys-" Mike sputtered. "Yeah we're just friends? Can two guys not be friends?" Will said. Max and Jane looked at each other. "Not when it's you two." Max deadpanned as the girls walked to the kitchen.

"Sorry, ignore them." Will sighed. "They tease everyone." Mike giggled. Then his giggles bursted out into full on laughing. Will was so confused. "What's wrong?" He asked. "N-nothing.." Mike said as he wiped a tear from his eye. "It's just that, do they really think we're gonna gonna get married?"

Will felt a pinch of hurt when Mike said that. He knew he shouldn't though. "For real, we're just friends." Will said as he tried to laugh it off. Will thought he saw that same pinch of hurt in Mike, but told himself he was being delusional.


"Sigh..." Max said as she rested her head on her girlfriend. "They're so in love it hurts."

notes from me!!: I forgot about updating mbmb🧍 I WAS IN A DIFF COUNTRY OKAY??😭

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