15. ...Under revelations and new dangers

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   Well, I really shouldn't have pondered my plight for too long. After all, Perla was extremely fast... faster than a Dalmatian for sure. Upon arriving at the police station, she ended up locking Diesel in a cage for dogs his size along with others... cellmates apparently. She then headed down the halls of the place, where I managed to catch her halfway through, so tired but eager to try to accomplish.... something to no avail.....

- Dylan: Wait... Pearl... Diesel didn't... have... intentions... in the park. He's a sleepwalker.

- Pearl: Ha, what a cliché story, nice try. *she said as she headed to her post in the office and I insisted....

- Dylan: No it wasn't.. also.... I still need him to be able to catch the real criminal...

- Pearl *sighs*: Look Dylan, I'm sorry but... my hooves are tied up in this case. Diesel, you broke the restraint.

- Dylan: Please, Pearl.... Diesel won't last a day in jail. * I said in a worried tone.

   Although I pleaded and tried to convince her for a few minutes to no avail, I only ended up being thrown into the main street while she closed the main door of the station, as her human was sleeping... as expected. I understood she was very responsible in her work but sometimes she focuses a lot on it directly rather than on the details of the outside or opinions of other witnesses.. well, sure the law is law after all (even if it is blind from time to time).

   Regretful but not defeated at such a situation, I could think of an idea to get him out of the prison right away but I couldn't do it alone at that moment and cause more problems with that porthole so, without wasting any more time, I went back home and entered through the front door secretly so as not to wake up my parents, of course. It took a few more minutes but I made it to a medium sized closet, where Dolly was sleeping .... in her own way, I guess.

- Dylan: Dolly, I need your help urgently, look for the flower petals from Diesel's bed that we saw in the afternoon now. * I said in a desperate but light tone so no one else would hear us then.

- Dolly: Hey... I'm not... a collector.. pup. *she said somewhat annoyed and sleepily between mumbles, but at least she was listening to me.

- Dylan: I'm serious, sis.... *I said while trying to get her up from her bed*.... Diesel is behind bars.

- Dolly: What? You're just telling me? I'll be right there!

    My sister stealthily slipped past my other siblings and my parents in a surprising way... since, despite her personality change, she maintained her fearless speed and agility of a young professional athlete.

   After bringing me some petals from Diesel's bed, I pulled some petals from similar flowers in the park.

- Dylan: Both petals... they don't have the same smell; so, the petals that Diesel had saved are NOT THE ones from the park!!!

- Dolly *surprised*: See, I told you he was innocent.

- Dylan: I'll regret it later, but right now, there's no choice but to get him out of prison!!! But, first we need additional help.

- Dolly: Whatever you say, charming failed hero. * She said in a mocking tone as usual, but well, she always had time for this kind of thing. * Anyway, I have the perfect team, give me a few minutes. *she said as she ran into the living room.

- Dylan: Okay, meet me in 5 minutes at the tree house!!!! *I said in a firm tone although, unexpectedly, I almost woke my dad up in the process.

- Doug: Ow... wait... what?

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