3. To be a pup leader

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- ???: Catch me if you can, bro!!! - Said a puppy defiantly as he ran near me.

- Dylan: Hehe, sure I will. - I answered strongly.

  Although I tried to catch the pup many times with speed, I always failed. So... I thought I'd take a shortcut using the walls and rubble of the place...

- ???: You can't catch me... hey, where are you?

- Dylan: Right here!! * I said and scared the puppy face to face with surprise. * Haha, no one knows this place better than me...

- ???: It's not fair, although he's a good player... * Said the grumpy puppy who didn't admit his defeat as he got up and went to play somewhere else.

Dawkins was sitting near me and, seeing us, said in a cheerful and amazed tone:

- Dawkins: Great brother, surely your strategies and knowledge of this place will help you become our best leader of this family one day.

- Dylan: Hehe, I hope so, bro.. * I said in a nervous but pleasant tone said comment*... I hope so.


  I just remembered how were the moments in my first 9 days in my new home (similar to this dialogue), along with the puppies playing here and there, and my mother... absent mostly to fetch us food or toys lying around town, though in good condition of course. Despite everything, ignoring the state of our home, I didn't mind a bit to keep everything in order and enjoy for this few moments my life as a young puppy too.

  I might be fine, calm and gentle in the mornings with my family. However, during the cold nights in Candem, I felt a little uncomfortable sleeping, despite being next to my brothers in the living room, I felt something empty inside me... especially on this last day, in which... I remembered that accident.

- Dylan: AAAHHH!!!! * I woke up loudly from my dream and looked around the place in a lost way.

    I was lucky that no pups or my mother heard me because of that, but I wasn't relieved at all. I walked a few steps to look for something I didn't remember... since it wasn't by my side, except for a phrase that reminded me through the window of the room when I felt that way.

- Dylan: Where are you? * I said in a worried tone to myself... as I watched the stars through that window for a while before falling asleep again.

   The next day, I felt exhausted and my eyes were sore. Luckily, the puppies were in the living room satisfied that they had eaten breakfast without any problems. My brother Dawkins accidentally bumped into me in the hallway and, seeing my condition, asked me:

- Dawkins: Oww, hey bro. Did you sleep well?

- Dylan: Not good enough... I had the same nightmare as last night around midnight.

- Dawkins: Ohh, I see.. since I've seen you more tired these past few days in the mornings... although the good thing is that our mother always leaves our breakfast in case for  sleepyheads .... *she said in a calm and mocking tone*.

- Dylan: Ahh.. well, *I said while yawning*.... Wait...

   Tired and confused, I decided this time to find out what my mom was planning back then since I was outside more during those last 2 days. Luckily, I found her so close to the door with some stuff she was carrying in a plastic bag on her back (which she found it on the street of course). I quickly pushed my brother away and ran to her quickly.

"The Purpose of my Life" (Dylan)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin