1. Such a friendly welcoming

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- Dylan: Hey mom... how much left to get there? - I asked in a discouraged tone

- Delilah: Hmmm... there's still about... half a kilometer to the city, but we shouldn't stop now - she replied in a serious tone. 

- Dylan: I'm sorry... it's just that... we haven't eaten or rested for a long time after leaving our home... even my little brothers are moaning a little tired.

   At that moment, my mother just sighed a little and continued in a compassionate tone to calm me down a little:

- Delilah: I'm sorry my son, there is no other way... but I assure you that our new home will be better for you.... and our whole family... I hope so.


  That was the dialogue I remembered the most about my trip with my mother, towards a new place to live,  we had traveled half of our destination (of a total of 12 kilometers more or less. Perhaps we weren't physically able to continue walking comfortably, thanks to the previous incident that forced us to flee to a new home, but I didn't lose the hope that something good would happen when I arrived, as my previous father taught.

  At that time, only my mother and I were awake while we carried the others on our backs (yes, although I was so young, I was the oldest of them and had more strength to perform that action). Our paws were a little sore from walking nonstop towards this new city until it got darker and the cold of that night made things a little worse.... I wondered if it was possible to stop and searching a shelter, but I trusted my mother would manage to solve the problem as she always did.

  However, the luck of our fate came in our favor in the end. When we thought this would be more difficult for our situation, the trip was finally over... Although it seems like something out of a romantic movie, it was not a lie . The sunrise sun, whereas it appeared to light the day, showed the end of a country lane to a sign showing the entrance to the new orderly and crowded city... like a new world to me.

- Delilah: Ok my pups... at last, we have arrived.... at our new home.

   At that time, I felt a little tired and sleepy while I was carrying my other brothers on my back, but then I verified in the end that this effort was worth it. I was amazed to see a more modern and cleaner city than I have ever seen. I observed its surroundings restlessly: colorful mansions, numerous restaurants, parks and some humans in sight. Although there was not much light because it was early in the morning, but my mother knew where she should go.

  Inside of me, I felt a little better, thinking about the new things that would be there, assuming that I would have a better life than before, and chatting with my mother about new plans to improve our lifestyle (at least, a little) while I could; until then Dawkins (my younger brother) said:

- Dawkins: I am also very impacted by this new place, but it would be better to find a home to discov...

   Unexpectedly, he quickly fell asleep while my mother and I laughed a bit at this unexpected fact, although I was more amazed at this almost complete rhyme than my brother almost did. Then my mother continued:

- Delilah: Right, I know an old friend who offered to host us a few years ago... I hope he's available by now.

- Dylan: I'll follow you, mom. - I replied in a calm tone while yawning from exhaustion.

  Upon arrival, he told me to help him set up the place where we are and take care of the puppies, but after waking up all my brothers to sleep in the living room, I just fell asleep in that place too. She only made a smile rejoicing to have reached her destination, gave us all a few kisses on the head and went to sleep.

  After a few hours, I woke up from my dream while I was active although it was noticeable that the afternoon had come for the whole city... the other puppies were playing in different parts of the living room of that new house but my mother was gone at that time , so I talked to my brother Dawkins who was with some of my brothers:

- Dylan: Hi Dawkins, do you know where mom went to?

- Dawkins: Hello brother. She told me she was going to look for her friend to pay the rent on our home. Also, she told me that she's already fed me and the puppies, but she also said you need to stay and supervise the home until she gets back.

   At that instant, I felt relieved that I had a home again, although it made me want to explore that new city where I would live until now, so I decided to leave quickly, without first saying one of my favorite phrases towards my younger brother:

- Dylan: Dawkins, you stay in charge!!!

After that, I left home quickly while Dawkins just looked at me and said to himself:

- Dawkins: But (3 times), where are you going?? - He asked me in a concerned tone although at that time I had already gone to the street.

- Dawkins: Oh, kibbles! - he said to himself in a sarcastic tone while my other brothers heard him and pounced on him.

  Taking advantage that my mother was not there and the pups had eaten their lunch, I went to visit the streets of Candem alone. There were a lot of people and other animals of various kinds that passed near me doing various activities. I was happy with all of it as I walked through the streets of the city, ignoring the following negative events that awaited me later.

  On one street, a car doused me with muddy water driving close to me on a wet track, I shook myself dry like any normal dog would but I didn't feel bad. While turning around the corner a guy on a bike almost hit me but I narrowly missed him as he was going fast. However, that guy was yelling at me: "STILL AWAY, NASTY DOG!!! Although I felt a little offended with this sentence, I decided to ignore it and continue on my way normally.

  After that, I found a large park in front of me after walking a few more blocks, so I went there to relax a bit in the nature of that place. Upon arrival, I was amazed at the its scenery (even though there wasn't much sun by that time), including a natural lake and lots of young trees, so I decided to run and jump around like any little pup would for fun for a good while.

  Unexpectedly, while I was running down the path, I came across a squirrel that crossed my path. I almost managed to dodge it with an uncontrolled jump but I landed on my paws and continued running looking back at the squirrel that seemed to be complaining about almost colliding with him. I laughed a little about it but I didn't realize that a ball was going around in the opposite direction to where I was going. Given this, I only managed to look at it, finding out where it would come from; however, as I turned forward again, I just felt someone bumping into me fast and carring me forward.

   The impact was so strong that it threw me far away as I spun around, until I crashed hard into a tree with my head, leaving me dizzy from the impact. When I regained consciousness a few seconds later, still sore from what had happened, I managed to see a small shadow (I think it was a another pup like me) standing in front of me who said to me with a friendly and somewhat amused voice:

???: Wow, that was amazing, ¿are you alright, slime face?

   Although I was dizzy from the blow and lying on the ground, I managed to recognize a small slender shadow in front of my face... then a male voice calling her to return home.

???: I am sorry I have to go. - He told me as he turned to the right for a while and then looked at me again.

???: I like you, I hope to see you again. GOODBYE!!!

  Later, that shadow ran away from the park with his ball towards the outside of the park while the sun covered it from my sight and lifted me off the ground little by little. At first, I didn't know who he or she was or the intentions of the puppy that was in front of me for some seconds, but then I felt she would be part of one of the best changes I had in my life as a good friend... and the beginning of a great adventure...

"The Purpose of my Life" (Dylan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora