13. More than normal pups

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  Although I was not directly in the fact, I perceived how my brother was at that moment... alone, against 1 final target, about 2 curves and a long remaining track, supported by a vehicle with worn tires and sore front legs .... but all this, with an unwavering smile. He only felt the adrenaline in his veins and just a hunger for victory, apparently that's the only thing that mattered to him... was it worth it? Only he knows....


  The marathon was in its last moments of development and, from far away, I could notice how many runners... even my sprinter brother, were a bit exhausted and the public present was very anxious to see the end of the race (as well as my family from far away).

  From one hand, my parents would watch it via the big screen of a TV they had with their human companions at their workstations in a quiet way. On the other hand, I was sure that Dawkins was aware of leading my other brothers to some good places to watch the end of the race near home, and that Fergus...was waiting in line watching him from a garbage can while he looked for food in a calm way and enjoyed the show on his big screen... what a good life he had for now.

  Meanwhile, again I saw the bully dogs and other competitors from behind were still eager to get the 1st places of the competitionat a slow pace, focusing on where my brother was since (in my view) they were humiliated to know how a puppy would end up beating them at the end .... and maybe, seek revenge as possible (after all I didn't know the real safety of that event either... humans more like the entertainment itself).

  Although Dolly and I were a bit worried about it (especially with Delgado not realizing it as he was feeling a bit tired about it), I finally heard something that immediately lifted my spirits through another exclamation from the presenter.

- Presenter: Wow, what's going on? Is it just me or can you see little tremors in certain areas of the track? Anyway, something is slowing down the competitors coming from behind.

- Presenter: Still, I knew this was going to happen, after all the mayor lately became a good-for-nothing slacker, and that's why the city still stands as it is.... Ehh, is this microphone still on? * said the poor human fearing his final fate.

  The plan was already underway... by means of his incredible sense of smell, Diesel was digging at high speed to where some of the said cheating competitors were and made some small holes under their paws to try to stop them or lose their balance. At least, I already felt at ease under this last statement of the presenter as an excuse to ignore the truth behind the matter.

  In the meantime, I could only make it running up to that stretch with my camera and I couldn't give up anymore to follow him on foot, so I asked Dolly for help in taking me with her on her skateboard to the end of the race. Luckily I managed to convince my sister to take me around the rest of the track to try to film Delgado with my camera.

  She really liked the idea after all she would see her "star pupil" finish his first race with me... but of course she agreed in exchange for me repainting his helmet and skateboard later on, so I had to reluctantly accept her request (after all, it still looked like a new gift).

 - Presenter: Right now, we're nearing the home stretch... and our new tainted revelation is only going head-to-head with the crowd favorite... this is going to be a shock finish, ladies and gentlemen.* he said in an astonished tone, Just like how the public felt at that time. he said in an astonished tone, just like how the public felt at that time.

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