"Why do you say that?" I asked Jenna, distracted, looking down into my bowl of cereal.

"Have you seen yourself?" she asked, and I felt slightly offended. "You're the typical good guy who's never even broken a dish, and all of the sudden you hop in a car, win a race, and get us all into a shitload of trouble. You're not exactly what I'd call predictable, Justin, I'd bet you anything right now that Cole is thinking of giving it to you every which way right on top of this counter to try to get over his frustration at losing his car. That's how he usually solves his problems. He's not the type to just forget it." She made air quotes as she said the last words and laughed as she looked at my stunned expression.

"Come on!" she said. "Don't tell me it never even crossed your mind. If I hadn't known him since I was in diapers, I'd be throwing myself at him, too, just like every other person in this town."

In my mind, I started recreating that kiss we had given each other on the hood of the car. It wasn't the first time I'd remembered it, and my body always reacted by shivering and wishing his hands would caress me again... but that just meant I had eyes! And I didn't want him! I'm not gay!

"Believe me when I say this — I'm not letting him give it to me anywhere. I've known enough pretty faces to last a lifetime. People like him will screw you over the first chance they get. Just look at my girlfriend Maddie."

"Ex-girlfriend Maddie," she corrected me, taking a drag from her cigarette. "You're right, people like him are dangerous, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy what they can offer you to get over your old girl. Who says a man can't sleep with a guy for the simple pleasure of doing it? You're single, you're handsome, it's summer. Enjoy it and don't think too much."

"I don't want to sleep with a guy, I'm not gay."

"You don't have to be gay to sleep with a guy. There are more than just that one sexuality."

"I know. But Cole thinking about screwing me is the most disgusting thing I can think of."

"Please, everyone wants a piece of Cole's penis, plus you give off bottom vibes."

I laughed out loud. Jenna was crazy! I wasn't that kind of guy.

"First of all, I'm a top —"

Jenna laughed.

"—Secondly, how about we drop the subject of the Williams and you promise to stay over tonight," I said. If I had to spend three days alone with Cole in that house, I'd die before Monday arrived.

Jenna thought it over.

"Cole will almost certainly invite the guys, which means Logan will be here, and if you add in the alcohol and music..." Her fingers drummed her cheek. "Then I'm in!" She smiled.

That put me in a good mood. With Jenna next to me, the days would pass quicker, and that was what I needed just then: for the days to fly by without having to think about where they were taking me.


Just as Jenna had said, a few hours later the house was pure madness. It wasn't even 9:00 p.m. when the doorbell started ringing. A bunch of guys and girls with beer kegs soon rolled in. When he heard the racket, Cole pecked out over the top of the stairs to invite everyone in, telling them to put on the music.

Drinks flowed like water, and the music boomed from speakers I couldn't even see. I felt out of place in my grey sweatpants with no shirt. Jenna had gone home to change and still wasn't back, so I went to my room to try to freshen up a little, looking through my closet to see if there was something that would be sexual, comfortable and still nice to wear.

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