Chapter Seventeen

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Riley: - Please, please, please, tell me he didn’t go…. Miles! You could have stopped him!

Miles: - I’m sorry Luna, it must be done. I know he did some stupid things, but one thing I know for sure, he’ll do whatever it takes to protect you. He’s an alpha and has duties that must be fulfilled.

Riley: - I just don’t understand something, why the rogues want to kill me? I don’t even know them. Is this to get back at whatever it is happen to them years ago?

Miles: - The rogue attacks directed to you, is just to see Justin fall. Once a wolf loses his or her mate, they grieve, some go mad and eventually die or if they’re strong enough they survive. The rogue you met at the cabin James, use to be one of us. His dad back then was Justin’s father right hand man. His beta, the second in command. Things were going well, until James’s dad challenge Justin’s father for the alpha position. He told him that he's already giving it to his son, James’s dad got furious.

Riley: - If he’s second in command why not give him the roll?

Miles: - It doesn’t work like that. If Justin’s dad didn’t have an heir, then the roll would be given to his beta but that wasn’t the case. Anyway, his dad didn’t take it lightly, so he decides to assassinate Justin’s parents while they were asleep and lit their cabin on fire. When Justin found out what had happened, he went berserk. He showed no mercy towards the guy who was once his friend and his parents. James accused him for what happened to his parents, saying that the alpha position rightfully belonged to his dad. Even though he were to succeed in defeating our present alpha at that time, he has me to deal with. So that’s basically the reason they want you dead. It’s payback.

Riley: - That guy sounds sick.

Miles: - Delusional, will be more fitting.

Riley: - Look Miles, I can’t stay here and sob. I have to do something. He’s out there, I have to go. What kind of Luna would I be if I can’t help out my own mate.

Miles: - Luna, no-one is doubting that you can’t protect your mate. You have a fighter spirit; I can see the fire burning in your eyes. But you’re human, you can’t go, it’s too dangerous. You have to stay here where it’s safe.

Riley: - Who says I’m going alone? You’re coming with me Miles, that’s an order.

Miles: - My Luna, this – is – not a good idea.

Riley: - Let’s go Miles!

"Cutting through the forest on Miles back, you never knew his wolf was this incredibly fast. You picked up the faint stench of blood, cries of pain were heard the closer you got. Upon reaching the required destination but not to close. You find a spot a safe distance away from the festival of blood bath. Miles hid behind a tree and shift."

Miles: - Stay here Luna please, you have full view of the battle. If anything happens to you the alpha is gonna be pissed.

"Shifting back to his wolf form, he joined the battle taking down wolves from a side. You stay out of sight, hidden behind a tree and search for your mate through the ruckus. You spotted him in a small clearing with James, both badly injured and still standing. James makes a lounge for Justin, but he quickly dodges it. Looking on at the battle before you, a deep growl came from behind you. Slowly turning with your heart thumping like crazy in your chest. You see one of the rogues approaching with its teeth barred glistening in blood. You try to make a run for it and was quickly knocked to the ground. He stands over you, his face inches closer with each passing second. Bloody drool falls from its mouth onto your face. The urge to scream burst through your throat, getting the attention of your mate and the surrounding wolves."


"Your voice, having Justin’s full attention is all the distraction James needed. He lounges forward sinking his canine into his side, ripping out his flesh. He staggers slightly, ignoring the fact that has just been bitten. Now seeing red, that his mate is in trouble. James tries going for round two. He attacks again, this time Justin leaps out of the way and jumps onto his back. Digging his canine into the back of his neck as far as it can go before ripping it out. A yelp was heard, and his body goes limp beneath him, he took off running your way, dismantling the rogue. He shifts."

Justin: - Why the hell are you here? Are you hurt? Are you crazy! I could have lost you.

Riley: - I couldn’t stay and do-nothing Justin. I had to come. You just left; I feel so useless.

Justin: - Baby, I’m an alpha. And its my job, to protect you and this pack. I know you feel like you useless but you being my mate says a lot and does a lot to. So don’t g… g… g_


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