Chapter Ten

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You scream while trying to make an attempt to escape the room, but to no avail. You were caught by the wrist, punched in the gut and thrown back into the room.

The act made you feel like your life just left your body. You’re gasping for breath, trying to get a hold of yourself. After some time of trying, you finally get your breathing under control, you grab a chair from the room and try an attack of your own to defend yourself. Again, you were thrown back but harder this time, the pain causes you to wince. You start screaming again hoping that someone will here you.

Pete: - Someone shut that bitch up. She’s worse than a crying kid.

Carl: - I say let’s have some fun with her first, I’m enjoying this.

One rogue says while approaching, licking his lips in the most disgusting way possible. Gross. You cringed at the sight. These rogues look as if they hadn’t eaten in days. Their eyes stalk you like their next meal.

Carl: - I’m going to show you what a real man feels like baby. What a real dick looks like too. So, you may never forget. When I’m done with you, you’ll be crawling back for more.

Riley: - Justin is more man than you’ll ever be. I will never go with a scum like you.

Pete: - Oh really now? There’s three of us Princess and your mate is nowhere around. But no worries, we’ll be gentle.

Riley: - He’ll come; you’ll be sorry. You’ll be ripped to shreds for trespassing on his land. I guarantee you.

Pete: - I don’t think so. You see darlin, your little alpha is too busy with our distraction. It’s not possible. It’ll be too late when he gets here.

Carl: - Let’s kill the long talk and do a full body search to make sure she isn’t hiding any weapons in her panties, bra or even her pussy. I’ll start with the breast.

His loon voice is enough to send a trail of fear and form nausea in the pit of your stomach.

Riley: - Just leave me alone, please. I’ve nothing to you.

Closing your eyes shut, you dread about what he’s about to do next, it’s five against one. Then all of a sudden, you heard crashing, sounds of wailing and screams like a banshee. Your eyes flutter open, only to see the wolf you know so well in front of you. In a possessive stance. The rogues were getting back up to hurry out the door to save themselves but paused when Justin wolf growls at them.

Pete: - War is coming alpha, mark my words your days are numbered. 

Shifting back to his human form. Damn…Oh my gosh, that’s a fine ass body. He looks the rogue dead in the eye and speaks.

Justin: - It’s already started when your leader threatened my mate. But tell him this, come rain or shine, I’m coming, I’ll find him, and he’ll be face with the worst torture mother nature can give, so much that he’ll be begging me to kill him.

The rogues scuff in disgust and took off running. Turning your attention back to the fine two leg specimen in front you, still amazed that this guy can turn into a stunning black wolf. From the tip of his head to the tip of his nose, white stream down like a milky way.

Riley: - Your wolf is magnificent.

He shifts back to his wolf stepping closer, nudging you on the cheek with his nose. His fur felt like the finest quality of silk as your hands play with it. Raising his head, you see the concern in his golden orbs.

Riley: - I’m fine really, I’m just happy that you got here in time.

He circled you and lay down behind your back. So, you quietly sit and lean back into his plush fur, as sleep takes you over. You wake up to the smell of fried chicken filling the morning air. Justin is nowhere to be seen, so you make your way towards the kitchen only to see a very delicious and shirtless Justin by the stove.

Riley: - Morning.

Justin: - Hey babe. Sleep well?

Riley: - Yeah. What are you making.

Justin: - Fried chicken, eggs and bacon with apple juice. By the way, since your room is total, I’m moving your things to my room. Plus, I want to officially introduce you as my mate and the pack future Luna.

Moving from where you’re sitting, you walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his back.

Riley: - I appreciate you saving me.
Justin: - You’re my mate, I’ll do it again in a heartbeat, if I must. It’s my job to protect you, what kind alpha would I be if I can’t protect my own mate. I’ll kill for you.

After breakfast, he called everyone to the pack house hall, where he announces you as his mate and the packs Luna. Howls erupted through the air as they welcomed you. 

Later that day, he holds a meeting with the warriors letting them know to prepare for war. He even placed two warriors as your personal bodyguard. You kept thinking about why the rogues want you dead, but one thing is clear is that Justin wouldn’t think twice or hesitate when it comes to protecting you.

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