Chapter Four

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Riley: - What the freaking hell Jamie. Are you crazy!

Jamie: - Come on! Today, is a big day and you’re going to be late. A girl is never late for a date, especially if it’s with a hot guy.

Riley: - Do you know what time it is? Better yet, what day it is?

Jamie: - Yeah, it’s Saturday and it’s almost five-thirty in the evening, you slept in whole day. what’s the problem?

Riley: - I’m going back to sleep.

"She pounces on you like a wild cat, tugging off the covers as she does. She looks like those three-year-old who got their favorite toy at Christmas."

"Overly excited or the ones that may have eaten to much sugar. And now needs a tranquilizer to put them to sleep."

Riley: - Jamie! Cut it out!

"She stops and look at you."

Jamie: - Don’t give me that look, you should be thanking me. You’ve got a guy coming to take you out, and you wanna go back and sleep.

Riley: - What are you talking about?

Jamie: - Justin will be here any minute now, for your hanging out remember. Now you got less than thirty minutes.

"You bolt upright, throwing her off as you do. She shrieks in surprise at your sudden reaction."

Riley: - SHIT, SHIT, SHIT! I totally forgot. Why me.

Jamie: - You better hurry, that bell will be going off anytime now. I’ll be downstairs.

"Skating into your bathroom, you took a quick shower, brush your teeth and change your clothes quickly. Just as you were about to pop a piece of French toast in your mouth, the doorbell rang and Jamie shrieks."

Jamie: - Ahh! he’s here. Ooooooh.

Riley: - Down girl. It’s a silly hang out.

"You said smiling to her, as you walk to the door and open it. He stands there in all his sexiness with his eyes smiling warmly at you."

"Your heart did a little flutter of excitement and you had to mentally clout yourself for getting this excited."

Justin: - Our day out awaits. My lady.

Riley: - Let’s go.

Jamie: - Wait a minute Mr. Rivers. You better keep her safe you hear me. She’s my best friend.

Justin: - I will, I promise. No harm will come to her.

"He leads you out to his black range rover parked in your driveway. All slick down and polished and damn. It’s not as good as him though, but still."

Riley: - Nice ride.

Justin: - Thanks. So, do you have any place special planned in mind? I know I said I had a surprise, but I wanted to know if you’d like to go somewhere of your choice. 

Riley: - No, not really. I haven’t thought about it.

Justin: - It’s ok, I know a place.

"You hopped in his van, and soon you’re on the road, music playing soft and mellow in the background as you hold small conversations. You head out of the valley making your way behind the hills."

Riley: - Where are we going?

Justin: - It’s a surprise, not many people know about this place. I like to go there sometimes for a little me time. This is the first time I’m bringing a girl. 

"He pulls up to a cabin structure named, “Natures Goodness."

Justin: - We’re here. Don’t mind its appearance, you’ll like it, trust me. The food is great here.

"You hopped out the vehicle and started towards the wooden structure. Even though it’s on the out skirts, it doesn’t seem to scary, instead it looks quite welcoming."

"When you enter the scent of sweets, pastries and other delectables hits you. It’s a different world behind the closed doors."

Riley: - It smells great in here, you were right.

Justin: - I told you.

"He answers with a wink. A server came and led you to a corner table with a great view of the outside, took your order and went away."

"You both were chatting, laughing enjoying the company of the other. You can’t fathom how comfortable and safe you felt around him. A stranger you just met. And he is. Because you knew nothing about him."

"Short lived your happy time of enjoyment when a loud crash interrupt you and gasp from the other customers. Both your heads snapped towards the sound. You turn back to look at Justin but was met with black eyes."

"The only thing is, he isn’t glaring at you though. But at the guy that is now standing behind you."

Justin: - What… are… you doing in my territory? You were banned from my pack. You have no rights being here.

James: - Oh, I’m not here today for a fight alpha. I’m just admiring your mate and her beautiful skin. Wouldn’t it make a fine silky coat. And her ass, she’d look good bend over for me. While I bang her brains out. 

"At that moment a roar escapes Justin lips before he can stop it, his wolf clawing to come out. Wanting the blood of this insulting bastard."

James: - My, my alpha did I hit a nerve. I’m going to take away everything from you the same way you did to me. I’m going to_.

"Before he can finish his sentence, Justin reaches across the table and slammed his fist into his stomach sending him flying."

"You swore you heard the breaking of bones with the impact. He stumbles to the door coughing, trying to catch his breath using the frame for support."

James: - You’re going to regret this alpha. This isn’t over, you’ll be sorry. I will get your mate and your pack, then we’ll see who the tough guy is. You hear me!

"Justin looked so calm and collected in school, like he’d never hurt a fly."


"You sat there in total shock, trying to replay the scene that happen moments ago. But their use of words stuck in your mind like a broken recorder." 

Riley: - Alpha? Mate? Territory? What the hell is going on?

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