Chapter Twelve

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Strange, not normal, unnatural are the words running through your mind right now. As you try to understand what just happened between you and Jamie, you’ve been friends for a long time and that never happens until now. She never kept anything from you. So why start now? You’re deep in thought over what transpired, you haven’t recognized you’ve got company. Your mind racing with a million and one questions.

Miles: - Hey? Are you alright my Luna? 

Miles concerned voice draws your attention as he stands by the door leaning on its frame.

Riley: - Oh hey Miles. Do you need help with anything?

Miles: - No, no, you seemed a little trouble that’s all. Just wanted to make sure you’re ok and well. Are you?

Riley: - I am. That’s very thoughtful of you Miles, thanks. I’m fine though really. Just girl problems.

Miles: - You sure? Cause Justin told me you’ve been acting weird, when he got back yesterday. I might not know exactly what happen, but you should talk to him, he’s a great listener and he’s not one to judge someone quickly.

Riley: - Thanks for the advice. I’ll do that, thanks.

You gave him a soft smile which he returns and leaves. You’re still on the back porch of the pack house, when you decided to text Justin.

Riley: - Hey babe, can we talk? 

Justin: - I’ll be home shortly?

That’s all he replies, short and quick. So, you wait patiently for him to arrive. A few hours later he walks through the front door with anger shown in his features. He doesn’t even stop to say “hi” just went straight for the bedroom.

“Is everything ok?” You shouted from the porch. With no response coming from him, you follow suit up the stairs. “Babe is everything fine?” still no answer. He goes about his way in the bedroom without even looking at you. You keep trying to get his attention as he makes his way to his home office, until you can’t take it no more.

Riley: - JUSTIN!!!

He stops, and slowly turns to face you. The look of pure rage plastered on his face. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath.

Justin: - I want you to answer me truthfully. Do I make myself clear?

Riley: - Yes, but why are you angry with me? You were fine this morning.

Justin: - Were you talking with your friend yesterday?

Riley: - Yeah, I called to see what she’s been up to. Is that a problem?

Justin: - I saw your friend today. She said that you called her tearing up, saying that you made a mistake. That you have been seeing men behind my back while I’m away. And you were also with one yesterday before you called her.

Riley: - Babe that’s not true. I would never cheat on you. You know me better than that.

Justin: - Do I. You know what’s hurting? I love you so damn much, I’m in love with you. I thought you felt same way Riley Grace, but I guess not. Are you with me for some sort of power or something? Because if it is then you can just leave.

Riley: - Babe let me explain. Nothing like that happened.

Justin: - EXPLAIN WHAT! What do you have to explain?! What lies do you want to feed me with? YOU WERE CAUGHT RED HANDED AND NOW YOU WANNA LIE AGAIN!

Riley: - Please, please just let me explain…. Justin.

Justin: - NO! You can never be my mate. You’re nothing but a disgusting cheap slut looking for a guy to get paid. You disgust me, I don’t even want you near me right now. I want you to leave and don’t ever show your face here again. Got it!

Riley: - Babe, please don’t do this. We’re mates, you said so yourself. 

Justin: - Mates? Mates you say. Do you even know what that is? I should have picked up on your weird acting yesterday. I thought because of the recent events you were acting like that, now I see why. Riley Grace, you are nothing but a low-down deceitful bitch who only sleep with men for money. You don’t love me. And no crocodile tears would save you either.

You felt like a stake was driven through your heart, you fall to your knees crying at his words that came out of his mouth like a two-edge sword. You’ve were stabbed in the back by your best friend, and now your heart got ripped out by your mate which hurts so, so much.

Riley: - Babe, p p please, hear me out.

Justin: - GET OUT!!!

Your pleading and begging falls on deaf ears. In his fit of anger he grabs you by the hair and throws you out the pack house.

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