Chapter Fourteen

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"Countless trees pass by, as they make their way through the forest. The wind cutting through their fur as they move with lightning speed. Hearts pounding, maybe fearing the worst."

Miles: - I can't take this, so I'm just going to say it. You weren't completely honest with your mate either. You know that right? I think it's a bit selfish of you.

Justin: - Yeah, I know. It makes me feel like a much bigger dick and a total complete asshole.

Miles: - So why lie to her in the first place? Why tell her you were never with a woman before? Don't you trust her?

Justin: - It's not that I don't trust her because I do. I guess I didn't want her to worry and think about something else while I'm on the outside.

"They came to a screeching halt."

Miles: - Justin, I'm talking here best friend to best friend not beta to alpha. I know you might be scared of the pass repeating itself, but Riley isn't like those other women. You know her background, WAKE UP DUDE! You know the hurt she went through. Look, I understand why you believe her friend, but that's your mate, you should have trusted her.

Justin: - Yeah, I know that. It's just.... That, the thought of her hurting me, not... loving me, it hurts. I kept saying that I was protecting my heart but in the end all it did was push her away. I'll make it up to her, I promise. I love her, Miles.

Miles: - I know you do. Now let's go get your mate. We've got some ass to kick.

"They ran a couple more distances through the lush green forest, until they came upon a deserted building covered in vines, broken windows and worn-out paint. They scan the area for any possible obstruction and approach with caution."

Justin: - Keep your eyes peeled everyone, they can be anywhere. Don't underestimate them.

"They entered the building paw after paw, everyone on high alert. The only sound is the trickling of water that echoed throughout the empty space."

Justin: - Did you hear that?

Miles: - Hear what. Wait sounds like crying.

Justin: - Yeah, and I know exactly who that voice belongs to. Come on.

"They move swiftly down the hall, until they came upon a black door with graffiti art. Justin opens it up slightly and saw you chained on the floor crying."

Justin: - Riley... babe.

"His voice came out a whisper."

Riley: - Justin... oh my Justin, you came. I thought I'd never see you again. Get me out of here.

"Tears start streaming down your cheek at the sight of him. He shifts to human and releases you from the chains and comforts you."

Justin: - Hey don't cry. I'm going to get you out of here, ok. I was wrong for how I treated you, and for that I'm truly sorry. But right now, I need to get you out of here asap. Miles!

Miles: - I'm on it alpha, follow me. Everyone, follow me.

"As they made their way out of the abandon building with you on Justin's back. Besides the sound of paws and breathing, a ticking sound so faint that a human might miss but to a wolfs hearing there's no escape."

Miles: - Do you hear that?

"The ticking, constant like a heartbeat made itself known. Eyes started darting in every direction to find the sauce of the sound."

Justin: - Yeah, it sounds like a_


Riley: - Aah!

Justin: - Riley you, are you ok?

"The impact from the blast sent you, Justin, Miles and even the warriors flying to the ground, landing with a heavy thud."

James: - You really think, I was going to let you leave so easily. Are you that stupid? Warriors, attack! Leave no survivors. I want them all dead!

"Out of the shadows came wolves from every direction, heading towards you. Canines and claws drawn. And hungry for flesh."

Justin: - Warrior's attack!

"At the command of their alpha, the warriors went into action taking out rogues as they go. Wolves falling, while others howl in pain, blood spew everywhere. It was chaos."

Justin: - Babe you stay here; I'll be right back.

Riley: - Ok.

"He leaves you on the side away from oncoming. And off he goes into the bloody mess of wolves."

Jamie: - I wished that blast killed you, but it didn't so I'm gonna have to do it myself.

Riley: - Jamie? What is wrong with you! Living in my shadow? I've been treated like an outcast my entire life! And that was until Justin came along and showed me what's it like to be loved. I always showed you kindness. Why do you hate me? What about me you hate so much?

Jamie: - Everything! Aah!

"She launches herself at you with a shiny sharp object in hand, knocking you to the ground and holding it deadly close to your throat. You both struggled for some time, until she was knocked off of you by a giant black wolf. You look up and saw your mate standing over her, blood dripping from his mouth. Body tensed fueled with rage, his canines ready for more action."

Jamie: - Get off me! You big dumb furball.

"She struggles beneath him trying to break free. Her strength is no match for an alpha or any wolf. So, she took her shiny sharp object that was meant for you and pierced him in the side. It caused him to howl in pain and grow angrier. Without warning he bent over, latching his jaw unto her throat and ripping it out. Blood sprayed like a fountain, while her body lay motionless."

Riley: - Babe, where's the rogue you were fighting?

"He shifts to human and approaches you, his skin covered in blood like a new piece of clothing. With a few wounds of his own, some already healing thanks to his wolf genes. You closed your eyes sighing with relief. You felt relax... to relax. Then it was night, night."

Justin: - BABE!

"You were out for a couple of hours, minor cuts and bruises on your body. You stir awake, when your eyes are open, Justin is right there beside you."

Riley: - Hey, is it over?

Justin: - For now it is.

Riley: - Then why are you looking troubled?

Justin: - We have to talk; I have a confession to make. You deserve to know the truth.

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