Truth or dare? 💖

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Jordan pov:
We're at home now and we're waiting for all the girls. We all decided for them to come at 6 and it's currently 5. Le has just gone upstairs to get changed and ready. I think we're going to play some games before watching a film. I'm sat in the room with Beth and Viv and we're all just talking a bit. "How's it going with you and Le?" Beth asks me. I smile at the thought of her. "Really good" I say back to her. God I love Le so much.
"You really love her dont you?" Viv says. I go red. "Yeah I really do." I say. Beth laughs.
"Jord just don't hurt her" she then says and I look up at her. "I would never I promise B" she smiles to me.
We continue talking for 10 minutes when we all decide to go get changed. I knock on the door and I hear Le say come in from inside so I walk in and she's doing her makeup. "Hey love" I say to her. She turns from the mirror and smiles at me. "Hey princess." Princess? She's never used that before. "That's new" we both laugh and I walk over and peck her lips. "I love you Lee" I say. "I love you to Jordy." I stand up to go get ready but I turn around and hug her. She hugs me back. I love her hugs there the best hugs. "You okay?" She says.
"Yeah I just needed a hug" I say back. We let go and she smiles at me and kisses me but then turns back to the mirror and I go get changed.
After we're ready it's 5.45 so we go downstairs and chill on the sofa. I am wearing Joggers and a hoodie Beth and Le is wearing the same except Le has one of my shirts on. Viv has jeans on and a hoodie. We just sit on our phones for 10 minutes until there's a knock at the door. I go get it. It's Jill, Katie, Jen and Lotte. "Hey girlssss" I say.
"Hey Jord" Jen says. I hug them and then they come inside and greet the others. "Do any of yous want a drink?" Le asks going into the kitchen. "Just water please Le" Beth says.
"Do you want anything Viv?" Le asks.
"I'm okay thank you" she says.
"Le get make us a coffee" Katie shouts.
"What's the magic word?" I say to her.
"Please" she says back and we all laugh. Le goes to get the drink and then comes back in. We wait for the others and just sit down.

When everyone is finally here we are all sat in the floor and are deciding on a game to play. "What should we play?" Lia asks. We've all known Lia as the quite shy one in the team but recently she's been being a bit more confident which is good. "I know" Beth says.
"Oh god" most people say.
"We should play truth or dare" Beth says. We all agree and we play for a while. Not everyone knows about me and Leah. Some do but Laura, Kim and Lotte don't. It's not that we haven't told them we didn't tell anyone they just guessed. It's currently Laura's turn. "Jord truth or dare?" She says to me.
"Dare" I say smirking.
"I dare you to sit on someone's lap for the rest of the game" she says smirking at me. I laugh and walk over to Le. "Hey" I say.
"Well hello there" she says back.
"Is this okay?" I ask making sure.
"Of course." I sit in her lap and she puts her arms round me stopping me from falling. We get some looks from the three that don't know about us. "What?" I ask.
"You just seem very comfy there Nobbs" Kim says laughing. Everyone laughs apart from them 3 and there looking around very confused. "Guys were dating" Le says and I look at her and smile. "WHAT?" Kim says and we both laugh. "Did you guys actually not know?" Beth says laughing.
They all shake their heads and we continue with the game.

Beth pov:
We continue playing. I haven't been asked yet and I'm kinda relieved to be honest. Until I hear Jordan. "Beth truth or dare?" She says. Oh  god. I don't want to pick truth because I know exactly what she'll say. "Dare" she smirks and I instantly regret it. "I dare you to kiss Viv." I feel my face go bright red and I look over at Viv and hers is the same. "Jord no that's not fair on Viv" I say to Jord death staring her.
"It's okay Beth" I hear from next to me. It was Viv. "You sure?" I say.
"Yeah" she says and smiles at me. She's sat next to me so I turn my head and kiss her lips. There so soft. I swear everything about this girl is perfect. We hold the kiss for a few seconds and then both pull apart. I look up into her eyes and we both smile. I turn to the girls. "Done" I say and everyone laughs.
We continue with the game thill we get bored and decide to put a film on. I'm at next to Viv and we're very close as there's a lot of us. Jord is on Leah's knee and Lia is on Caits to make more room. Katie obviously decides to put a horror on. She know I hate horrors I look over to her and give her a death stare and she just smiles back. "I hate horrors" I whisper to Viv.
"Oh I love them" she laughs.
"They scare the shit out of me" I say. During the movie there's a jump scare and I grab Vivs hand by accident. She holds my hand properly and I look at our hands and then look up at her and she's looking at me smiling. I cuddle a bit into her side and she lets go of my hand and put her arm out me and I put my head on her shoulder. I manage to stay awake due to all the screaming from the girls at the jump scares. Jord is asleep in Leah's arms. Is so cute. I grab my phone and while Le isn't looking a take a picture and send it to her. I show Viv and she laughs. The film has just ended and it's currently 10. "Guys I'm going to take Jord to bed she's gone" Le says laughing. We all laugh to. "You of aswell?" I ask.
"Yeah I'm knackered nigh yall." Everyone says night and she goes upstairs with Jord in her arms. I look at Viv and she looks like she's fighting to keep her eyes open. "Guys me and Viv are going to go to but there is two spear rooms so go 2 in each and then the rest in the room" I say to them and pull Viv up of the sofa.
"Okay night B" Jen says and I smile at her. We both say night to everyone and head upstairs.

"Thanks Beffie" Viv says once we get into her room. "What for?" I say confused.
"Thanks for being here for me" I see a tear trip down her face and I walk over to her. "Vivi what's wrong?" I say and I hug her. She starts bawling her eyes out and I sit down in the bed and put her on my knee. I just hug her tightly. "Vivi breathe your okay I promise I've got you" u say while rubbing her back softly. "S-sorry" I hear her say quietly in between sniffs. "Vivi you have nothing to apologise for come here" I say and pull her closer to me. I hug her even tighter. After she calms down a bit I ask her "Vivi what happened?" She looks up at me.
"I don't know I just got really stressed all of a sudden and I felt like I was in your way" she says quietly. "Vivi don't ever think like that, I'll always be here for you like I know you are for me" she smiles weakly at me.
"Thank you Bethy I really appreciate it"
"Your so welcome Vivi but please make sure you come to me if you every feel like this again."
"I will I promise" she says back. We both start getting changed and ready for bed. I get into bed while Viv is in the toilet. She comes into the room and stands awkwardly at the door I laugh. "What are you doing silly come on" I say tapping the space next to me. She comes and gets under the duvet next to me. She just lays there like she doesn't know what to do. "Viv come here" I say and I pull her closer to me and she rests her head on my chest. "I love you Vivianne" I say while stroking her hair.
"I love you to Bethany." I close my eyes and fall asleep within seconds.

Hey guys I really hope your enjoying my story so far. If you want me to start a new one just say because I will start a more interesting one if you want.
-1565 words

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