Welcome to the team! 💜

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Jordan pov:
My alarm starts going off. I look down at Le, she's so gorgeous. I gently kiss her forehead. "Love we need to get up" she slowly opens her eyes. "Hey" I smile at her and stare into her eyes. "Take a picture it'll last longer" she says sarcastically. I go red and she just laughs. We both get out of bed and walk downstairs. She goes and sits in the sofa so I make her and Beth breakfast knowing Beth will be down soon. I hand Leah hers and she smiles at me. "Thank you" she says. I just smile and grab my breakfast and sit next to her.
About 2 minutes later Beth walks downstairs, she has really obvious bags under her eyes and they are red and puffy from crying. Leah notices. "Hey how are you B?" Le says in a concerned tone. Leah hates seeing Beth upset, I think it's upsetting her seeing her like this. All she wants to do is help her but there isn't anything she can do. "Been better" beth replies, her voice is really scratchy. "I made you breakfast it's on the side" I say. "Thanks Jord" she picks it up and walks to the chair opposite me and Le.
Leah went upstairs to get ready like 10 minutes ago, beth is on her phone and I'm watching tv. "Im gonna go get ready" beth says as she gets up and she takes my bowl to the sink with hers. "Cheers" I say getting up and going upstairs as well.

We are all ready and we're setting off for training. Beth has put more makeup on then normal so the bags aren't that noticeable but her eyes are still red.
We get to the training ground. "Morning guys" Caitlin says. "Morning" I say to her. Beth ignores everyone but not in an obvious way she is just quiet and has her head down so no one talks to her. She walks to the changing rooms.

Beth's pov:
I didn't sleep at all. I'm just trying to avoid everyone today. I go into the changing rooms to get changed and ready for training. I am so tired but I need to try harder in training or people will notice. I hear the changing room door open. I look over. It's Lia. "Hey how you feeling?" I look up at her. "Not the best but I'll be fine" she sits beside me. "B it will get better I promise" she looks at me and smiles. I give her a small smile back. "That new girls coming today." Oh shit I forgot about that. "Omg i completely forgot shit" Lia laughs and goes to her stuff and starts getting changed. I do the same.
Most of the girls are in here now. I'm changed and I'm just sat on my phone. I haven't really spoke to anyone. I look over at Daan and she's laughing, she's acting like nothing happened. She's acting like she didn't just shatter my heart into a million pieces. I must of been staring at her because she just looks at me with disgust and says "what?" In a really shitty way. That hurt. I roll my eyes and walk out to the pitch. I hear Leah "DAAN LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE!" I already feel tears coming down my cheeks. I feel arms on my shoulders. "Beth" it's Leah. I'm glad it's Leah. "B she's a dick" I wipe my tears away and hug Leah
"Le I am fed up I don't wanna cry over her anymore she's a child" I look up at her and she smiles. "You do that then but I know you love her so don't push all your emotions away because I've done that before and it never ends well" I smile at her.
"But before I ignore her I want an explanation"
I walk back into the changing rooms and everyone looks at me. I sit back down on my phone. I look up and see Daan looking at me. "What?" I say in the same tone she did to me. I see Leah and Jord smiling out the corner of my eye I then go back on my phone.
We all go out to training as as I'm walking out Daan try's to trip me up. I almost fall but I keep my stance and turn around and push her. She falls to the ground, I'm so angry I can't keep it in me anymore. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM, I DIDNT DO SHIT TO YOU! YOU BROKE UP WITH ME NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND SO JUST PISS OFF DAAN!" I walk of. Leah comes running up to me. "What the fuck just happened?" I smirk at her.
"She tried to trip me up so I fought back." I say proud of myself. Leah hugs me I can tell she's proud of me. Katie runs over to Daan and helps her up. Katie then walks to me and Leah. "Why the fuck did u push Daan?" She looks at me confused. It's not katie's fault she doesn't know what happened. "She's a dick that's why I pushed her she tried to trip me up and I fought back u got a problem?" I look back at her and walk of.
Jonas shouts us all over so we go. "Okay everyone meet Vivianne Miedema!" Jonas shouts. A girl walks in. I look up. She's so pretty. We instantly lock eyes. "Hey guys" she says to the team. Her voice is so soft and sweet.  "Okay Viv go introduce yourself to the girls" she walks over to me Leah Jord Lia and Cait "hey" she says looking me in the eyes. "Hi Viv I'm Beth" the  other girls introduce themselves. Then Daan walks over "hey viv welcome to the team" they know eachother from the Netherlands. "Hey Daan." We all give Daan death stares and Viv just looks confused. "Right do yous have a problem with me because I don't get what I did?" Daan says with a right attitude aiming it to Leah. Leah laughs. "What's funny?" Daan asks. "The fact you think I don't have a problem with you Daan." Leah says back. "What did I do to you?" Daan asks "I think you know exactly what you did"
"No I actually don't." Now I'm annoyed so I but in. "You really think we will all still be friends with you after what you've done to me?" Viv looks at me confused. "Wasn't talking to you blondie" Daan says
"Daan why did u do it? You didn't tell me" I say wanting to know. "I never actually liked you. So I cheated on you all through our relationship" I don't say anything I start crying "and I don't regret it to be honest Beth" she pauses "I hate you" she says again. I can't breathe. "DAAN YOU BITCH!" Leah says once she sees my crying. Leah shoved her but not that hard. I run off. I run into  the bathrooms and just cry.

That's part two, thank you for reading my story so far. Please comment things that u want included xx

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