It'll be okay I promise ❤️‍🩹

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Viv Pov:
Beth just ran off. I have no idea what just happened but I know Daan is in the wrong. Beth seems really sweet and all I want to do is make sure she's okay. "Daan wat heb je gedaan?" (Daan what have you done?) I don't wait for a response I chase Beth. She goes into the bathroom and I run in after her. "Beth?" I see her sat in the floor crying. "Hey come here" I go up to her and hug her so tight. "Sorry I know it's your first day" she looks at me with her big blue eyes. "You have nothing to apologise for Beth."
We stay in the bathroom for a bit longer I have hold of her hugging her as tight as I can. The bathroom door opens, "Hey sorry to disturb but Jonas needs you I told him you were both just using the bathroom and he told me to tell you to hurry up" it's Leah. Beth looks up at Leah, she looks tired and drained. "I-I don't wanna show Daan how sad I am." Beth says disappointed with her self. "Hey let's rinse your face with water so you can't tell and then we can tell Jonas you have just been sick and need to go home" I say trying to make her feel better. "That's a good idea Viv I'll ask him if I can come with you because to be honest I don't actually feel very well" Leah says.
So I do that splash my face with water. Leah actually doesn't look well she's pale and looks really faint. "Jonas I've just been sick" Beth says quietly. He looks at leah and me "Oh goodness and Leah you really don't look well" I look at leah. She doesn't at all. "I feel really faint" leah says struggling to talk. She nearly falls over. Jordan sees and runs straight over. "Le are you okay?" Jordan puts her arms round Leah's waist and leah falls but Jordan catches her. "I've got you" we go find a seat and Leah sits down along side Beth who doesn't look well but that's from the crying. Jordan whispers something in Leah's ear but I don't know what it is all I hear is Leah replying with yes. "That's why you feel like that then is it really bad today love?" Leah nods and grabs her stomach, she's crying now in pain. "What's going on?" Jonas asks clearly confused. "It's my period" Leah says very quietly. I look at Beth confused to why it would cause her this but everyone else nods and doesn't make a big deal out of it. "Um not to be weird or anything but isn't this much pain concerning?" I ask not wanting to sound rude. "Viv I have endometriosis" my face drops "oh I am so sorry" I feel so bad now. "It's okay don't worry you didn't know"
"Right I'm gonna send you both home is that okay?" Jonas says Leah nods slowly.
"Jonas can I take them home but then come back?" Jord asks clearly worried about Leah.
"Yeah but come back please" Jord nods and put her arm round Leah's waist. Leah is clearly in pain but doesn't show it that much.

Beth pov:
I'm worried for Leah. I know it's just her period but she's in so much pain. Jordan drives us home and Leah is groaning the whole way.
When we get there Jord helps Leah out of the car and helps her inside. She lays down in the sofa. "Do you want a hot water bottle?" Jord asks her. "Yes please" she replies. I follow Jord into the kitchen. "Hey Jord you okay?" I ask. "I hate seeing her in pain"
"I know me to" I look at her sadly
"How are you I know today was hard?"
"Not great" I laugh. Jordan gives me a sad smile and makes Leah's hot water bottle and gives it to her. "Do you need else anything love?"
"No it's okay thanks Jordy" Jordan gives her a soft kiss in the lips. "I have to go but ring me if you need me okay?" Leah nods.
"Love you Jord"
"Love you to beautiful" Jordan leaves leaving me with her. "Are you wanting to get some sleep?" I ask her.
"Yeah if that's okay" she looks at me
"Of course it is Le but keep your phone on you and if you want to get up or you want something call me I'll be upstairs"
"I will B thanks" I'm about to go upstairs when I hear her again. "Beth? Are you okay?"
"I'll be okay" I shout back to her so she doesn't have to worry.

I go upstairs and lay in bed on my phone. I'm so sad. I can't believe she cheated on me. I'm annoyed and sad at the same time. I turn my phone off and go to sleep because i dint wanna think anymore.

Sorry it's a short one. If I got anything wrong about endometriosis I am very sorry as well xx

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