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"maybe I went overboard"

< NOW YOU SEE ME NOW YOU DON'T >"maybe I went overboard"

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THE NEXT MORNING went by in a blur. It was boring enough having to re-listen to lessons I had already learned years ago, but what tipped me over the edge was Iidas constant urge to ask a question every five fucking seconds. I would listen to music to pass the time, but I couldn't even do that since they were so bulky. I need to invest in a pair of earphones...

After enduring a long day of regular classes, it was finally the last block of the day. Hero Basic Training. A.K.A, the only class we actually care about.

"I am...coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might greets, clinging onto the door frame.

The class gawks at the sight of the number one hero standing in front of us. I never understood the hype for him. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate everything he's down for our country. He's just, not that cool I guess. Even Aizawa is cooler then him, and he looks like he just came from a sewer.

"I teach Hero Basic Training. It is a subject where you train in a different way to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject. Lets get right into it! This is what we'll do today—Combat Training! And to go with that are these! Costumes made based on your quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started. After you change, gather in Ground Beta!"

feel free to use your own imagination ;)

:: HERO COSTUME ::feel free to use your own imagination ;)

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