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"Are you sure you are ready for this?"

Eyebrows raised above the rim of my black glasses; I folded my arms. "Dude, do you seriously think I am not ready?"

The tall muscular twenty-year-old shrugged, his hands on the steering wheel. "Well, I just don't' want you to get hurt; I mean, driving is a big responsibility and-"

"Noah Francesco Diaz!" His full spanish name rolled off my tongue easily. "I am eighteen," I glared at him. "Do you seriously think I am not old enough to get a car?"

Noah took one look at the stubborn look on my face and then he sighed. "No, I guess not," He turned his silver Porsche into the parking lot of a used dealership.

    Once the car was parked out, we got out and I patted the passenger door after closing it. "I sure wish it were the real Mirage."

    Putting his hand on my shoulder, Noah nodded sympatrically. "Me too Babe, me too," He reached down and squeezed my hand. "Come on, let's go look at some cars."

    We both knew the real Mirage was with the other Autobots back in their own dimension. How long has it been since I traveled there? Almost a year!

It all started with a trip to the movie theater  for me, and a job interview for Noah. Neither of us knew what we were getting into. But that was a story for another time.

"Wow there sure are a lot of cars here," I mused, glancing around. Cars of all types-colors and sizes were parked about.

"Most of them are old beaters," Noah muttered. "Good luck finding your dream car."

Rolling my eyes, I was about to make a retort when suddenly there was a loud shout.

"Hello there folks! Welcome to Matt's Treasure Trove!" a grinning older man shuffled over to us. Tucking his straw hat up, he beamed. "What can I help a fine couple like you with today?"

I blushed at his words. Noah and I had only been a couple for almost a year now after meeting in the Transformer universe. "Yes, I would like to get a car please."

"Well well well, it's your lucky day!" the man grinned. "We've got tons of cars! We've got jeeps, station wagons, trucks, have your pick!" he guestured around the junkyard. "Let me know if you have any questions."

"Okay," Noah nodded at him. "Thanks," He led me away from the friendly old man and to the rows of cars. Once we were out of earshot of the dealer, he leaned closer to me and muttered under his breath. "You sure you're gonna find your dream car here?"

I shrugged, eyes taking in all of the junkyard. My dad had promised to show me how to fix my car up in the night after he got from his job teaching at the university.  "I'm sure I will, I just need some time..." At once I saw it, the perfect car!

Letting go of Noah's hand, I ran across the lot-dodging between rows of cars.

"Hey wait up!" Noah shouted. I paused in front of the beautiful car-my car.

"So what car made you so excited..." Arriving at my side, Noah panted.

I pointed in front of me.

An old 1977 camaro rested in front of us. It was a dusty yellow with a black stripe running down  the center. "This one!" I squealed in excitement. "It looks just like Bumblebee!"

Noah rolled his eyes. "Yeah well it's not him,"

"I know that," Folding my arms I huffed. "But it will still be cool to have a car like this." reaching over I opened the driver's door.

Dust kicked up making me sneeze as I sat down on the black driver's seat. "Ooh, I like this," I smiled, putting my hands on the black steering wheel. "Oh, I really like this!"

"Seriously?" Noah was unimpressed as he glanced the car over.

"Come on!" I waved him to the passenger seat. "Climb in!"

Giving a mock groan, Noah then grinned at me. "Okay, but only to make you happy,"

    He walked around the car and climbed in next to me, shutting the door with a bang. I shut my own door and we glanced around the car.

    "Huh," Noah seemed to think as he leaned back in his seat, putting his arms behind his head. "Sure, is an old one, but kind of nice,"

    "Yeah, it is," I squeezed the steering wheel tighter with my left hand, resting my right hand on the old shift stick.

Suddenly there was a static sound, the radio abruptly kicked on.

I Can't stop this feeling

Deep inside of me

Girl, you just don't realize

What you do to me

"Uh, did you turn the radio on?" I looked at Noah. He shook his head with a frown. "No, it must be a glitch," reaching forward he switched it off. Then he leaned back in his seat with a sigh, putting his feet up on the dash.     "Yeah, I kind of like this ride. Sure, is comf-"

    Suddenly there was the click of the locks all slamming down.

    "Uh, Ray?" Noah's eyes widened. "Why did you lock the..."

    "I didn't do that," my voice came out in a whisper as Noah and I looked at each other in shock.

There was a loud revving-the gear whipped out of my hand magically on its own shifting into reverse. Then...we began to spin.

Faster and faster the car spun in donuts.

"Oh my gosh!" Noah shrieked like a little girl. "Get it to stop! Press the break-do something!"

"I'm trying!" I exclaimed worriedly, slamming my foot repeated on the break. The car continued to spin in circles-dust kicked up blocking our view through the front and all side- windows.

I grew dizzier and dizzier and dizzier-I felt like I was going to throw up.


Everything went still.

Opening my eyes slowly, I blinked. The driver's door swung open on its own and I stumbled out, hand clutching my spinning head.

"Uhhh," I groaned, falling to my knees. What the hell had just happened?

"Uh, Ray?" Noah's worried voice spoke up.

"What is it?" I turned to see him stumble around the car over toward me, keeping his hand on the camaro's hood to steady himself.

"I don't think we are at the dealership anymore," he groaned, rubbing his forehead.

Not at the dealership anymore? My eyes wind and I glanced around. Sure enough forest scenery for miles around had replaced the city. In the place of the dealership lot was the open field where we now stood in-flowers blooming everywhere.

One thing was sure-we were no longer in New York. But the question was, where the heck were we and how did we get here?

Transformers 2007 (Ray's return)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu