I stepped out of my car, the crisp night air hitting my skin as I glanced around at the swarms of journalists gathered outside the gates trying desperately to wring some information out of the police. This wasn't going to work. My frustration grew as I saw the police denying their access to the scene. This story was too important for me to let slip through my fingers.

I wasn't going to just stand by, I knew that standing among the other journalists would only leave me empty handed. That's why I was willing to take it to an extreme level and go up to the nearest policeman, asking for Will and telling them that he was expecting me to report on the crime scene. I even gave him Will's badge number, knowing full well that he would get into trouble if it came to light that I used his status to gain access. But I didn't care. I was willing (and desperate) to take that risk I just knew that I had to get the intel I needed, no matter what it took.

The policeman eyed me suspiciously as I flashed my most innocent smile and gave him Will's badge number.

"I'll need to hear from Will if he was indeed expecting you or not," he said, slowly reaching for his talky walkie and calling out for Will.

My blood ran cold as dread filled my chest and I felt a sense of panic building up inside me. If Will found out I was actually here and trying to sneak access into the scene, he would definitely be furious.

Please... please... please...

After a couple of seconds of panic that seemed to go on for eternity, I managed to finally compose myself, just as the officer turned to me and told me to follow him.

I let out a soft sigh of relief and quickly stepped forward, my nerves still on edge but my relief at gaining access to the scene outweighed the anxiety. Following close behind the officer, I knew that this was only the beginning of the investigation and that the answers I was searching for wouldn't come easy.

As we were walking down the dimly lit driveway, I couldn't help but feel a creepy chill running down my spine. The air was still, and it felt like an unnatural stillness, as if something or someone was watching.

The scene had an eerie and thrilling atmosphere, with a dark air of mystery hanging over it. As I approached the mansion, I spotted William and he looked pissed.

"Ashley, what the fuck are you doing!" he whisper-yelled, "I told you to stop using my badge number for your advantage this is seriously wrong."

"Will, you know this is an important case. After this one I promise to never do that again but for now. Let me do my thing, please."

He sighed as he rubbed his forehead, a gesture he'd make when he's frustrated "for fuck's sake. Fine. But only this time Ashe seriously. No blow job is worth losing my job."

I exclaimed excitedly as I took my notes and pen out of my handbag.

"You're the best really, okay what do you know for now?"

He sighed then he lowered his voice as possibly he can so no one could hear us.

"Both of the parents have been found dead, the mother got bruises around her neck, we're guessing she was choked to death. And the father's been stabbed multiple times around different areas of his body."

I cringed at the thought "Jesus... Who reported the bodies?"

"We got a call from the butler."

I was in the middle of talking to Will, retrieving information as quickly as I could, when I felt a strange sensation on the back of my neck. I looked up from my notes and saw a shadowy figure leaning against a tree, the glow of a cigarette glowing in the darkness. I had this weird feeling that he was staring at me, the chill in my spine growing as I sensed his gaze penetrating through me. It was hard to make out his face in the shadows, but his gaze felt as if he could burn holes right through me. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

The smoke from his cigarette drifted through the air, adding to the murky, eerie atmosphere of the place.

I turned toward Will and whispered, "who's that?" I couldn't hide the effect the stranger was having on me, my eyes darting back toward the man behind the shadows of the tree, his face still hidden yet his gaze still drilling into me. I fought back the feeling of dread creeping up my chest, trying to maintain my cool despite being slightly unsettled by this mysterious figure.

"Stefan Augustus. We're considering him as a suspect, even though he wasn't there when we got to the scene," Will whispered back, his eyes also shifting back and forth between me and the man.

I took another look at Stefan, who was still lurking behind the shadows of the tree, his face still hidden and that smoldering cigarette burning on his lips. I felt my heart start to pound again, that feeling of dread crawling up my chest.

Stefan Augustus, unlike the rest of his family, had maintained a somewhat low profile, choosing to keep his private life away from the spotlight. He was involved with the family business and headed his father's companies but managed to avoid media attention. His life was private, and few knew him. But his reputation preceded him.

He was known for being a cold and distant man, a no-nonsense who only talked business. His reputation didn't lend itself well to the current situation, He may avoid the attention his family attracted all this time, but his reputation will quickly be drawing attention to him now that he was a suspect in the gruesome murders of his own parents.

As I took one final look at the mysterious man lurking in the shadows of the tree, a burning desire for the truth took hold of me.

I'm getting my answers out of him.

Shadows of deceit : The Augustus secretWhere stories live. Discover now