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Hey guys, I'm sorry for the long unannounced hiatus, i have actually been putting off this story for a while now and crated like 2 other a/n's before this one. I actually forgot i even had a story written on her lmfao. And thank you for all the reads and votes even if i had been gone for a while❤️
I happy to say I am gonna pick up this story again and the next chapter will be released soon.
It been what? A year now that I haven't published another chapter?
My writing style is a bit different but none the less I hope you enjoy it further on and I'm sorry for the long wait.
Its just i have been stressed with high skl drama yk.
Almost getting sued, getting bashed by your ex bsf etc.
but yeah I'll update the newest chapter soon and I'm happy to be on❤️

- Honeybearworks

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