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     In a hidden underground location, known only to The Sisterhood, there existed a sinister secret- an underground torture house. Mary and Magdalene entered this eerie place through an elevator, where the atmosphere became chilling and ominous. The distant sound of machinery added to the unsettling feeling, resonating in their bones.
     Inside the main chamber, they witnessed a gruesome scene. A man was suspended from the ceiling by large chains, covered in blood. Dim torchlight cast flickering shadows that danced on the cold, dampened walls, revealing various horrifying instruments hanging from rusty chains. The air was heavy with the smell of dampness, decay, and spilled blood, creating a disturbing and eerie environment.
     Mary drew closer to the stranger and asked, “Do you know who I am?”
He spat blood on her white cloak and responded, “You can go to hell for all I care.”
Mary scoffed and said, “Seems you weren’t tortured enough.” She turned to Magdalene and asked, “What is his name?”
“Davis Olusegun,” Magdalene answered.
“Davis, isn’t it?” Mary rotated her wheelchair to where the instruments were kept. “You can call me Mother Liberation. I’m the leader of the cohort of women your brothers killed. All I want from you is information.” Mary returned with a dagger and explained, “During the Roman Republic and early Empire, the ‘pugio’ was a common type of dagger used by Roman soldiers. They wore it on their belts as a secondary weapon. And in 44 BCE, Julius Caesar was assassinated by a dagger. The conspirators included Brutus and Cassius. Sadly, Brutus was Julius’ relative and also his ally. You see, in every great empire, there’s a tendency that there’ll be betrayal. This is why many great leaders, including me, always have a contingency plan. So Davis, how did your brothers learn about The Sisterhood mansion?”
“Your daughters have been torturing me even before you came. Do your worst, witch,” Davis spoke in a defiant tone.
“Okay,” Mary smiled.
     Mary approached Davis and carefully extracted his right eye. His cry reverberated throughout the entire room, prompting Magdalene to avert her gaze in utter repulsion. Mary stepped back and said calmly, “Son, I know you won’t tell me even if I cut your manhood. I only did that because I wanted you to feel the same pain my daughters felt when you planted a bomb in my mansion.”
“In case no one has told you, you’re a psychopath. Your blind leadership is the reason why one of your own deviated from your cult,” Davis said, breathing heavily.
“Would you look at that? He confirmed my suspicion,” Mary chuckled. “You see, one thing I teach my daughters that Derek doesn’t teach you all, is discipline. You only met a lady in a club and you accepted her offer to go for a one-night stand. Now, it landed you here. Men, you all can never discipline that thing between your legs.”
“Just kill me already. I’m not a snitch…” Davis said.
“Oh, trust me, you will be,” Mary interrupted. “Your mother, Seun Olusegun, celebrated her eightieth birthday last Saturday. Your sister, Funmilayo, works in a bank. Your father, Olaniyi, has been battling with arthritis for six years. Davis, we know everything about you. We know where your family lives, and we know that your sister stops by a local store to get doughnuts every day before entering her workplace.”
“You bastard, how did you know all that?” Davis shouted.
“Trust me, you won’t leave this place alive. But your family? Guess their lives fall on your hands now. If you give me the information I want, I might consider sparing your family, but if you don’t, they’ll be gone like the wind,” Mary replied. “So, what is it going to be, Davis?”
“Leave my family alone, you witch,” Davis yelled.
“Magdalene, let’s go. Guess he’s not ready,” Mary addressed Magdalene. “When I’m done with your family, you would wish you didn’t join any cult. And of course, I’ll show you their pictures when I’m done.”
Mary rotated her wheelchair to the exit. She paused when Davis exclaimed, “Wait! What do you want to know?”
Mary turned to Davis and replied, “Now, we’re talking.”
“We were having a meeting when a lady broke into our headquarters. She had bombs planted across the building, so we had no choice but to consent to her demands. She said she wanted to forge an alliance. She told us how to locate The Sisterhood mansion and how to circumvent the security protocols…” Davis confessed.
“Did she tell you her name?” Mary inquired.
“No, she didn’t. She only said Derek’s revenge will get her what she wants and both sides will be even,” Davis answered.
“How does she look?” Mary questioned.
“She’s light-skinned and very tall,” Davis responded.
“Many of my daughters match your description. It’ll be hard to decipher which one with such little information,” Mary said. “Do you have any other information that’ll help me locate who I’m looking for?”
“She told my brothers and me to retrieve a book after blowing up the mansion. That’s all I know,” Davis revealed, tears streaming down his cheeks.
     Mary scoffed and kept quiet for a while. She thought about how much damage The Alpha and Kings would do to The Sisterhood if she didn’t retrieve the book quickly. She dropped the dagger, took a deep breath, and said, “You’re well aware that I’ll kill you now.” She brought out a handgun from her cloak.
     Davis sneered before questioning, “You’re aware you’ll end up in hell, right?”
“Guess, I’ll see you there,” Mary retorted, then fired a headshot, ending Davis’ existence.
     Davis’ blood spilled on Mary’s cloak. Returning her gun back to her cloak, she turned to Magdalene and said, “Only Esosa and I know about the book’s whereabouts.”
“What are you insinuating, mother?” Magdalene asked.
“Esosa is working with our adversaries,” Mary answered.
“But are they really that stupid to work with a woman that killed their brothers many years ago?” Magdalene questioned.
“They’re only working with her because of what she has over them. I’m sure Derek and his men want to double-cross her when it’s time,” Mary uttered, making her way to the elevator. “They have the book; therefore, we’re not safe.”
“What shall we do, mother?” Magdalene questioned.
“Find Davis’ family and kill everyone of them,” Mary commanded.
“But…” Magdalene said.
“But what? Have you forgotten what that man and his brothers did to your sisters? This game isn’t for kids, Magdalene. If you aren’t ready to take drastic steps, you can’t be a leader,” Mary interrupted. “When you’re done with his family, mobilize the sisters. Get every piece of information they’ve gathered and report back to me. We’re at war, Magdalene. Equip every sister you can find with firearms and ammunition. When you’ve determined the location of The Alpha and Kings, leave no prisoners.”
“Yes, mother,” Magdalene consented.
“I need to have a private chat with Esosa,” Mary entered the elevator with Magdalene.
“But you don’t know where she is,” Magdalene intercepted.
“You really don’t know who I am, Magdalene,” Mary said.

     Following a thorough two-week investigation, The Sisterhood successfully unearthed the central stronghold of The Alpha and Kings. The unruly underlings under their command inadvertently divulged the existence of multiple clandestine offshoots associated with The Alpha and Kings cult. In a testament to their unwavering commitment, seven dedicated sisters stepped forward, willing to offer their own bodies in service to The Sisterhood’s cause.
     Amidst the moonlit darkness, a squad of fierce and determined members of The Sisterhood stealthily approached The Alpha and Kings mansion. With his each step calculated, each breath synchronized, they moved with precision. Clad in a state-of-the-art tactical gear, they exuded an air of unparalleled professionalism.
     With silenced weapon at the ready, the sisters spread out, strategically positioning themselves around the perimeter. Their eyes were sharp, scanning for any signs of resistance. The tension in the air was palpable, as the soldiers’ heartbeats synchronized with the adrenaline coursing their veins.
     As Magdalene signaled a countdown, the sisters breached the mansion’s entrance with astonishing speed and precision. The door swung open and the soldiers opened fired on all forty-two occupants in the mansion.
     With different division of sisters, every branch The Alpha and Kings had in the state were burnt with no survivors but Derek- who was brutally beaten to the point of death. It was indeed a bloody night.

     A knock echoed through Esosa’s door, prompting her to reach for the compact nine-millimeter handgun resting on her table. She approached the entrance with caution, unlatching the door to discover an empty hallway. A swift scan of her surroundings revealed no signs of an intruder. Slightly puzzled, she retraced her steps back to the living room, only to realize that the lights were inexplicably extinguished. Reacting instinctively, Esosa flicked the switch, flooding the room with light, and to her surprise, she spotted Mother Liberation elegantly savoring red wine in the dining area.
     “I haven’t seen you in years,” Mary began.
“What are you doing here?” Esosa reacted in a hostile manner.
“What? Do you want to chase a mother from her child’s home?” Mary questioned.
“Your daughters are all over the news. Burning down buildings? Isn’t that going to expose The Sisterhood?” Esosa questioned.
“First, stop aiming that gun at me,” Mary commanded. “Second, my daughters aren’t all over the news – their actions are. The police have found no culprits and even if they do, they won’t say a word.”
Esosa dropped her gun on the table, filled a glass with wine, and took her seat in the dining area.
“Nice place you’ve got here. Exquisite furniture, paintings of feminists, a large entertainment unit, and of course, expensive tiles,” Mary complimented.
“What have you been up to?” Esosa asked, sipping some wine.
“You know, killing the people that killed my daughter. It’s obvious,” Mary answered.
“That’s why I left The Sisterhood. Those girls are out there risking their lives, and you’re here sipping wine,” Esosa said. “Does that seem fair?”
“A few years ago, I foretold that someone would betray me, and she eventually did,” Mary revealed. “She disclosed our location and of course, took The Book of The Cause.”
“How does that concern me?” Esosa questioned with a stern look.
“Jane’s husband is dead. He was killed by one of her old clients,” Mary disclosed.
“She deserved it. You told her that protection was only guaranteed in The Sisterhood, but she didn’t listen,” Esosa sipped her wine. “Why are you telling me all these?”
“Because I’m certain that client didn’t just research Jane’s location. Also, she lied about being miserable. She lived her best life after she divorced her husband!” Mary exclaimed. “Esosa, she was paid to do the job.”
“What is my business?” Esosa widened her eyes.
“Esosa, The Book of The Cause was stolen by The Alpha and Kings. My daughters have since retrieved it from their stronghold. Child, only you and I knew where that book was kept,” Mary dropped her glass on the table.
“What are you insinuating? That I betrayed you?” Esosa questioned.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying, child. You betrayed your own family,” Mary answered, a tear streaming down her cheek. “I loved you, Esosa. You were the daughter I never had. You and I built The Sisterhood to the point of maturity, but your taste for power devoured you.”
“Yes, I did it. I hired that client to kill Jeremiah and make Jane feel guilty. I struck an alliance with The Kings to end your reign in The Sisterhood, so I could emerge as the leader. I did everything,” Esosa spoke in a rebellious tone. “What do you want to do? Kill me? Look at you – you’re crippled. You can’t do me anything.”
Mary sobbed and said, “That’s the thing about you – you’ve always undermined my abilities.” Mary threw a dagger at Esosa’s heart and she fell from the dining area.
With so much blood gushing out of her heart, Esosa struggled to retain life in her. Magdalene entered the room and dropped Derek’s body close to Esosa.
“I made a promise that I’ll burn everything that concerns my betrayer, and I’ll fulfill it,” Mary navigated to the entrance. “Burn everywhere, Magdalene,” Mary exited the building.
     Magdalene spilled gasoline on Esosa, Derek, and in every faction of the building. Magdalene struck a match and stepped away from the structure. Mary lingered outside, observing the flames consume the building before departing the scene.

     “In today’s news report, it was confirmed that more than eleven structures were set ablaze yesterday night. Our correspondent on-site gathered that the buildings were all ignited simultaneously. Forensic analysis uncovered a common thread among these structures, with all but one bearing a distinctive ‘AK’ mark. The inferno claimed the lives of over a hundred and fifty individuals, leaving their remains charred. While our working hypothesis is still under verification, there is a growing belief that these edifices served as the residences of secret cult groups. The Master’s Estate also lamented the loss of two personalities, Esosa Osayande and Derek Osariemen, whose bodies were discovered within the scorched confines of Esosa’s apartment. Surveillance footage from the scene was reportedly wiped clean by an unidentified individual. The state governor has vowed to apprehend those responsible for these heinous acts. As our investigation persists, stay tuned for further updates,” the news anchor reported.
     Jane switched off the television as she couldn’t stand the gruesome sight of the charred bodies. She knew this was The Sisterhood avenging their lost sisters, but she didn’t care. The pain of losing Jeremiah still had a hard toll on her.
     Ivie walked up to her and stated, “You have a visitor waiting for you on the balcony.”
“Who is that?” Jane asked.
“You need to see for yourself,” Ivie answered.
    Jane walked outside and found Mother Liberation on the balcony, enjoying the morning sunlight.
    “You aren’t wearing a cloak,” Jane began.
“I lost a daughter yesterday. Thought I should wear a black gown to mourn my loss,” Mary sighed. “You seem different. Never seen you wear a white t-shirt and a knickerbocker before.”
“Jeremiah used to wear it. It always looked good on him,” Jane said. “I thought I should do the same.”
“Chioma never killed Jeremiah; because you made her life miserable. She was paid by Esosa to kill you, but Jeremiah protected you,” Mary disclosed.
“Does it matter? He is gone anyways,” Jane rolled her eyes.
“He kept his promise,” Mary said. “He promised he was going to take care of you, and he did.”
“But you’ve never talked to him?” Jane questioned.
“We had a conversation the night he asked you to be his partner,” Mary revealed. “He was quite outspoken, and I believe he wants you to move on.”
     Jasmine and Jacob strolled out of the house to join their mom on the balcony. They gazed at Mother Liberation for a moment, and she warmly beckoned, saying, “Join me, children.” Mary cradled Jasmine in her lap while Jane held Jacob close on her own.
     “Such beautiful children. Jasmine looks like her father,” Jane complimented. “Jacob looks like you. Seems it’s a matching outfit day for the family.”
“What’s the way forward, mother?” Jane inquired.
“I’ve spoken with my contacts in the government. I want to make The Sisterhood a legal body. One that fights for the right of women,” Mary answered. “I’m tired of secret operations.”
“Are you sure they’ll legalize it?” Jane questioned, giving Mary a curious look.
“Of course. I love my daughters with everything I have in me. I don’t want to see them die again,” Mary answered.
“You know many won’t agree with your decision, right?” Jane expressed.
“I know. But the society is flexible now – anyone can leave. I’m aware this will lead to the formation of more secret societies, but I don’t care. It’s time for a positive change,” Mary responded. “We will need your help, Jane.” Mary placed her right hand on Jane’s palm.
“One more ride?” Jane asked.
“One more ride, child,” Mary chuckled. “How about I take you all for a treat?”
     Jasmine and Jacob couldn’t contain their excitement, exclaiming, “Yay!” which prompted laughter from everyone else.

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