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     “So, what did you say he did to you?” Jane queried.
“He cheated on me with my best friend,” Chioma answered.
“Did you see him committing this debauchery?” Jane questioned.
“Yes. He did it on our matrimonial bed and this isn’t his first time. I’ve been suffering… He has been making me suffer,” Chioma cried.
“Madam, you need to calm down. You see, men are despicable dogs that need to be given an impetuous chastisement. What do you have in mind?” Jane questioned.
“I really don’t know, I was hoping you would tell me.”
“I have something in mind, but I want to hear what your infuriated soul has to say.”
“I want to end the marriage, but before I go, I want him to suffer! He has a huge store in Lagos that’s supplying him all the money he uses to sponsor his profligate acts. I want that shop burnt down! He took a huge loan from his bank to begin the construction of his next shopping outlet. If I burn his main source of income, there will be a foreclosure of his house. Thereafter, I’ll file for divorce and take fifty-percent of the little income he has left.”
“What about your best friend?”
“Her only source of income is my husband. Since he will be too wrecked to handle her needs, she will suffer too!”
“How did you feel when you said that?”
“I felt so much peace.”
“So do you want to begin?”
“In fact, I’ll start immediately. I’ll take a trip to Lagos tomorrow, arrange some boys to take down his store. He must pay for the pain he has caused me!” Chioma yelled.
“I believe my work here is done,” Jane smiled.
“Thank you so much, therapist. I feel relieved now. I’ll give you an update in a few weeks,” Chioma stood up from her seat and took her leave.
“Yes, he deserves to pay,” Jane mused.

     Three years since the end of her last relationship, Jane Omoruyi had become a monstrosity and an unrecognizable personality to her own self. The “underground therapist”, as many would call her, had a mesmerizing allure with rich, velvety ebony skin that exuded elegance. She was the type modern women would call, “independent”, as she had her own mansion, BMW X7 SUV and business.
     Jane grew up in a privileged Christian home; her father was a pastor. In her pursuit of lasting happiness, she fell in love with Chris, who came from a humble background. Jane, deeply infatuated, went to great lengths to elevate him; supporting his education in the United States, helping him secure a high-paying job, and even providing him with a car. However, unbeknownst to her, Chris was betraying her trust by engaging in a sexual relationship with Jane’s sister, Ivie, causing Ivie to leave in shame.
     The heartbreak and betrayal pushed Jane to the brink of suicide but her life took a turn when a member of the Liberation Sisterhood came to her rescue. This support network helped her weaponize her pain and recognize the injustices perpetrated by men. Feeling empowered, Jane became an advocate for women, starting her own underground therapy practice to assist others who have suffered similar injustices. She vowed to help women stand up against mistreatment and find strength in solidarity.
     Jane was an adorable woman in her late twenties. She was desired by many responsible men but she didn’t believe in marriage or relationships. Consumed with so much hate, giving attention to men was a problem.

     Jane locked the doors of her office, that stood at the outskirt of the town, and made her way into her car. She dropped the purse she was holding, checked time on her wristwatch and noticed it was 5pm. She started her engine and drove to her favorite restaurant.
     Arriving at the restaurant, Jane alighted from her vehicle with her purse around her shoulders and walked to her favorite spot. Taking her seat and dropping her purse on the table, Jane took a deep sigh.
     A waiter walked up to her and greeted, “Good evening, ma.”
“Hey Fola, what’s up?” Jane inquired.
“I’m good… Can’t say the same for you though. You look exhausted,” Fola remarked.
“Yeah, it’s been a busy day at the office. Spoke to around four clients today and they all had traumatizing issues,” Jane explained.
“I don’t blame them though… I mean, look at the country. Anyone smiling right now has a billion dollars in his account,” Fola retorted.
Jane laughed and said, “I smiled today. Are you saying I have billions stocked somewhere?”
“Madam, look at you. Do you know how expensive your white dress is? I don’t want to talk about the necklace. A billion dollars is an understatement,” they both chuckled. “So, what should I get you?” Fola asked.
“Guess I’ll take the usual,” Jane answered.
“Nah, you aren’t just taking wine! I’ll get you a plate of Chinese Pasta too,” Fola enthusiastically walked away.
“Hey… I’m not paying for that,” Jane uttered.
     Jane giggled softly before retrieving her phone from her purse and engrossing herself in social media. Her browsing session was unexpectedly interrupted by the appearance of a tall, fair-skinned man donning a black suit and glasses.
“Can I sit here?” Jeremiah asked politely.
“No,” Jane answered.
“You don’t have to be feisty about it,” Jeremiah took his seat. “Since it’s a public restaurant, I have the right to sit anywhere,” Jeremiah widened his eyes.
“Nobody cares,” Jane continued scrolling.
Jeremiah extended his right hand and introduced, “My name is Jeremiah Daniel. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Jane hissed and lied, “My friend is coming soon and you’ll have to leave.”
Jeremiah withdrew his hand and responded, “That’s a lie. You always come to this restaurant every evening, and I’ve never seen anyone with you.”
“So you’ve been stalking me?” Jane questioned.
Jeremiah chuckled and said, “More like ‘observing.’ I was in the science department, so I’m accustomed to observing people.”
     Fola returned with a tray of Chinese Pasta and a glass of red wine. She fixated them on the table and turned to Jeremiah.
“Good evening, sir. What can I get you?” Fola asked.
“Tell me, is she always like this? I mean, hostile,” Jeremiah counter-questioned.
“I’m a waiter, and it’s out of my jurisdiction to discuss that with you,” Fola responded.
“Okay… I’ll take the same order,” Jeremiah smiled.
“I’ll be back shortly,” Fola took her leave.
     Jane indulged in her meal and took a sip of her glass of wine.
“Is this how you always snub men?” Jeremiah queried.
“Only the foolish ones,” Jane replied.
“I see why you’re always alone now,” Jeremiah scoffed.
     Fola returned with Jeremiah’s order and a point-of-sale machine for payment. She placed his meal on his side of the table and received his debit card.
“You can add her bill to it,” Jeremiah expressed.
“Her bills are exclusive; she takes care of them at the beginning of every month,” Fola expressed.
“Jeez, never knew you were a VIP,” Jeremiah chuckled.
     Just immediately after Jeremiah paid for his meal, Jane’s phone rang. She picked up and heard, “She wants to see you now.” Jane ended the call, took her purse, and stood up.
“My name is Jane, and please, stay out of my way,” Jane walked out of the restaurant.
“Nigerian women… They never cease to amaze me,” Jeremiah scoffed.

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