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     As the sun rose above the horizon, the vibrant colors of Edo attires adorned Jane’s family compound.
     Jeremiah stood tall, draped in a white embroidered shirt on a white skirt and had a red beaded headgear. On his right hand, he held a staff, woven by tiny red coral beads. With his family dressed in Edo traditional attires, they joined the bride’s family in their huge living room.
     Dressed in a white kaftan, Mr. Omoruyi greeted Jeremiah’s family, “Welcome, my in-laws to be.”
“Greetings, sir. It’s an honor to be here today,” Mr. Daniel replied.
“Please, have a seat,” Mr. Omoruyi gestured towards an exquisite couch.
“Thank you,” Mrs. Daniel expressed her gratitude.
     Jeremiah and his family reclined on a couch just opposite Jane’s relatives.
     With couches round the room and two plush couches positioned elegantly opposite each other, the large living room created a cozy and intimate seating arrangement. Between the two couches stood a table, serving as a focal point in the room. Draped in white linen, the table’s dark polished wood complemented the rest of the furniture. The walls were decorated with paintings of little Jane, Ivie, Mr. Omoruyi and his wife. A large screen television and a home theater stood at the extreme or the room. The dining area that stood opposite the living room, had a refrigerator, a large table and six cushioned chairs. Overall, the living room emanated an aura of simplicity.
     “Big bro, isn’t that dress itching you?” Chidi whispered to Jeremiah.
“Chidi, you have no idea what I’m going through right now,” Jeremiah answered.
“I’m trying not to laugh right now… Never thought I would see a man in his thirties wearing a skirt,” Chidi retorted.
“Chidi, don’t disgrace this family, please,” Ebere pleaded.
“Look who’s talking; someone dressed like a pumpkin,” Chidi teased.
“That’s enough!” Mrs. Daniel lightly yelled. “You’ll get married soon. I’m certain you’ll be wearing a bra when it’s your turn,” Mrs. Daniel teased.
Ebere chuckled.
     The bride entered the living room in a red sleeveless floor-length gown, draped in a veil. Her neck was adorned with beautiful coral beads, and her ears with beaded earrings. Her hands were decorated with traditional bracelets, and her mother followed from behind. She stood before both families.
     One of the elders from the bride’s side of the family asked Jane, “Do you recognize this family?”
Jane answered, “Yes, sir.”
“Should they proceed with the bride price payment?” another elder inquired.
“Yes, sir,” Jane concurred.
“Very well then. You may go,” an elder commanded.
     After Jane’s return to her dispensation, the two families gathered to initiate their discussions. Jeremiah’s father solemnly presented the bride price and other specified items to Jane’s family. The elders gracefully accepted the offerings and distributed shares among Jane’s relatives. Jeremiah was then called to take a seat on a couch, where he waited while Jane was invited to join him. Side by side, they sat together, and Mr. Omoruyi, with an air of reverence, proceeded to bestow his blessings upon the couple. Jane and her husband knelt down, embracing the significance of the moment before them.
     “Father, in the name of Jesus. The Bible says, ‘whosoever findeth a wife, findeth a good thing’. This couple has come before your presence because you commanded that a man leaves his father’s house and bonds with a woman. Father, I bless this union! Nothing shall instigate separation between you two. You shall live to fulfill your days and your kids will reign as giants on the earth. From my bosom and on behalf of everyone here today, I declare this union unbreakable! The God that sustained Abraham’s marriage with Sarah even in a state of despondency will sustain yours. Jeremiah, the strength to provide and love your wife is granted! Jane, you’ll be fruitful and you shall live to see your children’s children. In Jesus’ name, I pray,” Mr. Omoruyi prayed.
     A resounding “Amen” resonated across the room, and jubilation began as Jane and Jeremiah were officially a couple.
     Surrounded by the melodious chanting of traditional songs, Jeremiah gently lifted Jane’s veil, and with deep emotions, they exchanged heartfelt vows as husband and wife. Tears of joy welled up in the eyes of their parents, witnessing this sacred moment.
     With the completion of the traditional rites, the attendees made their way out of the house, giving the newlyweds a moment of privacy to change into their reception attire. Jeremiah donned a meticulously tailored white kaftan adorned with an agbada and a matching white cap. Meanwhile, Jane radiated elegance in a white wrapper and blouse ensemble, complemented by a traditional fan and an intricately styled headgear.
     Outside, the compound was adorned with cushioned chairs arranged under numerous canopies. Two exquisitely decorated thrones awaited the bride and groom, symbolizing their newfound status.
     As friends and well-wishers filled the entire compound, Jeremiah and Jane gracefully made their way to their designated seats. The celebration quickly gained momentum, and the compound transformed into a vibrant dance floor, where guests joyously showcased their best moves. Laughter and jubilation filled the air when the couple had the stage to display their dance moves. With so much joy coursing through her veins, Jane danced like never before, leaving Jeremiah to his gentle step.

     The couple decided to greet a couple of friends before making their way home. Jane sighted Mary, seated confidently on a chair with a glass of red wine in her hands. Dressed in a red cloak, Mother Liberation was surrounded by members of The Sisterhood. Jane walked towards Mary to pay her respects.
     “Didn’t think you would come,” Jane began.
“Have a seat, child. Let me tell you a story,” Mary patted a nearby chair.
“You’re also so easy to identify,” Jane took her seat.
“My doctor said my sugar is still very moderate. So I’m not stopping my wine-drinking soon,” Mary retorted.
“Thank you for making it here today. It really means a lot to me,” Jane expressed her gratitude.
“I had my first wedding when I was twenty-three. I was so filled with so much happiness. My father didn’t approve of it, but since I was his first daughter, he had no choice but to release his blessings,” Mary sipped her wine. “My husband died a couple of years later. He had multiple ailments, but I stood with him till he gave up the ghost. When he found out I couldn’t make babies, he opted to adopt. I was a happy woman and I was willing to walk with him to any length,” Mary added.
“So sorry about that,” Jane sympathized.
“Marriage is a beautiful thing when there’s love from the husband and wife. Love sparks up joy, and that joy is required to face tough times ahead,” Mary explained. “No, I won’t be the inhibitor of anyone’s happiness ever again,” Mary vowed.
“Where’s Esosa?” Jane inquired.
“Suspended,” Mary answered.
“Why?” Jane questioned.
“Apparently, she’s jealous that I let you go easily. I’m afraid of what that woman will turn The Sisterhood into when I eventually retire. She’s too rigid,” Mary answered.
“What do you think she’s doing now?” Jane asked.
“Child, I don’t know… I really don’t,” Mary sipped her wine.
     Chidi approached the youngest member of The Sisterhood that accompanied Mary.
“Hey, my name is Chidi. The groom’s brother,” Chidi introduced.
“Elizabeth,” Elizabeth answered.
“Can I talk to you privately? I mean, there’s so much noise here,” Chidi requested.
Elizabeth faced Chidi and asked, “You like playing with fire?”
Chidi smiled and said, “Yes.”

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