Start from the beginning


“Do you need anything before we go home?”
“No.” She looks outside the window. Mkhuleko’s heart pohers in fear. She knows her upset. But this level she has never reached. Why did he do it? He doesn’t know either. He takes a deep breath and starts the car driving off. Arriving at home, he decides to look himself into the guest room. There is no way that he is facing that mad woman who keeps closing cardboards back and forth roughly. The knock on the door jolts him from his fear of thoughts. He slowly gets off the bed and opens the door for her.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” Secrets and lies never solve anything. Already their marriage bounced on lied. He has never came clean. But today is the day.
“Can we sit down.” He looks at her with pleading eyes. She sits on the bed and looks at him. He sits beside her. Takes her hand and holds it firmly.
“I have a lot to tell you.”
She nods her head more understandingly and that puts him at ease. He takes a deep breath. “Mkhuseli is my biological brother.” That doesn’t faze her.
“I suspected. But I found out on my own. Yazi, I am even surprised that it’s only now that you decided to tell me. Yazi, on the wedding day. I heard rumours that didn’t concern me – but because an ear can never be trusted. I let my ear dive into the conversation. My questions were answered by my father when he said to you it’s time.” She keeps quiet for a second. He remembers. It was that time when they were sitting in the car right after the rainfall. He didn’t think she would have figured. His heart pounds even more. His throat dries instantly.
“Arriving at your house – the first thing I did was to do some digging. And I found the evidence I was looking for. I have been raising Khanyisa all these years not knowing she was yours. Mkhuseli fooled me all these year's. He is no longer here to answer the questions I have for him. I am disappointed in the both of you. Imagine being married to brothers. What will people take me for? What will your family say when they look at me? You always taught me about honesty - how important it is in a relationship."
He lets go of her hand but she quickly holds it. "Why? Why didn't you say anything?"
"I didn't say anything because I saw how happy my brother was with you. I bleed all those years trying to figure out my life without you. Do you think I loved it? Not one bit. I am still trying to recover."
"I didn't mean to hurt you
I was frustrated by you not allowing me to come see you. I love you Mkhuleko that I cannot lie nor change. You own this heart. From now onwards, transparency is what I need in this relationship, marriage. Marriage is a life time commitment. Not just some phase you go through like a relationship you just found alongside of the road. In marriage you fight to stay strong you don't just quit when things get tough. I want you to promise me that we will fight no matter what."
His eyes melt in tears. Khanyisile. Like really. This is unbelievable. People grow. He is actually amazed.
"I'm sorry. I promise to be by your side always." That is a vow he is willing to partake until death do them apart.
"How did you impregnate me? Cause I'm sure you didn't sleep with me. I could have felt it."
"Eish. Awu babe. Do you really have to go there?"
" I'm your husband. Thani Baba when calling me." They look at each other and they both laugh.


I look at my husband feeding out daughter. This has been his new obsession. I come last. I have never seen a man love his kids this much.
If I had to explain my life five years ago. I honestly wouldn't have explained. I didn't knew that the Lord has greater things for me.
"Skhosane. She is full now. You can burp her." I remind him.
If not, he will keep shoving that baby formula in her mouth till she takes it all out.
"Okay. But she is not full." He complains. He can't be serious. This child weighs more of her weight. Does he want to kill me?
"Skhosane, you heard what the doctor's said. You are over feeding her and that is not right."
He worries me at times. He is giving me a vibe of me not trusting him with my child.
"Okay. It's just that I love fat babies. I find them cute."
"Destroying them won't be cute. You will make her sick." He groans. I give him an eye roll. He should get pregnant and overfeed his child lf his womb. "All set. Ready to go."
Khanyi and Mkhuleko invited us in there house warming.
"Let me go put this little princess in the car. I'm sure the twins are ready for us.
I smile. God gave me a husband, a best friend and a lover. I wouldn't have wanted my life to be spent any other man other than him. It's crazy how we started. But we are here today. Happy and very much inlove. He still manages the resort like his baby. I'm glad that Dumisa doesn't put any pressure on him.


"I want us to have a house of our own. A little privacy is what I need now. I can't walk around naked. I can't fuck my wife in any corner of the house other than the bedroom
I want us to be spontaneous. You know."
He is focused on the road. I'm glad he bought this up. It wasn't my place to tell. I honestly do need a house of my own.
"I would be delighted. But not far from my in-laws. Granny will have fit." We laugh. MaGumede lives for her grandkids. The husband is always complaining.
"I will work on that." I love that devil smile he is giving me. I have a handsome husband!


"Khanyisa, stop running around the house!"
I'm definitely talking to myself. Everything is set for the house warming. The setting is outside. I don't everyone coming in and out of my house. My father has already arrived with his plus on. I need to remind him how he use to preach that he will never have any eyes for any woman. There is a car parking outside. It's Thabi and the twins. Now the real noise begins.
"Mntase." She is already shouting outside. I step out of the house. "Look at you." We embrace each other
"Where is your husband?" I ask.
"With your husband." I find myself blushing. Shortly Amanda and Skhosane arrive. Skhosane greets us, avoid looking my direction and ask where the men are.
"Your house is so big. Are you sure this is not a mall?" Amanda and her dramatic self. I laugh at her exaggeration. I take her baby from her hands.
"I wonder if I'm carrying a baby girl or boy?" They both look at me and gasp.
"No way!" Amanda.
"Yes way. In months time we will be having an additional in the family.
The congratulate me. I'll not go in details. Imagine my child being known as a insemination.
"Girls. Come give me a helping." Amanda's mother shout from the kitchen. Everything is set just serving everyone. I look at everyone gathered having a good time. Eating and drinking. Kids are asleep. Someone holds me from behind and kisses my neck.
"You good?" He asks. Mkhuleko has a way of turning me on.
"I'm good." My voice comes out weak. No one is paying attention to us.
"Three months have passed. I want to be inside of you."
I've been waiting for this day since I said I do. The smile on my face.
"Then what are you waiting for?" I ask. He looks around and winks at me. I know what he means. He will find me in the bedroom waiting for him. At last, I'm with the man of my dreams. The man that occupies my heart.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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