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I look at myself in the mirror. I seem to be gaining weight. I should cut down on the junk I always stuff myself with.
“Do you really have to go?” Mkhuseli. He gets clingy at all times whenever I get to leave. He is way too sweet that it gets to bore me at times.
“I promised to meet up with her. Its time to bury the hatch and move on with life.” He sits on the bed and leans against the headboard. I see him swallow hard. I now believe this man hates to be alone. He wants to be with me at all times.
“I love this yellow dress.” He compliments. I love it too. It’s a dress that Thabi bought for me some time ago. I wonder if she is back from KaManqoba. I will go check up on her after my meeting with Amanda. I have been ignoring her for months now. In school I pass her like she doesn’t exist but deep down I miss her like crazy. I don’t like how the tension is.
“Will you come back to me after, you know?”
“I will need to go home. My sisters baby daddy is asking for her hand in marriage. So, I have to be there for her. From the start to the end.” I have been scares lately and I know she is complaining. I need to spend time with my niece and nephew. But I have a phobia for small kids. I am not necessary sure whether it’s phobia or what. Holding a new born baby just feels weird.
“I understand babe. So, that means out times will be cut short?”
“Yes. Both kids are now back home, and she will need a helping hand. She can’t manage two kids at once.” He gets off the bed and hugs me from behind. He has a nice body no lies. But my eyes are used to seeing some tattoos that don’t even make sense. Mkhuseli has a caramel skin with a sexy butt and nice hairy legs.
“I will miss you already.” He kisses the back of my neck. I look at him through the mirror and out eyes lock. He loves me no lies but the problem is me.
“I am not going anywhere. It’s not like I am leaving the country or something.” He laughs and kisses my shoulder. His hands travel to my mond and lift my dress up.
“Just one for the road Mami.” I fake a smile and let him be. He drops my panties to my knees and bends me over...
I’m sipping on my juice waiting for Amanda who is apparently running later. I look at the time – if she does not make it here within the next five minutes, I swear I am leaving. A shadow blocking my view. I lift my head up and here she is smiling nervously. She pulls the chair and sits down. The sweat dripping her forehead. I’m sure she has been running all the way.
“Hy.” She is avoiding eye contact.
“How’s Mah doing?” I asked her. Her mother has been my mother too ever since I can remember. She loved me like her own and she treated us fairly. I see her blinking away in tears. I stand up and rush towards her, I may be mad at her, but I will never be mad when it comes to our mother.
“Hy what’s wrong?” I ask sitting beside her.
“Everything is wrong. My mother is not doing okay. My supposed brother Skhumbuzo came from the death and decided to stress my mother.” She says.
I am shocked. “Skhumbuzo!” I don’t believe this. What the hell. “What did he want? The nerve of him.” I am mad as hell. Should he not have stayed wherever he was hiding. These people have been through a lot because of him.
“Apparently his life is not going according to plan and he requires to be home. You know what hurts the most. He has the nerve to tell my mother that he is not doing well and his business is going down. I’m sure he wants to do some ritual and leave his bad luck behind.” She heavily sighs.
“Makes sense. Don’t allow him to do anything. What if he takes your luck?” She looks at me and laughs out loud. I missed her laugh.
“Some things never changed. How will he take my luck?”
I have no idea. But what I said makes a lot of sense to me. People use voodoo all the time to take other people’s luck - but I can't tell her that.
“Well. I was just saying not that he will do it. You know.” She continues to laugh.
“Khanyi, you don’t grow! I have missed you.” She confesses. I hold her hand and smile.
“I missed you too but I am still mad at you for ruining us.”
“And I’m sorry for everything.” She means it.
“Why did you not say anything? You loved the guy and saw him first – why did you not say anything?”
“It wasn’t easy. I noticed how happy you were and I decided to let it go.” She adds. No, she didn’t let it go because she had him in her mind since day one. The fact that she jumped for the opportunity when it availed itself means she was still holding on to it. Non the less I am grateful for her reaching out. Guess my silent treatment worked on my favour.
“I promise never to double cross you again. I have learnt my lesson. I will never date ever again. Mjolo nyised me.”
“Was it that bad?” I ask.
“You have no idea. But I’d rather not talk about it. I am trying to move on from him.”
“Do what your heart wants. But tell yourself that you will never settle for less.”
Skhosane disappointed me. Maybe his heart was not with her and that is why it did not work. Again, I will keep it to myself.
Getting to know how she is and what she is really doing had me thinking of my own craziness. Infact, we needed each other but the pride in me was pushing me away. There was and is a lot that I missed about her. I missed her because of the memories associated. When we head to a place, we get nostalgic, when we see someone, we tend to think of how we were. I missed her because of being so used to her presence. I missed her because the lack of her being there is greater than the presence of others. I miss the times we had and the way she made me feel. We shared a lot of happy experiences; why wouldn’t I begin to associate her with happiness? Almost as if she is a direct link to my happiness.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” She asks. I didn’t notice that my eyes were glued on her all this time. I remove my hands off her and clear my throat.
“I... I was just thinking.” I respond. That’s what I was doing right?
She looks at me more like reading and shakes her head. My stomach grumbles.
“I think we should order. I am hungry.”
“Oh no. I was on my way home.” She stands up.
“Atleast carry something for mum then.” I stand up too. We will order something meaty. That is what I am craving for.
You know when you seem to be on a lighter mood. That’s me. I feel so refreshed and so happy. I feel like something has just swept out of my shoulders. An icy burg being removed off me.
“I hope it’s not that boy making you smile like that.” Thabi. I don’t know why she hates Mkhuseli this much. Ever since she heard that I am dating another guy – she hated him without even knowing him. Guess girl was too attached to Mkhuleko. I don’t blame her though. They must understand that some things happen in a certain way. And this is one of the life changes I made.
“No. When you get back?” I ask.
“This morning. Month end we are going home.” I smile. I know what it is.
“The guy is really doing this?” I ask. I couldn’t be happier for them.
“I am finding it hard to believe it too. The way our relationship started – ay I am still amazed through it all.”
“I am happy for you.” I hugged her.
“Thank you. Not that I don’t you want to be happy too but if he makes you happy then I am happy.” She says.
“I am not happy.” I blurted out. I am not happy because I miss someone else, My heart desires for the one that is not in sight. I still yearn for his touch. His smell. I take a deep breath. With the way Thabi is looking at me – she is permitting me to continue. Her judging me should be the last on the list.
“I like being around him because he is great company, but my heart is not with him. I am not in love with him. My heart desires for another.”
She gasps in shock. “So why don’t you just walk away?” Like really? Easy for her to say.
“I am just there to make him happy, I believe.” My shoulders slumber in exhaustion. All of this is exhausting me. No one will understand the way I feel now. The way he lightens up when he sees me. He goes out and above for me. He always makes sure that I never go low. His love language is all about romance and sweetness. That is not me. I guess I must have tasted the life of danger. Life that keeps me on my toes. It’s dangerous yes but I love it.”
“Let me get this straight. You are in that relationship to keep him happy. But your happiness is with another man?”
I nod my head shamefully. She doesn’t understand how I truly feel.
“It’s complicated Thabi. Don’t make me uncomplicate it cause I cant.”
“Yes you can!”
“How so?” I look at her confused. If there is a will then let the God do his will. I would be delighted.
“Leave the poor guy. Leave him. Explain him and apologies to him. Don't sugar-coat it. No need to save him or yourself. Give him the honest statement. The answer he deserves that. If he truly loves you he will understand cause in the end only true love inspires unconditional care. If not, If he doesn't love you truly. He will understand after his obsession is done !! Cause in the end. Both of you deserves to be with people who love you back.” I partially open my mouth to say something but quickly close it. This is not what I expected from her but still the matter is complicated. I cant leave him. It’s not easy. Mkhuseli is broken and him being with me he gets to be alive and happy. I see the version of him that he hides to the outside world. He gets to be a little boy in a way.
“Experience that love, that in its mere presence makes you feel mysteriously, inconsolably complete.” I open my mouth to say something but words fail me. I swallow back the words and stand there lost. “Think about it.” She leaves me still glued in one spot.


The only real targets are the child molesters, rapists and snitches in this jail. And they're usually put in protective custody with all the other weirdos. I think the majority of people would feel the same way even if you're not a prisoner. It’s hard to stay calm and free around here. Everyday, you have to fight to stay alive. I have endured some abuse for some time now. Now I know how it feels like to abuse one. Sexual violence is one of the most horrific weapons of war, an instrument of terror used against women. It’s a tool that is now used against men. I groan trying to sit up straight. I feel my week knees weaken to a point that I lose balance. I mistakenly slip and fall on the ground. I curse trying to stand back up. I close my eyes taking the pain in. Is this how the little boy felt? His screams appear in my ears. His scrams sound so fresh. I shake my head removing the thoughts out of me. I finally find the courage to stand up.
“Ngcobo.” He is here looking at me like some fresh meat ready to devour in no minute. I am disgusted. Saliva fill my mouth in splits seconds.
“Looking all good.” He smirks caressing his hands on my face. “Last night you were a very good boy.”
I shiver in the sight of his. The smile on his face – I just wish I can wipe it with dust. Make him vanish out of sight.
“You know. When you do bad to people you easily forget the people you have wronged.” He walks around me giving me a headache on top of the headache I have. I’m sitting on the bench with on butt
“You know, I have been here for as long as I can remember. My family disowned me. You made sure that everyone turned their backs on me. I haven’t seen my daughter in years. I last saw her when she was just only one. Guess how old she is now eleven.” I feel his breath breathing down my spin. Filled with so much venom.
“Who are you?” I try pulling my brave card on and it seems to be working in my favour. He chucks bitterly and shakes his head.
“Remember the mechanic guy you told to fix the burst pipe in your office? Remember the guy that was arrested for stealing your diamonds I know nothing of. Guess who is that me? It’s me in flesh.” He smiles even wider. The scare on his right eyes is making me have palpitations. I can’t breath normally. My throat dries instantly. No. This cannot be the same boy.
“I...” I try standing up – eventually I do.
“Shut up! Shut the hell up!” He roars and sends me flying to the ground. I land on my back painfully.
“This is nothing compared to what you have made me feel all these years. Being arrested for something I did not do. I had nothing to do with!” He continues to shout. I kneel trying to stand up but he kicks me right in the stomach. I fly across the field and land painful on the ground.
"What you feeling now cannot be compared to what I felt when you took everything away from me!" He charges towards me. I am thankful when two wardens pull him back. The sun is shining right into my eyes making it hard for me to even open my eyes.
"You good?" I can't respond. All I could do is watch the fuzzy shadows hovering me. Their voices seem to be fading. I can feel being lifted. Something inside of me is shifting. I lower my lazy hand to my stomach. I can't even tell them how painful it is. The more they move me around the more this thing pokes me on the inside. I'm getting drowsy each second. My voice seems to be stuck deep in my throat. I keep my closed as my body weakens even more.

After the incident, Ngcobo was immediately taken to X-ray just to confirm if no damage has been done. Looking at the results shocks the prison doctors. Two broken ribs - an immediate surgery was required upon him.
After sweats and hardships of making him whole again, they did finally managed to put him together. He is stable for now but they don't know how he will survive the trauma.
The doctor closes his file and looks at Ngcobo for the last time. He shakes his head with pity lurking over.
"Is he okay?"
One of the doctors asks. The amount of stitching they had to do on his behind.
"He may look fine. We tried all we could but it's the emotional damage that he will face when waking up from this."
The doctor nods his head. He understands - he saw it all. He was there when taking turns in stitching him up. He takes a deep and leans against the wall. This is deep. Deeper than them.
"Let's just wait for him to wake up and see the damage caused. For now he will be here until fit to be in his cell again."
"I doubt they will agree to it. He needs atleast two months to heal." The wardens will never agree to it.
"Then they have no other choice to accept the invitation." The doctor shrug his shoulders. At least they tried their best. He may be a prisoner but his health also matters.

The Other Brother حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن