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Everything is literally going so fast. It has been a month with me waiting to start in my new journey and I cannot wait to go see that beautiful face of Thabi’s. I know that Khanyi is busy with her final year examinations. So, chances of her popping at her sister's work place are very slim. I know how much she used go there unannounced when we were still dating. I fasten my tie and smile briefly. At least I still have this cologne I once bought at a China Shop for thirty-five rand. It’s too strong and I know it will attract alt of eyes. I really do look good. My mother walks in carrying a lunch box.
“Look at you. I can't believe that you are willing to change our lives for the better. I am so proud of you son.” 
“What else can I say. Family is important.” It's more like a sarcasm. 
“Don't be like that. You are also doing this for yourself and your kids in the future. I was so happy when you father told me that you spent time with your wife.” I want to roll my eyes so bad at this woman. 
“Yes, in the expense of my happiness. I get you.” 
“Look. I'm sorry that we made you toss Khanyisile aside just like that. I know how much you loved that girl and trust me I also loved her. She was humble, respectful and she respected you. I have always wanted for you guys to be involved with girls that appreciate you for who you are.” 
“What if the one you guys are insisting on is not the one for me. What if Khanyisile was meant to be the one for me? I’m not fighting. I'm just asking.” Sometimes at the back of my head I still have this huge feeling that one day me and Khanyisile will be alright and live happily ever after. 
“Haven't thought about that.” Her voice comes out as a whisper. I have accepted and come to terms that Khanyisile and I will never and no longer be. The most betrayal is me agreeing to marrying her sister.”
“From boyfriend to brother-in-law. Life will amaze shame.”  I say picking my bag up from the bed. I stick my hand out accepting the lunchbox she made for me. I know she never disappoints when it comes to cooking. Her and pots are like best friends. I wonder if Thabi can cook. I know Khanyisile can. She once cooked when we were alone – the parents were not around. A hooter honks outside the fallen gate...
“I believe that is my ride.” 
“Text me and tell me how is your day going.” She tells me. I didn’t mean to take her back but sometimes we need to let our parents know when we are deeply hurt. I still sleep with Khanyi’s socks on my bed. I still smell here in my room. I still have her pictures we once took. She meant everything to me but I can't share this with anyone, not even with my brother. I am breaking inside but still act strong just for the sake of my parents. I walk out of the house and a black SUV with tinted windows is looking at me. Could he have fetched me with something simple. Now all the witches will have a feast on me. My work has crumbled before it even began...

Arriving at work I am being shown to my office. Thabi’s PA Sthandwa was a darling enough to introduce me to some of the workers here. What I love is, I have my own space away from everyone. I am instructed to wait for my trainer to come fetch me. I sit patiently - I was served scones and coffee. I don’t know when was the last time I drank coffee. It smells so reach and creamy. The door slowly opens and Thabi walks in. She looks so much damn like Khanyisile under her dark skin. I take time in admiring her. Shes pretty in her on way, though. She is speaking to someone over the phone. She sounds irritated. She clicks her tongue than drops the caller. I wonder who she is talking to. I stand up ready to shake hands. She composes herself when her eyes land on me. 
“Morning. Sorry to keep you waiting.” She stretches out for her hand and I gladly do so. Something in me swims coldly. Like an electrifying ice. I freeze a bit. 
“No, it’s okay. I understand you are a busy woman.” 
“Please have a seat. I will ask Sthandwa to bring your laptop through. You will be using her as your PA in the time being until we get to locate a PA for you.” 
My phone rings from my pocket. I look at her and she permits me to take the call. It’s my first day at work and already I am showing some red flags. It’s my mother. Hope I didn’t forget something. 
“How is your first day mntanami?” Trust African mothers to embarrass you Infront of your bosses. I clear my throat. I haven't even afraid. It hasn’t even been an hour with me being here. 
“Will talk when I get home.” I whisper. Luckily, she doesn’t persist in asking me more questions. I know she will call again after an hour. Rather switch off my phone. I will do the calling. 

The Other Brother Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant