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As much as it hurts that I cannot do ceremonies for both babies. I am grateful that the elders considered me having a second child even though she is not of my blood. It was called out upon the sacrifice – imbeleko. A goat was slaughtered as a sacrifice to the ancestors. It was slaughtered for the feast that involves talking to the ancestors. The family elders are responsible for talking to the ancestors. They called the baby by its name when presenting him to the ancestors at the same time the goat is being introduced.
“I am glad that everything was a success.” My mother says standing beside me.
“I know. The fact the doctors told us that we could Thabisa home. It felt like the world was spinning. The sense of joy mixed with a lot of emotions. He is still tiny but I thank the heavens he survived.”
“I am so proud of you.” She tells me. I am proud of myself too. I am proud to say I have grown.
"I was thinking. Thinking of sending my people to her homestead. It's time
I settle down with the woman of my dreams." My mother looks at me in shock. I know she is about to cry and she does.
"Thank you God for hearing my prayers. Finally, they have been answered."
"Mama " I laugh out loud. "I'm serious about her."
"It shall happen. I support you son. Thank you for changing your ways." She grabs me for a hug.

Later that day my family was gathered in the sitting room. As I have requested. The elders are happy of how the ceremony went.
"The main reason we are gathered here is because there is a matter that I would like to address." They look at me curiously. Ever heard curiosity killed a cat. That's them.
"Speak Mshana we are listening." My eldest uncle says.
"I am thinking of taking a wife."
"Still thinking about it you say?" He asks. "Aluqonde ulimu mfana."
"I am of taking a wife."
"That's more like it. A letter will be sent to the girl's family." Just like that, case close.
After the meeting I wanted to chill with just the both of us. Been having a busy day. Seeing her was only rare. She also had her hands full with our son.
"How would you feel if we were to get married?"
I ask. She lifts her head to look at me with a frown plastered on her face.
"Is that a proposal?" Her question is followed by a chuck. We are laying on the bed catching up.
“That means I would be rich.” She says sitting up straight.
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
“Cause I gave birth to a son. The heir.”
I remove my arm from and let out a deep laugh. This girl is crazy and stupid at the same time. “Thank you for making my day.”
I continue to laugh my balls out.


I am not that type of person that is nosy in someone’s privacy. But what worries me is whenever Khanyi looks at her phone she cries herself to sleep. Today I took the initiative to just scroll through her phone and see what’s upsetting her. A certain name captures my eyes. ‘My Heart’ as it’s been saved. A shock pops through my veins. If I die, I die. I decided to look through her texts. I see pictures. I pause for a second and exercise my breathing. I shake my head no. I refuse to believe this. I have so many questions. But...
I wish I could wake her up and ask her, but the first question will be what in the Gods name was I doing searching through her phone. When did Khanyi and my brother start dating? A hint of jealousy invades my mind. I refuse to believe that Mkhuleko was telling me about the very same Khanyi I am with right now. I feel my eyes becoming watery. I exit everything out and place her phone back on top of the pedestal. The one thing that hurts me the most is that she hasn’t healed, hasn’t moved on from him. So, she is with me just because he is in prison. What happens if he comes out? What will be of me? I get off the bed and go sit in the kitchen to think this through. Am I... My phone rings, it's a number I do not recognize. I decided to let it ring. Whoever it is will have to give me a call in the morning. I am sitting here in the dark trying to put two together and nothing makes sense. Come to think of it. Mkhuleko never really told me who his girlfriend was. I never told him who my crush was. It all makes sense now. We were in love with the same girl. I close my eyes trying to take a deep breath.
“Are you okay?” Khanyi startles me. She flicks the lights on and looks inquisitively at me. I look on the side and she comes to stand infront of me.”What is the matter?” She asks.
“You are sitting in the dark and me finding you crying. It cannot be nothing.” She adds. I give her my full attention. If I tell her what is really the issue what would she think of me? I don’t want to come off as an obsessive lover.
“I am just tired of work. A lot things are stressing me to a point that I just wish that I was dead at some point. Managing a business is hard and frustrating.” I lie. She smiles and takes a deep breath.
“Nothing comes easy in this life. We work hard for it and we sweat for it. I know you will be fine and you will pull through even though you are hurting. But I believe whatever you are going through now – you will overcome it at some point. I believe in you.” She gives me a hug and I gladly hug her back. I am shaking. I don’t want to loose her. Meeting her has been the greatest happiness I have ever felt. I feel lighter, joyed and appreciated. We break the hug and she looks directly into my eyes.
“Now let's go to bed. It’s so cold.” She holds my hand and leads the way. I switch the lights off with my other hand and follow her behind. We get in bed.
“Want me to hold you?”
I smile snuggling myself next to her. Her soft skin awakens the sleeping men.
“I’d love too. I am so cold.” I lay my big head on her chest, and she begins to brush my bald head. “Are you happy with me?” I ask.
“I am happy with you. Why are even asking?”
“I just feel like you are not truly happy with me. I believe that at some point maybe you are still holding on to your ex.” I say. She keeps quiet for a second.
“I wish I could just wipe what I feel for him right this minute, but I can't. Hopefully in due course what I feel for him will no longer exist. We still have a lot of days, years and time ahead of ourselves.” She tells me. I somehow feel a sense of relief knowing that she will forget about him in the upbringing. What will happen when he gets released – we will cross the bridge when we get there.

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