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I wipe the falling tears. Three months and he has not agreed to see me. He refuses to be in my presence. I gave him my heart and my all. What does he do with it? He crushes my heart like a piece of trash. I was ready to love him with his flaws. I was already loving him and not even once have I ever complained. Is this what I get for loving a criminal? I wipe the tears off my face. Once upon a time there was a man that made me fall in love and made me believe in love. But all of that went in vain. He grabbed that right before my eyes and decided to leave me with an aching heart. I look at myself in the mirror and take a deep breath. Three months were the hardest of my life and I never knew that I would be broken just because of love again. He made me see the world from a different angle. He made me see and feel love. He made me fall in love with him, with the character he was and still is. I made sacrifices for that man. He was my pursuit of happiness. No use crying over spilled milk. It’s time to pick myself up and move on. I have been crying for far too long and it hurts. I rinse my face and take a deep breath. Wipe it with a paper towel then step out of the toilet. Mkhuseli is in the bedroom watching discovery channel. He is so different from Mkhuleko. Mkhuleko is a bit rough, and I loved it. Mkhuseli is way too sweet and that just...
“Are you okay?” He asks me standing up. He has been asking me out for some time now. I am just skeptical to just agree with this. I have just gotten out of a relationship where a man sold me dreams. Dreams to Bangladesh, what happened? He ditched me. He comes up to me and holds my hand. 
“I am here for you no matter what. I don’t know what you are going through. But I am willing to take you to road to recovery.” He tells me. He is cute, no lies. Maybe not dogging guns for a second would be nice. I smile. ‘I am just going through something. Hope I will be fine someday. My heart is just messy.” I tell him. He pulls me into a hug and squeezes me. I love that. He makes me feel good. But not the loveable way. 
“I feel like having a home cooked meal.” He says breaking off the hug. I chuck. He is not expecting me to be cooking when my relationship is on the line here. What does he take me for?
“I am tired.” I whine. I honestly don’t have the time for posts. I want to be alone futhi. I regret coming here. When he sees me, he sees someone that takes care of him. I sometimes believe that I might have babied him way too much and he gets confused along. 
“I didn’t say you will cook. I will cook and you will watch me cook.” He smiles mischievously. I laughed a bit. For a second, I forget the trouble I am facing. 




He cooked and to be honest he is a great cook. He knows his way around the kitchen and now I wonder who the best between is the two of us. I thought that my stomach wouldn’t have managed to stuff any food in but to be honest, I was famished. 
“You have been hungry hey.” Did he have to remind me? I push the plate aside and lean backwards. I am full and satisfied. 
“You have no idea. I was just in denial.” I say making him laugh. He stands up and collects the plates from the table. 
“I will wash them since you did the cooking.” I offer but he tells me to sit my ass down. I am just a visitor so visitors get to be spoiled until their last stay. I don’t instead to stay for too long. I have an important exam tomorrow and I don’t want anything stressful and confusing me. I continued to sit and sip on my cold juice that was offered. This house is too light, making me feel uncomfortable. I have suddenly developed a love of dark things. If I were to change it here and there, it would show up on the top billing. I look at the ceiling. The house is extremely good, no lies – but it’s not up to my taste to be honest. 
“You are liking the house?” He asks. I smile but my smile is replaced with a frown.
“You love bright colors?” I ask. 
“Especially white.” Not even red! 
“Men love dark colors.” Even Skhosane loved that hideous brown. 
“That is the problem. I am me and not men. White brings me peace and sense of belonging. If I could tell you about my past. You would understand me why I prefer white over everything.” I nod my head. I understand him and he makes sense. Guess I judged him way too qiuck without understanding his reasons. “Come, I want to show you my family photo album. I want you to see my older brother. That guy is troublesome.” What kind of a man that gives credit to another man? 
The buzzer pings. He groans in annoyance and shakes his body like five-year-old throwing tantrums around. This one is a bit childish compared to the two men I have dated. I sit on the couch and make myself comfortable. He came back holding a brown envelope. His face is unreadable. I think this is where I need to shut up and not ask any questions. 
“Someone is stealing cleaning materials at work. If the material runs short – I also run short. Meaning I loose on money because I buy more stock on what was on the budget.” He says and throws himself on the couch. 
“I am sure there is a reason behind all of it. You should go to work and ask them.” I suggest. 
“I hate Cape Town.” What! Get out of here! Who wouldn't love their mother nation. That is the Mother City. Given an opportunity to visit a place around my country – Cape Town is the first on my list. 
“What are you smiling about?” he asks intensely, looking at me. I don’t like his look right now. It gives chills down my spine. I shift uncomfortably on the couch. I think I have over stayed my welcome here. It’s time for me to go home.
“I should get going.” I say. I am already on my feet. He nods his head and stands up too. I quickly push my feet towards the door and it’s locked. I turn back to look at him and fear is evident in my eyes. 
“Thank you for dropping by. I appreciate your presence. Just that my day got ruined.” He holds my hand. He is so shaky. That look is gone, it’s being replaced by the soft one. The look that I know. The vulnerable one. 
“I’m sorry.” I mutter. He comes too close not leaving space in-between us. My heart beats rapidly against my chest. I am not ready for anything with any man. He does the unthinkable. He smashes his lips against mine giving me a sloppy cold kiss. He sucks my bottom lip roughly making me to squirm. I didn’t sign up for any of this. I try pushing him off but he grabs my butt tighter and rubs hard cock against my stomach. His kiss becomes slow and tender. I held his neck for support and stood on my toes. A groan escapes his mouth. He picks me up making me wrap my legs around his waist. He lays me on the couch and continues to kiss me without stopping. I know what is about to happen and my body has already betrayed me. With his weight on top of me – he manages to lift my short dress up leaving my thong visible. He stops kissing me and looks at me directly in the eyes. His eyes are so small, making me wonder. Am I doing the right thing?
“Don't even think about it. Just go with the flow.” His voice is barely audible. I nod my head in agreement. He fully takes my dress off leaving everything visible. No bra in sight. He briefly smiles and takes his time looking at my twins. 
“They pretty. Just the perfect size.” I smile widely this time around. He stands up and fully takes his clothes off. His shaft is not that big compared to Mkhuleko. I should try forgetting about him. He is not coming back I should just accept that. He pulls my thong out then gets on top of me. I feel the head of his cock begin parting my nuna and the muscles of my virginal walls yield to the shaft a bit of euphoria starts. I feel the length slide past my prostate and give a pliminary fist bump as the initial pleasures of being stimulated begin. As the length goes deeper. He pushes in a little bit further, it feels like a deep pressure coming from inside me, and I feel this small hint of 'I have to pee'. My insides feel so full and it's awesome. A general sense of pressure, plus the warmth and softness of skin. Skin-to-skin contact, smoothest patch of skin, plus a feeling of pressure from the inside, like an inside-out massage of sorts. I can concentrate on my stimulated prostate and feeling his balls and hips meeting mine. I close my eyes and enjoy the fullness and length of his cock. I listen to his grunts as I spread my legs. I am in tune with his cadence of thrusting. As his thrusts become more powerful, I want to hear him tell me I am going to cum. But he doesn’t. I now wait for his cock getting steel hard in anticipation of a few more deep thrusts. He takes on final thrust and buries his cock balls deep, I can feel his cock twitch as he floods my nuna with cum. Yes, it's feels wonderful! So many nerve endings and emotions make it a wonderful experience. The little tingle and fullness feeling that seems to last the rest of the day is a reminder of a great bottoming session. His growl sends me to the never land. He collapses on top of me and breathes heavily. He kisses my forehead and lays on top of me for a bit. I can feel him smiling. He slowly pulls out of me. 
“Was it your plan to kill me?” The smile on his face the shame in me. 
“I...” Regret takes over. 
“I told you not to think about it. Just go with the flow and let things be mama. I know that you are in a rocky relationship but don’t ruin the fun. Our fun.” 
“It’s just that...” He cuts me short before I could even say what is on my mind. 
“I told you just let everything be.” He fully stands up and helps me stand too. “We need to take a shower.” I look at myself. Indeed, we are sweaty – I just didn’t notice. He carefully holds my hand and leads the way to the bathroom. 
“Ay, you should change your house here and there. It’s too white and...” 
“And what?” He looks around with a huge ugly frown on his face. 
“It’s not welcoming. It’s just boring.” I add. “I’m sorry to hurt your feelings. I didn’t mean to.” I was just raising my two cent concerns. 
“Okay.” He stops along the passage. Even the passage is white as clean. No picture on the wall. Everything is just white including the bedding. “I will let you do your magic. How is that?” I smile. I could use a good interior design here. Some red here and there will be good. These white tiles around the whole house will need to go. 

After a quick shower I decided to go the hospital to check on my niece and nephew. Arriving I find the room occupied with ghosts. 
“Umafa avuke.” I say with a grin. He chucks shaking his head. 
“What did that josaka do to you. Where is the innocent Khanyi?” He saks. He looks so weak and tired. But better that he woke up from the dead. 
“How are my kids doing?” I decided to ignore his statement. Anything regarding Mkhuleko, I will push it at the back of my head. I cannot crack and drown for a man that doesn’t even want to be seen by me. I thought that maybe we were a team, but I guess I was in a relationship alone. This is not about my heartbreak but welcome my kids. 
“The girl belongs to Skhosane and the male one ekaManqoba. We haven’t decided on the names. We are waiting for his mother to come and name our champion.” Thabi says with a full-blown smile on her face. I stringed my legs towards the baby girl that was laying in her cot. 
“She is so big.” I exclaim in shock. I want to pick her up but damn she is just way too big. “Where did she come from?” I turn to look at Thabi. 
“How do you mean?” The confusion on my sister’s face.
“I mean did you give birth with your kuku?” 
“Haibo! Yous shouldn't be asking me that. Wena, you ran out of here and left me to deal with the pain alone. What kind of a sister are you?” 
I just blankly look at her. Did she not see her face during the first push. I couldn’t have stayed and watched all of that. I still value my life even in after life even in after death. 
“I am never having babies.” And I swear. Having babies will be the last thing I do. That reminds me I need to buy a morning pill as in yesterday!


I looked at the picture uploaded on Facebook. So, Thabi gave birth, and no one took the initiative to give me a call and advise me that my baby has been born. I shake my head in disbelief. Yes, I have been absent for quite some time, but that doesn’t mean I should be outcasted as a father. I have the right, every right to be with my child. 
“My back hurts.” Amanda tells me sitting down. She looks huge for a person who is just four months. 
“What did the doctor say?” I ask. 
“My BP is not good. She will be placing me over the night just to monitor closely.” She informs me. She has been sick from the get go. One of the reasons that keeps me distracted all the time. Amanda requires my time to the fullest. 
“Is it that bad." I ask brushing her back. She blinks away in tears and takes a deep breath. 
“I hate hospitals.” I laugh. She can cry all she wants but this manipulation can never work on me. 
“Thabi gave birth to a girl.” I blurt out. As much as I am happy that I am father, I am more hurt that I was never informed. 
“I don’t know what to say.” 
“I am just heartbroken that I was not there. I wish I was the first one that held her.” Honestly speaking I am hurt. 
“Now I feel bad. Your baby arrived and you were here nursing me.” She sighs deeply. 
I caressed her arm. “Don't feel bad. Maybe it was meant for me not to be there. I will check up on them tomorrow morning.” 
“I don’t want it to look like I was the one that kept you away in the first place.” I will not respond tho that. Yes, she was the one that kept me in the first place!




Morning came and I decided to go see Thabi. I texted her requesting or the hospital that she has been admitted to. I am familiar with Durban now so it’s just easy to locate places. I walked past the reception; she told me where she was being admitted. 
“Knock, knock.” She is fast asleep. I think I came way too early before the visiting hours. She slowly opens her eyes and yawns. 
“Skhosane Gumede.” The mockery in her voice cannot be missed. 
“How are you?’ 
She shrugs her shoulders. “Alive I believe.” 
Falling out of words. I decided to stand still and not say a word. A burse walks in carrying a baby wrapped in pink. 
“She decided to be an early bird today.” 
“This child will be the death of me. Didn’t I feed her like an hour ago?” She carefully takes the baby and smiles. The best smile mum could bring out. The nurse laughs. 
“Shes a eater. Look at her weight.”
“She took all the weight, and her brother is in the intensive care unit in that incubator.” You can never miss the hurt in her voice. 
“That young man is a fighter I tell you. Will check up on you guys later on.” The nurse walks out. 
“Want to hold your daughter? I haven't named her.” I feel my heart beating fast. I swear my heartbeat is on a rush of a marathon. So, indeed I am a father.

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