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I look at my brother sleeping on the hospital bed. A hint of pain-wave flushes over. Mkhuseli is not normal, and I am starting to let it sink in. I have been derailing to accept his situation, but I was just too hardheaded. My brother needs me, and I am here chasing after the dangerous life. A life that might get me killed even - someday. I rub my face frustrated. I wish he was an open book, someone who easily opens up. He fights his demons inside and never talks to anyone. He knows me, I tell him every shit I go through in life. He has always been there for me and funny enough I fail to return the favor. He slowly opens his eyes and groans. I rushed to the side and held his hand. The smile on his face is shallow. Filled with horror but trying too deep to hide it. I know when he is afraid and acting brave. Right now, is the situation we are in.
“Get me out of here.” He says in his husk voice.  
I raise my eyebrows in concern. “Shouldn't you wait for the doctors to discharge you?’ I ask. He shakes his no multiple times.  
“Take me to my hotel. I hate hospitals.” He adds. I believe there is more into this than him just acting out. I look at him and his eyes are empty. His eyes are telling a story, a story that is deep. 
“Okay. I will get the doctor to work on it.”  With the eyes he is looking at me with, I have no other option but to do what he wants. Hope this will not backfire in the end. 

“Do want to talk about it?’ I ask. After that demand of requesting to be discharged – I took him, straight to his hotel he booked. I ordered food for him, and he hasn't eaten. I know for a fact he is not going to it.  
“No. I’d rather not.” He says looking at a plate. I took time passing by the rank just to buy him this hotdog. I know how much of a hotdogger he is. He sighs heavily and leans back pushing the plate forward.  
“For how long you are going to push me away?” All I want is for him to tell me what is really bugging him. I want him to open up and tell me what is truly wrong. Maybe I might help in a way. 
“Mkhuleko, you do not understand, and no one understands the pain I am in. Not even my own mother.”  
“So, you are in pain?’  
He stands up and goes to stand beside the window. “I need to be alone.”  The shutting out...
“I am not leaving you like this. I don't trust you to be alone.”  

He chucks and turns to face me.  
“I am not suicidal – trust me. I have a lot to live for brother.” 
The sarcasm. But I will let that slide for now. I need to go to the hospital to check up on my mother as well. But I will not leave until I am certain that this one is okay.  
“Where is my phone?” His phone is right in front of him. I use my head and point it out for him. He grabs it roughly and punches in some numbers of some weird name. He sends a text and places the phone on top of the table. He goes to the bathroom and closes the door locking it. My feet find their way towards the table. Where the phone is placed. It doesn't take long for me to read through their conversations. Somehow, I feel like I am invading his privacy in a way. This is not how and what I intended to do but the boy left me with no choice but to play detective. Too many bookings are being made. I wonder what they are for. I forward the number to my phone and delete any traces. I placed the phone back where it was and stepped back. I want to know what he has been up to and why he is behaving in this manner. Maybe there is something that is deeper than this. I hear the toilet flush and I assume he is done doing his business. He walks out of the bathroom and drags his feet towards me. I can bet he did not even wash his hands. He only flushed. Old habits die hard. 
“Look, I must go. Something came up.” I look at my wristwatch. I want to go to this friend of his and find out what is really going on.  
“Right now?”  
“Yes. I will see you later.” I watch him as he sinks on to the couch closing his eyes. “Don't forget to wash your hands before eating.” I remind him. I see a smile spreading on his face. A fit of laughter follows – at least it’s a genuine one. I walk out and head straight to the parking lot. I sent Manqoba the number and name. I want him to track this person for me. Asking Mkhuseli about it will be like adding fuel to his anger. I will wait in the car for the details. And indeed, he sends me the details that I want.  
“Therapist?” I ask myself in confusion. What in the God’s name is he doing with a therapist number? Guess there is only one way to find out. I drive straight to the location provided. Parking outside. I feel my insides turning. I know for a fact that I shouldn't be here. I just pray that my brother is not into some dodgy shit. I step out of the car and make my way to the receptionist. I am told to wait for the doctor to be available. She has a session. An hour passes and I am starting to lose patience. Finally, I see a couple walking out. Without waste I rush to her office and close the door making sure to lock it. She looks at me. 
“It will be good if you sat down.” I speak. “I want to have a serious conversation with you about my brother.” I add. I occupy the vacant chair and relax.  
“I do not share my patients' details.” I love how brave she is. I smile – I know just one thing that will make her talk. I pull out my gun from my back and place it on top of the table.  
“I don't hurt women. That is how I was raised to love them and cater for them. But you are pushing me to do the worst. Come take a seat.” I see fear in her eyes. That feisty act is gone. She slowly sits and the edge of the chair.  
“Ho... how can I help you?”  
“Now you are talking. I want information about my brother. Mkhuseli.” I see her eyes pop out. She clearly knows something that I do not know. She shakes her head no.  
“What have you done to him?”  
“Nothing, yet. But if you give me what I want, I might just spare him.”  I lie. I hope I am playing my cards right. 

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