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I woke up with a bandage around my foot. I still feel drowsy. I can confirm that – that stupid man put something in that juice. He has been forcing me to sleep and my body gave in, in an unexplainable way. Failing to raise the rest of my body up I decided to let my eyes rest again. I close my eyes and sleep take over...

Some shuffling around. My eyes are not good today. They hurt to the core. I strength myself and finally gather some strength to sit up straight. Through the blurry vision I see Mkhuleko staring at his blank Laptop. 
“Prayer.” He looks at me. His eyes are bloody red shot, and they scare me. He stands up and comes to sit next to me. “What is the matter? Why are you looking sad?” I ask. My throat is also painful and dry. I need to drink water after nursing this man’s emotions. What about my emotions? Guess I have been preparing myself for the worst situations and worst-case scenarios lately. I won't heal easily. The life I live now is the life I have never envisioned. But what else can I say. We do not choose who we fall in love with. My heart chose him, and it will be shall forever him. The life he lives – I cannot change him. But maybe he will eventually change in the future for the better. 
“Manqoba was shot. What saddens me is he was shot making his way to us. The team notified him about us being followed. He didn’t check the coast like he normally does. His mind was here, and he just drove. The armatures located him, and they shot him multiple times. Doctors say he slipped into a comma. I am afraid. What if he doesn’t make it?” He looks so valuable. My heart breaks for him. But my mind is still clouded of what went down day back. 
“You always told me to stay positive and have a positive mindset. Manqoba is a fighter, and he will be fine. Just keep him in your prayers.” 
I am beyond shock and heartbroken. I know that Manqoba would kill for him same goes for Mkhuleko. Again, I have to stay strong for him – this is the hardest time of his life. I have to be there for him. I open my arms. I know he wants to be natured. Mkhuleko comes out as this big, strong, stop nonsense kind of man but in a fact. He is a softy inside. His ego gets bruised easily. He comes to the embrace. He lays his head on top of my chest. I know when he wants to cry. I told him too. My chest is now filled with his tears. When he is hurting the only way to heal for him is through the rough sex. Can I give him that? Can I make him feel, okay? I hate it that he is at his lowest. I held him tighter. 
“I will always be here for you no matter what.” I assure him. He drops his hands underneath the sheet that is covering my body. I know what he wants. I am afraid to give him. Last time everything in me was inflamed. The knock on the door saves the day. He gets off the bed, tucks his boner neatly and step out. I know that is not Babana knocking. He shouts for the whole neighborhood to hear. I also get off the bed I need to wear something decent. I am also hunger. I pull for my leggings and oversize t-shirt. I gently push my feet inside the flip flops and limp towards the door. I hear some voices talking as I approach. Three male heads. 
“Sanibona.” I greet and walk past but I stop on my tracks when I notice a familiar face. He freezes also when he looks at me. I feel my lower body weakening. 
“Skhosane!” I exclaimed his name in shock. He blinks multiple times. “What are you doing here?” I ask. Mkhuleko stands up and makes his way to me. He gently holds my hand and asks that we sit down. I don’t like this tension one bit. But I sit either way. 
“Khanyi. How are you?” He is not even looking at me. But his eyes are dancing around the house. I wonder what this is about. 
“Good. What is going on?” I look at Mkhuleko. He holds my hand and squeezes it lightly. 
“Thabi was admitted.” 
I feel my blood getting cold. 
“How? Is she sick?”
“It’s the trauma babe. She saw Manqoba at the scene and she lost it.  Luckily the baby is fine too. That is what the doctor confirmed.” 
“Take me to my sister.” 
I am already on my feet. The pains shooting all over my body is nothing compared to what my sister is going through. 
“No but’s Prayer! I want my sister and you shall take me to her right this minute!” I never knew that my voice could go this high. I am surprised even by myself. He stands up and holds my hand. Skhosane is busy side eyeing me and I couldn’t care less.

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