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Still laying on the bed lazy to wake up. My body feels tired like I have been hit by a truck. My eyes are itchy. There is a foul smell in my bedroom. I finally got the strength to get up and sit. Something leaks out of me. I touch my virgina – it’s slippery wet. Did I have a wet dream? But I don’t recall having any. The atmosphere smells of cologne I am familiar with. My heart skips a beat. I stood up and ran to the window. Stupid me, these windows have burglars. I swear I can smell him all over me. Maybe I am beginning to look and feel stupid. It can’t be. I rushed out of the room. I found Thabi and Babana having breakfast. I look around the house and there is no sign of him. 
“Are you okay?’ Thabi asks. I ran out of the house. Still no sign of him. I sigh in discouragement and walk back into the house. 
“Did he come?” I ask. 
“Who?” My father asks. 
“I think you were having one of those dreams again.” Thabi chirps in. Maybe she is right. I am hallucinating. I sigh feeling annoyed. Part of me was hoping for him to be around. I wish… I actually know he was around. I can sense it. I know how Mkhuleko play his mind games. Ow shit! My two feet find it’s way to the bathroom. I lock the door shut. I grab the mirror, pull my thong out. My one leg is on the sink. I bring the mirror in between my thighs No force entry. But there is semen leaking out of me. It’s thick. I rub my hand against it. It smells – it smells him! This is defiantly his semen. My heart pounds in fear. Should I go to the hospital? I put the mirror back in its potion. I need to take a shower. Maybe my mind will come back. 

I am turning my room upside down trying to look for whatever might give me a clue. I know he was here, and I can sense it. That stupid shower made no difference.
“Are you spring cleaning?” 
“I am looking for something.” I respond. 
“What is that?” 
Can Thabi please leave me alone. I am in no mood to be interrogated by her. I am looking for what I’m looking for. What is it – I also have no clue. 
“Could it be possible that Mkhuleko is out of jail?” I direct the question to her. She shamefully looks down. 
“I’m sorry.” She tells me. What is she sorry about? 
“The thing is…” Her phone rings. She quickly excuses herself before she could even respond. Now I am left with a lot of thoughts. There is only one way to find out. I grabbed my phone from the table. She forgot it by mistake. I still remember his numbers. I dial them through and place the phone on my ear. It rings unanswered. I try again this time around he picks up and doesn’t respond. 
“Mkhuleko.” My voice trembles. It hits me. My life has been empty without him. He is still quiet. “I know that you were here, and you did something to me.” 
I can hear him breathing. I am frustrated. 
“Toti.” That deep voice. A tingling sensation builds up in me. My God I love this man. I gasped in shock. It is truly him. I feel my world spinning. No words being exchanged after that – just us listening to each other’s breath. I miss him. His touch, kiss. Him telling me that he loves me. This is where my heart lies. I dropped the phone and took a deep breath. I am hoping for him to call back, but he doesn’t.  I stared at the screen hoping to see his number pop up – but it didn’t. You know what. I am going to his place right this minute. 
“Are you going somewhere?’ The way Thabi doesn’t want me to leave the house annoys me. 
“Yes, to see Mkhuleko.” She fakes a cough. I walk past her, but she grabs my hand. “I need your help with something.” 
See what I mean. My blood boils. I am tired of being made a fool. “Thabi – just tell me what I need to know.” I look at her. She smiles nervously. “Like what?” She mustn’t try me.
Now it makes perfect sense. “If I remember correctly – I slept on the couch yesterday. How is it that I woke in my room dripping a man’s cum and smell his cologne all over me and my room?’ I ask. 
“What!” She looks shocked. “I told him not to touch you!” She screams. So, my suspicions were right. This man was here in my bedroom. Now I know what I wanted to know. Now my question is, did he sleep with me? But there was no force penetration or even an attempt. I don’t feel weird in any way. 
“I want to see him right this minute.” I say. I fill tears prickle in my eyes. I am hurt – deeply hurt by him. He told me to move on, which I did. Now that I’ve moved on, he is back. Is he back for me or is he trying to warm his back way to me? Why is Mkhuleko giving me mixed signals? 
“I can’t.” 
“I am damn sure that you let him in because it was just the two of us in this house. There is no way that Mkhuleko could have broken in. That man respects my father.” 
“Fine! I will tell Manqoba that you need to see Mkhuleko.” 

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