Chapter 10 - Karalyn and Celare

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A/N: Sorry for the slow update. I have lots of things to work on lately. I also confirmed the previous few chapters so that no plot holes occurred. Thank you to the readers who are still patiently waiting for the latest update, I'm really sorry it took so long. This chapter will feature Astrid and Karalyn's interactions. Karalyn is an important character in this story, so I wanted to make the two of them at least respect each other. Happy reading!

The birds singing and the gentle wind in the woods, calmed Astrid's mind. The Berk Forest is her favorite place. Calm and peaceful, always a place of recovery from activities and heavy thoughts. Although many trees have been cut down over the past few years, Berk's forests are still beautiful. Astrid is not the type of person who likes to be alone, it's just that she always needs time to get away from everything that exists. She needed time to rest herself from all the activities, study the heir and calm her mind. The Berk forest also led him to remember Hiccup.

Inevitably, she recalled her actions 10 years ago. She saw Hiccup befriending the dragon and ran to Chief Stoick without a second thought. She always wondered what would happen if she let Hiccup explain to her about his Night Fury. Perhaps as well, Astrid could restore their relationship that she had damaged. With her able to understand the reason for Hiccup's friendship with the dragon, they also have time to find a solution to the dragon problem, so it doesn't cause a scene. However, what happened was that she got Hiccup banished from the tribe, indirectly. Astrid always wondered how Hiccup would be like now if he were still here. Tall like Tuffnut? Most likely. Big and Fat like Fishlegs? That's barely possible. Or short and muscular like Snotlout? Astrid felt herself sick at the thought of Snotlout.

Astrid has now arrived at a cove. Raven Point cove. Her favorite place and became her secret meeting place with Stormfly. The water in the lake is still clear and natural, showing the fish in the lake, which can tempt the dragons at first glance. Tall trees cover the area. Astrid entered the Lake area, after passing some mossy rocks, she looked around looking for her dragon friend. She saw Stormfly eating some of the fish it had just caught. When he saw Astrid, Nadder squeaked excitedly as she ran towards her, having finished her fish.

"Hey girl," Astrid greeted as she stroked Stormfly's muzzle, feeling her warm scales from her cold hands. "How are you?"

Stormfly was squawking excitedly again as she stroked the side of Astrid's head lovingly. Astrid just smiled. Her parents sometimes had a hard time understanding her, her friends too, but Stormfly was always there for her. The Nadder seems to be able to read the emotions and thoughts of her human friend, so she can comfort him in various ways.

Stormfly squawked as if to say, 'I'm fine, how about you Astrid?'

"I'm fine Stormfly," Astrid said with a smile, sitting on one of the tree trunks which was positioned to sleep. "I'm just thinking about Hiccup."

Stormfly lay beside Astrid looking at her sympathetically. So far, Astrid has never shared her worries and guilt about Hiccup with anyone, whether it's her mother or Ruffnut. Instead, she always tells Stormfly his problems. Stormfly was silent the entire time Astrid spoke, only a few times squawking or gently stroking the side of her head. Perhaps people would think that he was crazy talking to a dragon, like deliberating how she would die from being devoured by a beast. But one thing people don't know is that dragons are sentient beings who care for others, who show no hostility.

"I feel so guilty about what I did to him," Astrid said sadly, hugging her legs. Stormfly looked at her sadly. "I'm so mean. She trusted me, but I betrayed him. He loves me too, but I hurt his feelings. Oh, I'm really terrible, Stormfly."

Stormfly nuzzled her head against Astrid's side, squawking softly in sympathy. She was sad to see her human friend sad like that. The Nadder was thinking of comforting Astrid. The dragon rose quickly, which startled Astrid slightly, then ducked a little closer to her.

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