Chapter 6 - Flight, Nest, and Caught

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Hiccup walked briskly toward the cove. He's finished. With the title of heir lost, the villagers and teenagers would happily spend their time beating him black and blue. Hiccup is really angry, annoyed and frustrated. He should be mad at his 'father' and Astrid. They cost him the only thing that had kept him going this long. But he also gave up, because after all no one ever liked him especially when he became chief.

Hiccup must meet Toothless. He is his best friend, despite the fact that Toothless is a dragon, Berk's worst enemy. Not without reason, Toothless is very loyal to Hiccup. Even though he is a dragon, Toothless understands and cares for Hiccup. It is undeniable that Berkian's enemy is much better than Berkian their self, in treating Hiccup.

Walking towards the cove, Hiccup can see Toothless lying relaxed on the scorched ground, where he shoots hot flames to comfort himself. Seeing Hiccup's arrival, the Night Fury immediately got excited and approached Hiccup.

"Hey bud," Hiccup said while stroking Toothless head, where suddenly Toothless licked Hiccup's face excitedly. "Ouhhh Toothless, this won't go away!"

Hiccup nudged Toothless' head while pouting playfully. The Night Fury backed away and let out a rhythmic roar. Hiccup just smiled at him. Toothless is the only one who cares about him, including Gobber the blacksmith and village elder Gothi. They are all the reasons Hiccup can continue to survive in this situation. He couldn't imagine what would have happened without them. The warmth of their attention made him feel better.

Hiccup sat down on a tree trunk and sighed heavily. His mind was filled with guesses about his future self. After Astrid, his former best friend and crush, becomes the heiress, Hiccup can imagine the torment and ridicule from the villagers getting worse. He had to think of a way to deal with all of this.

Should he run away? If he ran away nobody would care. Hiccup bets that his father and the villagers won't even notice he's missing.

Hiccup sighed again. Being in Raven Point Cove, with the sound of the birds singing and the wind, is much more comfortable than being in the village where people must be celebrating their new heir.

Toothless came up to Hiccup while nudging his head.

"What's wrong bud?" asked Hiccup while stroking the side of the Night Fury's head.

Toothless only sent a requesting glance at Hiccup while directing his gaze towards his scaly back. Hiccup is initially confused by what Toothless means, then he jerks to his senses.

"You mean you asked me to get on your back?" asked Hiccup nervously. "A-and fly?"

Toothless let out a gummy smile while nodding his head, it was clear this Night Fury understood his human companion's words. Hiccup is very nervous at his best friend's request. Remembering the incident this morning, where Hiccup was on top of Toothless and flying really fast made him a little traumatized. But anyway, if he didn't try again, he wouldn't know what it was like to fly on a dragon, ever again.

Hiccup, who was initially afraid and refused, was overpowered by his curiosity and high adrenaline rush. Sighing, Hiccup headed for Toothless.

The dragon lowered its body close to the ground so that Hiccup could climb up easily. Hiccup climbs onto Toothless's back and feels the rough, warm scales on his butt. He had to get used to this.

Hiccup positioned his body on top of Toothless for safety and comfort. With a sigh, he regulated his increased heartbeat. He will fly, above the dragon, again.

A small rustling sound in the bushes made Hiccup and Toothless turn their heads. Convinced it was just animal noises, Hiccup orders Toothless to prepare for takeoff. Toothless's bat's wings spread wide and the dragon's legs took off. Immediately with incredible speed, the Night Fury carried his human companion into the evening sky.

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