Yoongi's room was extremely cozy, you thought when you walked into the room. The ambient light was just right, and there were plenty of soft pillows and blankets that you could cuddle up with. However, the best part was the fluffy fox that was curled up in the middle of his bed. "Yoongi, oh my gosh!" you exclaimed as you made a beeline towards the fox, who looked up at you in confusion when it heard you speak. Yoongi chuckled and followed behind you. "Is this the new pet you were talking about the other day? What's its name?"

   "Her name is Hyemin," smiled Yoongi as he opened his arms out for his pet, who bounded right into them. "She's my best friend now. I love her a lot." Yoo cooed at your mate as he cuddled his fox to his chest and scented her.

   "You met her at your safe place?" you questioned as you sat down on Yoongi's unbelievably soft bed.

   Yoongi nodded. "I offered her some of the rabbit I killed, and she refused to leave my side after that."

   "That's so adorable," you whispered as you stared at your mate with heart eyes. Yoongi met your eyes for about two seconds with a big and wide smile, one that sent an arrow straight through your heart.

   After cuddling Hyemin for a few more moments, Yoongi released her and climbed onto the top of his bed. "Come here," he said and opened up his arms for you. You felt giddy as you climbed into them and snuggled into his body. Yoongi hummed contently and began to quietly scent you, making the room smell even more like he did, and you absolutely loved it. You allowed yourself to purr happily, which made Yoongi feel like a champion. He was the only one that could make you make those kinds of sounds, and they were only for him.

   "I know I said that I wasn't upset about it before, but my feelings changed a little bit while I was in my safe space," whispered Yoongi after a while. You felt yourself tense up and the purring stopped. "I was mad at you, but I forgive you. Like I said before, you were just happy to brag about how awesome I am, and it slipped out." You rolled your eyes at that. "It's unfortunate that Woomin was the one you slipped to, but it's okay. You were apologetic, and that's all I need to move forward. Thank you for telling me about it the moment it happened." You closed your eyes and snuggled your head into Yoongi's neck and resumed purring instead of replying to his words. Yoongi chuckled and held you even tighter than he had before.

   "I'm the first girlfriend you've brought home?" you asked into Yoongi's neck, making your words come out muffled. Yoongi shifted on the bed.

   "You're the only girlfriend I've had."

   You looked up confusedly. "Really? Why?"

   "I've been waiting for my mate. Obviously," Yoongi scoffed playfully. You felt your heart warm at that. "Well, I had a thing going with this girl when I was like seventeen but it lasted like a week so I don't really count her. She kissed me one time, but I hated it and we never did anything after that." You chuckled a little at that and buried yourself back into his neck. "You?"

   "Never had a partner. My pack is really big on mates, so it's extremely rare that someone dates someone other than their mate." Yoongi hummed.

   The door creaked open. You and Yoongi looked towards the door in confusion. "I swear I locked that," he mumbled.

   "You know that that won't stop me, Hyung," a voice giggled from the other side of the door. A head popped through the crack. Park Jimin.

   Yoongi groaned and buried his face into your neck. "Go away, Jiminie."

   "I want to meet your girlfriend first!" he exclaimed. "Can I come in?"

   "You already lock picked the door," Yoongi scowled. "Just come in already." Jimin pushed the door open and waddled into the room, an unfamiliar man following behind him. You glanced at Yoongi. "It's his boyfriend," he said to you in the mind link. Your eyes widened in surprise.

   "Hello!" Jimin excitedly greeted you. "What's your name?"

   "I'm Y/N," you shyly responded.

   "We're going to be the best of friends, Y/N. After Taehyung, of course," Jimin giggled again. A smile spread across your face without your permission and you nodded. Jimin's boyfriend remained silent, but gave you a sweet smile.

   "Alright, Jimin, you met her. Now get lost," Yoongi grumbled, annoyed that your attention was no longer on him.

   "Fine, meanie. I can tell when I'm no longer welcome." Jimin and his boyfriend turned around and made their way out of the room. "I'll have Yoongi send me your contact information later on, Y/N!" Jimin called into the room before he closed the door. Yoongi huffed and once again snuggled into your neck, inhaling your scent.

   "I didn't know Jimin was gay," you thought aloud.

   "He likes boys and girls—whatever that's called. He's the only one that's brought boyfriends home, but they've all brought girlfriends. More of them could like guys too but I don't really know or care," replied Yoongi. You hummed.

   You both laid there comfortingly, enjoying being in a close proximity with one another. Your scents mixed together beautifully, creating a scent so calming that you eventually felt yourself falling asleep. "Sleep, pup," Yoongi whispered into your ear when he heard your breathing slow down. You grabbed his shirt. "I'll wake you up in a few hours. For now, get some rest." You fell asleep feeling warm and loved—a feeling that you felt you could soon get used to. Your relationship with Yoongi was progressing at its own pace, but at a pace that was still making you satisfied which was all you could ask for. You hoped that you would feel like that when you were with Yoongi for the rest of your life.


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

I moved into my dorms yesterday and it's so weird being away from home T~T I miss my bed

Bye friends~~<3

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