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𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮
2 ½ years ago

Loureline and Chris still had to tell their parents that they were together. Lori made a big deal out of it because her parents were really just waiting for the moment when they would tell them.

So they stood in front of Mary-Lou and Jimmy who were sitting on the sofa.
"We have something to tell you." Said Chris and nervously looked at Lori who nodded with a smile.

"Okay, go ahead Chris." Said his father, who already knew what was coming.

"Lori and I..." started Chris and took her hand. Mary-lou jumped up.
"Yes, it's finally happening," she sang, hugging Lori in her arms.
"But I didn't even finish." Chris said as his father stood up.

"Your mother was just waiting for this to happen, and it's more than obvious that you're together," his father said with a laugh.

"That makes me so happy that you made it, I'm proud of you Chris." Said his mother as she hugged him happily.

I was sitting with my father in the car on the way back from the airport.

"Dad, I have to tell you something."
"Sure, what is it?" he asked. I hesitated, it would hurt him.
"Mom is going to marry him."

I watched his reaction, I don't know what I expected. That he would freak out? That he would cry? That he would drive the car into a tree because he was so shocked? But no, he drove on normally and just smiled sadly.

"I know" he said.
"You know?"
"Yes Lori, I saw the invitation, it was on your desk when I went to borrow a pen."

I looked at him expectantly but he didn't say anything else. "And now?" I asked.

"What should be Lori? I'm happy for her." I looked at him shocked, I didn't expect that. He continued. "I loved your mother and just because we are no longer together doesn't mean I shouldn't be happy for her. You can tell her I'm coming."

"You want to go?" I asked, even more shocked, the whole situation was confusing. "Loureline." He said with a sigh.
"It's time to change something. Just as you don't hate her anymore, as I see, I don't either."

I was proud of him for doing it, for forgiving her. I admired him, I could never, I could never dance at chris's wedding if I wasn't the bride.
The days went by and I told the boys what had happened, of course I didn't tell them everything, my mother used Chris as her comparison for example.

Chris and I acted like friends, really just friends. I had never really been just friends with him and it felt strange.

His Pov

The days passed, we, Loureline and her father spent Silverster with us and we started the new year together. Again and again I caught myself looking at her, which I forbade myself. She was now taken.

And eventually school started again. Lori sometimes sat alone with Jer at the table, and every now and then the two of them would run away from the schoolyard during break time, which didn't suit me at all. Like this one day.

I sighed. "Chris, I think you should look for someone new." Said Amber, snuggling up to Matt.

Sometimes the two of them together upset me because every time they reminded me of how Eline and I could have ended up.

"After who?" I asked.
"Is this a joke, half of the cheeleaders have a crush on you chris." She said and matt and nick laughed.

"They're all too fucking superficial for me."
"Oh come on chris. I like one of them a lot. She's not a bitch, she's good looking and she'd be serious about you." She said.

𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 - Chris SturnioloWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu